22 November 2019

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - The Power and the Glory

“Four sorrows are certain to be visited on the United States.
  • First, there will be a state of perpetual war.
  • Second is a loss of democracy and Constitutional rights as the presidency eclipses Congress and is itself transformed from a co-equal ‘executive branch’ of government into a military junta.
  • Third is the replacement of truth by propaganda, disinformation, and the glorification of war, power, and the military legions.
  • Lastly, there is bankruptcy, as the United States pours its economic resources into ever more grandiose military projects and shortchanges the education, health, and safety of its citizens.”
Chalmers Johnson, The Sorrows of Empire, 2005

"Do not be fooled into thinking that you will never suffer because you say that I dwell among you.  It is your delusion and lying words.  Do you really believe you can steal, murder, commit adultery, lie, and worship the gods of the world and those other new gods of yours, and then come here and stand before me in my own house and say, 'We are safe', only to go right back to all your lawlessness again?  Do you not see that this house of yours, which you mark with my name, has become a den of thieves?"

Jeremiah 7:5-7

The Dollar was higher, VIX was lower, and stocks largely unchanged, hanging on to their near support.

Gold and silver were off a bit in sympathy with a lessening of fear and the stronger Dollar.

As you know Monday will be an important option expiration for the precious metals on the Comex. Perhaps then, or after a day or two of continued shenanigans, we can begin to progress things. Or not.

I was pressed into service late in the afternoon. Apparently this is the time to distribute food to the poor from our local church. A thoroughly worthwhile endeavour. I do not do enough of this sort of thing.

The sous vide top round roast came out much better than expected. It was medium rare throughout, moist and flavorful, and as tender as a filet, after 24 hours of slow cooking.   The juice in the cooking bag was used as a base to make a mushroom-onion gravy, over rice, with sauteed Chinese eggplant and okra in a sherry garlic butter.

Need little, want less, love more. For those who abide in love abide in God, and God in them.

Have a pleasant weekend.