30 June 2017

Willing Blindness and the Gradual Seduction of Evil

"I was satisfied that I wasn't personally to blame and that I hadn't known about those things. I wasn't aware of the extent of the crimes.

But one day I went past the memorial plaque which had been put up for Sophie Scholl in Franz Josef Strasse, and I saw that she was born the same year as me, and she was executed the same year I started working for Hitler.

And at that moment I actually sensed that it was no excuse to be young, and that it would have been possible to find things out."

Traudl Junge, Hitler's Secretary

What is surprising is not that we are called to do so much, but rather, so little.   And so often we grudgingly fail to do even that, or do something else in the way that we please and call it a sacrifice.

Love and be grateful to God, treat people as you would like to be treated with respect, kindness, mercy and forgiveness.  Do not lie or steal or cheat,  do not be proud and look down on your fellow creatures, and act with honor and respect for the gifts of His creation. 

And when we fail through weakness, we are readily forgiven if we are but genuinely repentant for our misdeeds, by action or omission.

But all too often we bargain away our souls, one piece at a time, rebelling from even these small and reasonable requests to goodness—  and for relatively so little in return.   A little more money, some prestige and recognition from the worldly, and a feeling of being superior to the rest of humanity.  They are fools, but I am smart, and fully deserve everything that we have been given, owing nothing to anyone, including God. 

And we may hold on to that poisonous bargain out of stiff-necked, stubborn pride and a willful blindness refusing to repent and admit our errors, until we fall into the abyss.  Misery loves company, and the sinful insulate themselves from a recognition of the foulness of their hearts by attempting to convert those around them to the same wickedness.

You will serve what you love the most, and sacrifice for the love of what you serve.  Whether it be God, a political ideology, yourself, or some other idol of the world.  No one can serve two masters.

But I do strongly fear that we are once again fallen into a time of general apostasy from those things that make and keep us fully human.   And I am afraid that most will be deceived, even among the faithful.
"Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their riches and splendors.  ‘All this I will give you,’ he said, ‘if you will bow down and worship me.’"
For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world, but lose his soul.

The White Rose
Second Leaflet
Munich, 1942

We will not be silent.

It is impossible to engage in intellectual discourse with National Socialist philosophy, for if there were such an entity, one would have to try by means of analysis and discussion either to prove its validity or to combat it. In actuality, however, we face a totally different situation.

At its very inception this movement depended on the deception and betrayal of one's fellow man; even at that time it was inwardly corrupt and could support itself only by constant lies. After all, Hitler states in an early edition of "his" book (a book written in the worst German I have ever read, in spite of the fact that it has been elevated to the position of the Bible in this nation of poets and thinkers): "It is unbelievable, to what extent one must betray a people in order to rule it."

If at the start this cancerous growth in the nation was not particularly noticeable, it was only because there were still enough forces at work that operated for the good, so that it was kept under control. As it grew larger, however, and finally in an ultimate spurt of growth attained ruling power, the tumor broke open, as it were, and infected the whole body.

The greater part of its former opponents went into hiding. The German intellectuals fled to their cellars, there, like plants struggling in the dark, away from light and sun, gradually to choke to death.

Now the end is at hand. Now it is our task to find one another again, to spread information from person to person, to keep a steady purpose, and to allow ourselves no rest until the last man is persuaded of the urgent need of his struggle against this system. When thus a wave of unrest goes through the land, when "it is in the air," when many join the cause, then in a great final effort this system can be shaken off.

After all, an end in terror is preferable to terror without end.

We are not in a position to draw up a final judgment about the meaning of our history. But if this catastrophe can be used to further the public welfare, it will be only by virtue of the fact that we are cleansed by suffering; that we yearn for the light in the midst of deepest night, summon our strength, and finally help in shaking off the yoke which weighs on our world.

We do not want to discuss here the question of the Jews, nor do we want in this leaflet to compose a defense or apology. No, only by way of example do we want to cite the fact that since the conquest of Poland three hundred thousand Jews have been murdered in this country in the most bestial way.

Here we see the most frightful crime against human dignity, a crime that is unparalleled in the whole of history. For Jews, too, are human beings - no matter what position we take with respect to the Jewish question - and a crime of this dimension has been perpetrated against human beings.

Someone may say that the Jews deserve their fate. This assertion would be a monstrous impertinence; but let us assume that someone said this - what position has he then taken toward the fact that the entire Polish aristocratic youth is being annihilated? (May God grant that this program has not yet fully achieved its aim as yet!)

