12 May 2009

Don't Ask Why, Just Buy

The message on Bloomberg Television this morning is loud and clear: "Don't ask why, just buy."

The chief message carrier was a Mr. Brian Belski of Oppenheimer, who suggested that trying to analyze the markets for yourself is a waste of time. Just listen to the experts.

We have a new bull market. Who cares whether it is cyclical or secular. Let's just be happy that the worst is now behind us, and frankly, just buy.

Brian is representing the notion that any sort of gain over 20% is a new bull market.

Well Brian, here's your new bull market. Maybe it will become one. But from this perspective it is just a typical bounce within a powerful bear market. It must prove itself.

So far this looks like hot money from the public (taxes) trying to push up the shell of the Ponzi credit bubble while the insiders continue to hit the exits.

And we do not care what anyone says, the fundamentals are rotten. They are just not falling apart as quickly now after a precipitous revelation of the truth behind the facade of statistical manipulation. There are no green shoots, and there is no recovery.

There has been little or no reform. Just a fresh smear of lipstick on the same old pig, applied by the swineherds of Wall Street and Washington.

And in the meantime, let's buy some gold, silver, food, critical supplies, and party on...

Burn your credit cards, honor your family and friends friends, give to God what is His, live within your means.