18 June 2012

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Whistling Past the Parthenon

The market rallied last night by the 'win' of the 'pro-bailout' party. It looks as though they *might* be able to form a coalition with the center-socialist party at least on the assumption that the bailout can be renegotiated.

So the market came in ready for a rally that quickly evaporated, although stocks were able to finish unchanged.

The key news today is that NYSE volume was only about 600 million shares. No one with any real discretionary money is buying this 'crisis averted' story.

The FOMC starts a two day meeting tomorrow, and will announce their decision on Wednesday June 20.

The winners of the Greek elections will have until early Wednesday to form a practical coalition as explained earlier today.

So, there will be some more excitement I think. There are national assets to be taken, and on the cheap, as compared to looting on a grand scale in the past.

And there is also the difficulty in Spain. This will not be resolved until their are some very large changes made I think.

And the forces that will resist that change are determined, entrenched, and formidable.