All male offspring of the houses of the nobility between the ages of fifteen and twenty were transported to concentration camps in Germany and sentenced to forced labor, and all the girls of this age group were sent to Norway, into the bordellos of the SS!

Why tell you these things, since you are fully aware of them - or if not of these, then of other equally grave crimes committed by this frightful sub- humanity? Because here we touch on a problem which involves us deeply and forces us all to take thought.

Why do German people behave so apathetically in the face of all these abominable crimes, crimes so unworthy of the human race? Hardly anyone thinks about that.

It is accepted as fact and put out of mind. The German people slumber on in their dull, stupid sleep and encourage these fascist criminals; they give them the opportunity to carry on their depredations; and of course they do so.

Is this a sign that the Germans are brutalized in their simplest human feelings, that no chord within them cries out at the sight of such deeds, that they have sunk into a fatal consciencelessness from which they will never, never awake?

It seems to be so, and will certainly be so, if the German does not at last start up out of his stupor, if he does not protest wherever and whenever he can against this clique of criminals, if he shows no sympathy for these hundreds of thousands of victims. He must evidence not only sympathy; no, much more: a sense of complicity in guilt.

For through his apathetic behavior he gives these evil men the opportunity to act as they do; he tolerates this "government" which has taken upon itself such an infinitely great burden of guilt; indeed, he himself is to blame for the fact that it came about at all...

Please make as many copies of this leaflet as you can and distribute them.

29 June 2017

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Oh Snap!

Bully had quite the wild ride today in equities.

Fear of an End to Easy Money Prompts Sell Off

Thanks be to God for all His tender mercies.

Starość nie radość old age is no joke.

Have a pleasant evening.

Thomas Frank: The Demise of the Democratic Party Establishment: Hubris, Nemesis, and the Credibility Trap

"What kind of nation are we when we give tax breaks to billionaires, but we can't take care of the elderly and the children."

Bernie Sanders

It started by selling their souls to Big Money and class elitism. In this they joined forces with the Republican party which declared its allegiance to Mammon many years ago, and has served it faithfully ever since.

It started when the Democratic party establishment repudiated and then abandoned the New Deal principles and ideals under Bill Clinton because the opportunity for personal income and advancement was so much greater.

And this has become such a problem that unless one understands the credibility trap of the status quo in a state of systemic corruption, the actions of the Democrats seem neurotic and pointlessly self-defeating. They seem unwittingly caught in a death spiral of much of their own doing. And the question one might ask is 'why?'

Because it is better, at least for some, to rule in hell than to serve in heaven, to have a first class ticket on the Titanic and a reserved place in the lifeboats that it would be to travel with everyone else, in abundant comfort and safety, but without special privileges and perks that sets the very best and most deserving, as they define it, apart.

The Crash of 1929 - But somewhere, deep down, they knew the party was over.

"...people believed that everything was going to be great always, always. There was a feeling of optimism in the air that you cannot even describe today."

"There was great hope. America came out of World War I with the economy intact. We were the only strong country in the world. The dollar was king. We had a very popular president in the middle of the decade, Calvin Coolidge, and an even more popular one elected in 1928, Herbert Hoover. So things looked pretty good."

"The economy was changing in this new America. It was the dawn of the consumer revolution. New inventions, mass marketing, factories turning out amazing products like radios, rayon, air conditioners, underarm deodorant...One of the most wondrous inventions of the age was consumer credit. Before 1920, the average worker couldn't borrow money. By 1929, "buy now, pay later" had become a way of life."

"Wall Street got the credit for this prosperity and Wall Street was dominated by just a small group of wealthy men. Rarely in the history of this nation had so much raw power been concentrated in the hands of a few businessmen..."

"One of the most common tactics was to manipulate the price of a particular stock, a stock like Radio Corporation of America...Wealthy investors would pool their money in a secret agreement to buy a stock, inflate its price and then sell it to an unsuspecting public. Most stocks in the 1920s were regularly manipulated by insiders "

"I would say that practically all the financial journals were on the take. This includes reporters for The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Herald-Tribune, you name it. So if you were a pool operator, you'd call your friend at The Times and say, "Look, Charlie, there's an envelope waiting for you here and we think that perhaps you should write something nice about RCA." And Charlie would write something nice about RCA. A publicity man called A. Newton Plummer had canceled checks from practically every major journalist in New York City... Then, they would begin to -- what was called "painting the tape" and they would make the stock look exciting. They would trade among themselves and you'd see these big prints on RCA and people will say, "Oh, it looks as though that stock is being accumulated. Now, if they are behind it, you want to join them, so you go out and you buy stock also. Now, what's happening is the stock goes from 10 to 15 to 20 and now, it's at 20 and you start buying, other people start buying at 30, 40. The original group, the pool, they've stopped buying. They're selling you the stock. It's now 50 and they're out of it. And what happens, of course, is the stock collapses."

