"Almighty God lets the sinner go his own way, for He has given to man free-will, and does not want a forced obedience, but an obedience springing from love. In his forgetfulness of God, the sinner squanders his fortune, the natural and supernatural gifts which he has received, using his natural gifts, his health, his physical powers, and his reason, to offend God. The sinner, having forsaken the service of his God, falls under the dominance of Satan, and becomes the slave of his lowest passions, which are signified by the swine which the prodigal was forced to feed. He feels an emptiness and spiritual hunger in his heart which he is powerless to satisfy. He knows no rest; he only knows that he is miserable, and hateful to himself."
Friedrich Justus Knecht
"Oh my God, forgive me for what I have been, correct what I am, and direct what I will be."
Elizabeth Ann Seton
"When we forgive, we do not simply put up with the person’s hurtful behavior, blame ourselves for the person’s behavior, pretend that we weren’t hurt, or say the person didn’t mean to hurt us. Instead, we acknowledge that we are all imperfect humans. Forgiveness is a moral decision to see the other person’s worth, let go of anger, and offer compassion, benevolence, and love toward the offender."
Robert D. Enright, Forgiveness Is a Choice
"He has shown you what is good. The Lord requires you to act justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8
"Every century is like every other, and to those who live in it seems worse than all times before it. The Church is ever ailing, and lingers on in weakness. Religion seems ever expiring, schisms dominant, the light of Truth dim, its adherents scattered. The cause of Christ is ever in its last agony, as though it were but a question of time whether it fails finally this day or another. The Saints are ever all but failing from the earth, and Christ all but coming; and thus the Day of Judgment is literally ever at hand."
John Henry Newman, The Via Media, 1834
"Let us ever bear in mind this divine truth, — the more secret God's hand is, the more powerful — the more silent, the more awful."
John Henry Newman
"To escape the pain caused by regret for the past or fear about the future, this is the rule to follow: leave the past to the infinite mercy of God, the future to His good Providence, and give the present wholly to His love by being faithful to His grace.”
Jean-Pierre de Caussade, L'Abandon a la Providence Divine
"Fear not, little flock, for your Father delights to give you welcome into His Kingdom."
Luke 12:32
Defy the world with love, and a light will come into your life.
If we love and serve the Lord, as He loves us, we need have no fear, despite our human weakness.
Do not fear the blowing and bluster of men, for as you will see soon enough they are but shadows, a tempest of dust for a day.
You do not believe it. Your fears threaten to drown out His voice.
But you will see.
Today was an option expiration.
Stocks rallied higher, because.
Gold and silver were stopped cold again at resistance and pushed back.
The VIX fell.
Markets will be closed on Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Day, and there will be the inauguration of Trump 2.0.
He is just a man, soon enough to be gone like the snows of yesteryear. But he should be remembered in our prayers along with all others of our fellow creatures, especially those who might prompt us to falter.
I have a rule that if someone provokes me, I have to pray for them. I have been doing this for some years now, and it helps me to abide. I have been praying a lot lately, and suspect for the next year or two that will continue.
Remember who you are, and what you have been called to do.
Have a pleasant weekend.