"What is about to happen is that we're going to be drawn into another conflict in the Middle East with Iran, and that is what war hawks are pursuing right now. Now you say, Dennis Fritz, why do you say that?
Bibi Netanyahu has been wanting for decades what's happening right now, and the Bush administration did not want that to happen, and they thought and felt that we had a better way to do this. We could not take the pushback, as is taken right now, of the innocent killings that have happened with the Palestinian people. And so the Bush administration decided that, instead of you going in directly and killing innocent women and children, we're going to take out the governments that are funding Hamas and Hezbollah.
By the way, we're accustomed to fighting wars with the military and not going into urban environments where there is the risk of killing many women and children, which is happening right now. And so our government decided that we were going to go in and attack Iraq first. Why? Because under the Clinton administration, there was a regime change policy—it gives us the right to have a regime change policy for another country. Think about that for a moment.
And so we figured that the American people would understand there's a regime change policy, which I don't understand why we would understand that, and it will give us justification to go in to take out Iraq on behalf of Israel. Why?
Because at the time, Saddam was doing a lot of funding of the Palestinian people, in particular, Hamas and Hezbollah. And if we got rid of Saddam and the then the Iraqi government, that will cut off some of the funding of Hamas and Hezbollah. And then, by the way, the next country will be Syria because they were doing likewise, and we're going to do it under the guise of them having chemical weapons."
Dennis Fritz, Interview on Deadly Betrayal: The Truth About Why the US Invaded Iraq, October 2024
"The fact is, I think, that my friends really didn't know. They didn't know because they didn't want to know. They could have found out, at the time, only if they had wanted to very badly. I fooled myself. I had to. Everybody has to. But I didn't want to see it, because I would have then had to think about the consequences of seeing it, what followed from seeing it, what I must do to be decent."
Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45, 1955
“Sooner rather than later, in my view, historians will write the complete and accurate history of these disastrous wars from start to finish, and sordid will it be. Alas, however, as with most history that is as accurate as humans can make it, those guilty of the crimes and ravages it inevitably encompasses, will have escaped all but a divine providence's justice. This book at least will perhaps disturb their present comfort. It does mine.”
Larry Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell, Forward to Deadly Betrayal, October 2024
"In all these instances the large multinational bankers were actively supporting both sides. It is a shocking fact that both British and American banks continued to do business with the Nazis even after the War was well underway, even as Germany was invading Europe and bombing London."
BBC, Banking with Hitler, 1998
"War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it."
George Orwell
"They say to their seers, 'Do not see!’ and to the prophets, 'Say nothing of what is right! Tell us only things that please us. Prophesy illusions."
Isaiah 30:9-10
Dennis Fritz is appalled. And like a few others wants us to know what happened, and is still happening.
Dennis, an insider of sorts, wrote a well-documented book.
But what is ironic is that people do not want to hear this, or see what is true.
But what is the truth at core of this?
I have given this a lot of thought for the past five years. And what Dennis does not account for as far as I know is Ukraine, which seems to be the 'smoking gun' in this. And Taiwan.
Iran is hardly the only target. There are several, and one can see the machinations unfolding towards each.
I have come to think that Zelensky and Netanyahu are most likely scapegoats. Not patsies, no, they are not innocent in the least. But for now their interests are aligned, and useful for the darkness in the high places of the world.
The perpetrators are the same old clique of those who worship money and power above all. The same money men who funded both the Nazis and the Allies.
As old as Babylon, and evil as the man of sin.
Stocks rallied to new all time highs.
The Fed is signaling that rate cuts will be slower and shallower because the economy and inflation are resisting their latest mechanisms.
Gold and silver edged higher, as the Dollar chopped sideways.
VIX moved higher even as stocks hit a crescendo.
In the face of such wicked lawlessness, I just don't have the words. But it is important to know where and how to stand, to remain standing.
Have a pleasant evening.