"The pools were a little like musical chairs. When the music stopped, somebody owned the stocks and those were the sufferers. If small investors suffered, they would soon be back for more. They knew the game was rigged, but maybe next time, they could beat the system. Wall Street had its critics, among them economist Roger Babson. He questioned the boom and was accused of lack of patriotism, of selling America short."

"Roger Babson warned of the speculation and said, "There's going to be a crash and the aftermath is going to be quite terrible." And people jumped on Babson from all around for saying such a thing, so that people who were cautious about their personal reputation, who did not want to call down on themselves a lot of calumny, kept quiet."

"Politicians came and went, but in the 20s, the businessman was king."

"With everyone trying to borrow money to cover the falling value of their stocks, there was a credit crunch. Interest rates soared. At 20 percent, few people could afford to borrow more money. The boom was about to collapse like a house of cards."

"...the National City Bank would provide $25 million of credit...immediately, the credit crisis was alleviated. In fact, within the next 24 hours, call money went from 20 percent to eight percent and that stopped the panic, then, in March [1929]"

"Everything was not fine that spring with the American economy. It was showing ominous signs of trouble. Steel production was declining. The construction industry was sluggish. Car sales dropped. Customers were getting harder to find. And because of easy credit, many people were deeply in debt. Large sections of the population were poor and getting poorer."

"Just as Wall Street had reflected a steady growth in the economy throughout most of the 20s, it would seem that now the market should reflect the economic slowdown. Instead, it soared to record heights. Stock prices no longer had anything to do with company profits, the economy or anything else. The speculative boom had acquired a momentum of its own."

"It was this nature of mass illusion. Prices were going up, people bought. That forced prices up further, that brought in more people. And eventually, the process becomes self-perpetuating. Every increase brings in more people convinced of their God-given right to get rich."

"The 20s was a decade of all sorts of fast money schemes. Three years earlier, everyone was buying Florida real estate. As prices of land skyrocketed, more people jumped in, hoping to make a killing. Then, overnight, the boom turned to bust and investors lost everything."

"On September 5th, economist Roger Babson gave a speech to a group of businessmen. 'Sooner or later, a crash is coming and it may be terrific.' He'd been saying the same thing for two years, but now, for some reason, investors were listening. The market took a severe dip. They called it the "Babson Break." The next day, prices stabilized, but several days later, they began to drift lower. Though investors had no way of knowing it, the collapse had already begun."

"...the market fluctuated wildly up and down. On September 12th, prices dropped ten percent. They dipped sharply again on the 20th. Stock markets around the world were falling, too. Then, on September 25th, the market suddenly rallied."

"Reuben L. Cain, Stock Salesman, 1929: I remember well that I thought, "Why is this doing this?" And then I thought, "Well, I'm new here and these people" -- like every day in the paper, Charlie Mitchell would have something to say, the J.P. Morgan people would have something to say about how good things were -- and I thought, "Well, they know a lot more about this market than I do. I'm fairly new here and I really can't see why it's going up." But then, when they say it can't go down or if it does go down today, it'll go back tomorrow, you think, "Well, they really are like God. They know it all and it must be the way it's going because they say so."

"As the market floundered, financial leaders were as optimistic as ever, more so. Just five days before the crash, Thomas Lamont, acting head of the highly conservative Morgan Bank, wrote a letter to President Hoover. "The future appears brilliant. Our securities are the most desirable in the world."

"Practically every business leader in American and banker, right around the time of 1929, was saying how wonderful things were and the economy had only one way to go and that was up."

"There came a Wednesday, October 23rd, when the market was a little shaky, weak. And whether this caused some spread of pessimism, one doesn't know. It certainly led a lot of people to think they should get out. And so, Thursday, October the 24th -- the first Black Thursday -- the market, beginning in the morning, took a terrific tumble. The market opened in an absolutely free fall and some people couldn't even get any bids for their shares and it was wild panic. And an ugly crowd gathered outside the stock exchange and it was described as making weird and threatening noises. It was, indeed, one of the worst days that had ever been seen down there."

