04 January 2018

Stocks and Precious Metal Charts - Non-Farm Payrolls Tomorrow

"Children, do not allow anyone to deceive you about this:  when people do what is good, it shows that they are righteous, even as our Lord is righteous.  But when people repeatedly do what is sinful, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been evil since the beginning of time... Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love their neighbor does not serve Him, does not belong to God."

1John 3: 7-8,10

This is a useful prescription to apply to all those in power, not just the clumsier and more obvious ones, but especially the very clever, who are highly skilled at saying one thing, and doing another.

Stocks were on the move higher again today, with the Dow Jones 'Industrials' breaking through 25,000 for the first time.

The dollar was lower, giving back that little bounce rally it caught yesterday, and thereon gold and silver continued to rally higher.

The winds were howling today, blowing the newly fallen snow into drifts.  The air is very crisp and cold, and will be getting much colder over the weekend.

Tomorrow we will have the December Non-Farm Payrolls Report.

Someone described the Trump Administration today as 'a Star Wars cantina full of odd creatures.'  lol  By all accounts, they are a fairly colorful bunch. 

Have a pleasant evening.