20 July 2020

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Risk On! - With a Twist

"No matter how sophisticated our choices, how good we are at dominating the odds, randomness will have the last word.”

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

“Outrage is like a lot of other things that feel good but, over time, devour us from the inside out. Except it’s even more insidious than most vices because we don’t even consciously acknowledge that it’s a pleasure. We prefer to think of it as a disagreeable but fundamentally healthy reaction to negative stimuli, like pain or nausea, rather than admit that it’s a shameful kick we eagerly indulge again and again."

Tim Kreider, We Learn Nothing

Stocks were in rally mode today, the typical kind of narrow rally focused on the big name 'story stocks.'

Gold and silver were sailing along, with silver in particular taking hold of the 20 handle and hanging on to it with a firm grip.

Both gold and silver have broken out. I have highlighted the objective on the charts.

This is a highly unstable, self-referential equity market.

It is not a question of 'if' but 'when' it melts down, and what sets it off.

On a scale of 1 to 10, this is nuts and getting nuttier by the day.

And the band played on.

Have a pleasant evening.