"There was a glimmer of hope on Black Thursday...About 12:30, there was an announcement that this group of bankers would make available a very substantial sum to ease the credit stringency and support the market. And right after that, Dick Whitney made his famous walk across the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.... At 1:30 in the afternoon, at the height of the panic, he strolled across the floor and in a loud, clear voice, ordered 10,000 shares of U.S. Steel at a price considerably higher than the last bid. He then went from post to post, shouting buy orders for key stocks."

"And sure enough, this seemed to be evidence that the bankers had moved in to end the panic. And they did end it for that day. The market then stabilized and even went up."

"But Monday was not good. Apparently, people had thought about things over the weekend, over Sunday, and decided maybe they might be safer to get out. And then came the real crash, which was on Tuesday, when the market went down and down and down, without seeming limit...Morgan's bankers could no longer stem the tide. It was like trying to stop Niagara Falls. Everyone wanted to sell."

"In brokers' offices across the country, the small investors -- the tailors, the grocers, the secretaries -- stared at the moving ticker in numb silence. Hope of an easy retirement, the new home, their children's education, everything was gone."

"At the end of 1929, as they celebrated New Year's Eve, all that lay in the future. Nobody knew that the Great Depression was coming -- unemployment, bread lines, bank failures -- this was unimaginable. But the bubble had burst. Gone was that innocent optimism, the confidence, the illusion of wealth without work. One era had ended. They toasted the coming of the 30s, but somewhere, deep down, they knew the party was over."

28 June 2017

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Wild Swings Back and Forth In Equities

"For truth is precious and divine,
Too rich a pearl for carnal swine."

Samuel Butler

"Listen, and I will tell you a mystery."

1 Cor 15:51

During the Summer of 1929 the stock market was characterized by wild swings up and down that left market participants feeling almost dizzy and exhausted.

Now would be an excellent time to take inventory of your finances and provisions for the future, and perhaps to order yourself with regard to a more realistic stance towards mispriced risks.

Have a pleasant evening.

27 June 2017

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Quiet Metals Options Expiration on the Comex

"Will I say there will never, ever be another financial crisis? No, probably that would be going too far. But I do think we’re much safer and I hope that it will not be in our lifetimes and I don’t believe it will."

Janet Yellen

Yellen issued what sounds on the surface like the kind of statement that Irving Fisher made famous in 1929.   Hi ho!

Today there was a quiet options expiration on the Comex for gold and silver.

The July contract is active for silver, but the gold action is already moved to August.

Stocks took a dive today and the VIX was up as you can see below.

The US Dollar took a real dive relatively speaking as well.  I have not looked at the key cross currency results to see what drove it, but the reaction in the precious metals priced in dollars was relatively subdued.

I am not going to say what I expect the price of gold and silver to do for the rest of the year.  But I do have a keen eye on the charts, and will let you know when the market tips its hand.

I came to the realization today that the US has largely given up its pretenses to a higher moral standing.    'Immoral' is the best way one could describe a healthcare reform bill that inflicts pain and suffering on the poor and vulnerable, almost gratuitously, in order to provide even more tax breaks for the wealthiest few who already have been taking the lion's share of growth in the national income.

Karma.  Ain't it a bitch.

Have a pleasant evening.

26 June 2017

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Fat Fingers

"Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing."

John Stuart Mill

The 'fat finger' of fairly raw and obvious market manipulation hit gold in the early hours.

No one dumps that many contracts against a much thinner bid side without intent. We have exposed that here many times before.

There are those who are greatly exercised by the consequences of a system gone corrupt when it affects them. 

But they too often say nothing, or even nod pridefully according to some ideological formulation of their superiority, when that same corrupt system first preys on the weak and vulnerable.

Have a pleasant evening.

25 June 2017

Seymour Hersh: Trump's Red Line

The intelligence made clear that a Syrian Air Force SU-24 fighter bomber had used a conventional weapon to hit its target: There had been no chemical warhead. And yet it was impossible for the experts to persuade the president of this once he had made up his mind.

“The president saw the photographs of poisoned little girls and said it was an Assad atrocity,” the senior adviser said. “It’s typical of human nature. You jump to the conclusion you want. Intelligence analysts do not argue with a president. They’re not going to tell the president, ‘if you interpret the data this way, I quit.’”

The national security advisers understood their dilemma: Trump wanted to respond to the affront to humanity committed by Syria and he did not want to be dissuaded. They were dealing with a man they considered to be not unkind and not stupid, but his limitations when it came to national security decisions were severe.

"Everyone close to him knows his proclivity for acting precipitously when he does not know the facts," the adviser said. "He doesn’t read anything and has no real historical knowledge. He wants verbal briefings and photographs. He’s a risk-taker. He can accept the consequences of a bad decision in the business world; he will just lose money. But in our world, lives will be lost and there will be long-term damage to our national security if he guesses wrong. He was told we did not have evidence of Syrian involvement and yet Trump says: 'Do it.”’

Read the entire article by Seymour Hersh here.

24 June 2017

Love Is the Refuge of the Way

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles."

Nor will love be seen coming from the hearts of those who are fallen into wickedness: they are the fruit of hate, deceit, greed, fear, pride, possession, and aggression. And they will not only forsake love by washing their hands of it, they will eventually come to condemn it, and persecute it—  and thereby condemn themselves.

For the people of God love is the touchstone of faith, the way to know if what we believe is with Him, or from something else;  if we are walking with Him, or with something else;  if the one who speaks is speaking for Him, or for something else;  if we are keeping Him in our hearts, or something else; if we love Him, or ourselves, or something else.

Love does not speak with hate or fear or derision, but with the fullness of existence which is joy and mercy.

Love is ridiculed and trampled upon by that which is in opposition to His creation.

When you are in doubt or confusion about what is true and what is false, look for the light of love. This is the hallmark of the spirit in the world.

And if it is not there, if an act is wrapped in the hardness of pride, disguised even as an elaborate ritual observance and Pharisaical pride, then you will know what it truly is. It is a sin against the spirit.

Love is not easy; it is not a natural state. It seems weak and foolish, and despicable to the fallen of this world and the next who by declaration of their hearts and minds non serviam, will not serve.

Love is an attitude of the mind and of the heart, a living for oneself in the other, an act of acceptance of grace, not by but through the will.  Love is a shield against temptation.  It is a predisposition, a habit of acting and looking at things in a certain way.

The disposition to love becomes easier and more comfortable as we carry that yoke, that restraint on our weaker nature and our harsher emotions. Over time the yoke that restrains our anger and pride becomes lighter, and a light to steady us in life's darker moments.

But it is rarely easy or natural, which makes it the stuff of the brave, of the spiritually and emotionally hardy, and especially of God's knights. The way of the world, of anger and oppression and power, is the easy path. But it is not the way of the truly human.

So we remember that we are sinners, but reaching out to the eternal, and thereby attempting great things— if but clumsily and with a number failings and denials like the apostle himself.

This is how the people of God may guide themselves and their own actions along the way.  If there is no love evident in the words and the heart, then the words and the actions are not of God, but of something else.

Love is not what we do, but how we do what we do. Love is found in the most ordinary things, not in grand gestures and elaborate mannerisms.  It resides in small daily acts of kindness and fellowship, done lovingly and with care, for His sake. It is how we carry our cross, not in front of a cheering crowd, but in the quiet moments, and the little things, while walking with Him.

The hardened heart judges others, while ignoring its own sins, thinking itself good.   Love is mercy, as it shows us our commonality with our fellow humanity as a weak and sinful creature.

We do not need to hate and reject the world, and despise and subdue His creation. Creation is a gift from God, to which we bring our own good use and order in His name. And if we are wise, with our reverent humility and wonder.

We can work with His gifts lovingly, and not abuse them from an excess of greed.  It is not the world itself that is a source of evil, but the willfulness of our hearts, hardened by pride.

Only love is creative and productive. Only love is accepting and uplifting, able to bring all things forward to His plan and make them new. Love consecrates, while sin desecrates and destroys in its lust for possession and the will to power.

Obviously this law of love is applicable to all people, but is of particular attention to those whose hearts have been already touched by God's mercy.  It is the way to be abundant and merciful, in a time of spiritual wickedness, and dark powers in high places.

God is the essence of all existence, which is His love. The pity for those who would otherwise be faithful to the word, the spirit of the Logos, then, is not to love.    Love endures all.

Because of the increase in wickedness, the love of many will grow cold. But those who stand firm to the end will be saved. And the gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations. And then the end will come.

23 June 2017

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts

Here are the charts updated for the close.

Have a pleasant weekend.

NAV Premiums of Certain Precious Metal Trusts and Funds

"Man does not control his own fate. The women in his life do that for him."

Groucho Marx

21 June 2017

Confronting the Unspeakable

"Those who are at present so eager to be reconciled with the world at any price must take care not to be reconciled with it under this particular aspect: as the nest of The Unspeakable. This is what too few are willing to see...

Be human in this most inhuman of ages; guard the image of man for it is the image of God."

Thomas Merton, Raids on the Unspeakable

“A true opium of the people is a belief in nothingness after death—  the huge solace of thinking that for our betrayals, greed, cowardice, and murders that we are not going to be judged.”

Czesław Miłosz

“We can believe what we choose. We are answerable for what we choose to believe.”

John Henry Newman

They house people in deathtraps.   They poison the drinking water.  They financialize and corrupt almost every otherwise beneficial social institution from public education to healthcare. They foment endless wars for the pursuit of their own power and profits.

They have the courts pronounce their soulless piles of money, the corporations, as 'people,' while people themselves are judged to be of little consequence, to be thrown aside as if they were trash.

They catch the unsuspecting  within the jaws of stagnant wages and corporate monopolies, and squeeze until there is nothing left.

This is the return of the anti-human madness.  This is the Unspeakable.

Government ministers ‘congratulated themselves’ for cutting fire regulations
Charles White for Metro.co.uk
Friday 16 Jun 2017

"Conservative ministers were proud of slashing fire regulations, just months ahead of the Grenfell Tower block blaze.

In February this year, ministers posted on a government website details of their ‘anti-red tape’ agenda on new-build properties.

In a separate report fire safety inspections, the Conservatives said, had been reduced for some companies from six hours to just 45 minutes.

The move, titled Cutting Red Tape, was part of the Tory plans to abolish a ‘health and safety’ culture that they claimed was hurting money-making businesses.

Residents in Grenfell Tower block have complained that their homes were not properly fire-safe including lack of sprinklers and alarms.

Former Prime Minister David Cameron promised to abolish the ‘albatross’ of ‘over regulation’.

He said in 2012 that a Conservative government would: ‘Kill off the health and safety culture for good’.

The death toll from the fire in Kensington is expected to rise to almost 100.

More than 2,400 pieces of regulation have been scrapped since Cut Red Tape began...

Read the original article here.

The Trend That Will Shake the Nation

"Hubris calls for nemesis, and in one form or another it's going to get it, not as a punishment from outside but as the completion of a pattern already started."

Mary Midgley

"Human rights are not only violated by terrorism, repression or assassination, but also by unfair economic structures that create huge inequalities.

We have perfected our weapons, our conscience has fallen asleep, and we have sharpened our ideas to justify ourselves as if it were normal that we continue to sow destruction, pain, and death."

Pope Francis I

It is a very perverse view of life that fundamental necessities like healthcare are being portrayed as a discretionary purchase that people make because they 'like it.'

Oh yes, I am enjoying having Multiple Sclerosis, or cancer, or some other chronic illness because it allows me to go out and spend money I don't have on overpriced drugs protected by government sanctions from corporate monopolies.  And the fact that I am unfortunate is all my fault because I am obviously a life unworthy of life.

And endless war in support of the formation and maintenance of some vast global order that the imperial state controls is a necessity whose enormously extravagant costs must never be questioned.

This attack on the fundamentals of human existence is being supported by propaganda campaigns and corruption of thought and basic decency not all that dissimilar from the same sort of trash that early on formed the basis for those actions that we have rightly condemned as crimes against human life in the past century.

How blinded to the consequences of our actions are we are becoming.

What other basic necessities of life will the anti-humans continue to price out of reach, using their power and influence in order to feed a mania to bring more and more of the public to its knees in service to their debt and desire for basic survival?

Look for the public to start looking farther afield to find alternatives as the Republicans and the Democrats continue to abandon them in their service to Big Money.

The greatest things in Nature start slowly and quietly, but continue to gather force until they overwhelm the works of men.  

This is nemesis, the the inescapable agent of the downfall of an over-reaching arrogance driven by an obsession to be as gods, and have the power of life and death.

20 June 2017

Stocks and Precious Metal Charts

“People need to hear that it makes sense to behave decently or to help others, to place common interests above their own, to respect the elementary rules of human coexistence.”

Václav Havel