01 July 2024

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Ubi Sunt Principes Gentium - How the Glory of the World Passes Away


"Do not court death by your lawless way of life,
      nor draw destruction to yourself by the work of your hands.
God did not make death,
      nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living.
For he fashioned all things that they might have life,
      and the creatures of the world are wholesome;
There is not a destructive drug among them
      nor any domain of Hades on earth,
For righteousness is undying.

God formed us to be everlasting,
      he made us in the image of his own nature.
But by the envy of the devil, death has entered the world,
      and they who follow him will experience it."

Wisdom 1:12-15; 2:23-24

"Listen, and I will tell you a mystery."

1 Corinthians 15:51

"They betray righteous people for silver and the poor for a pair of sandals. They have trampled the heads of the poor into the dust of the earth and thrust the lowly out of their places. So now I will crush you to the ground, and you will groan like a cart loaded with grain. Not even the swift will escape; your strong will lose their power, and soldiers will not be able to save even their own lives. On that day even the bravest soldiers will drop their weapons and run. Thus the Lord has spoken."

Amos 2: 7, 13-16

"Where now are those who ruled nations,
      those who had dominion over the animals of the earth
      and made sport of the birds of the heavens?
Where are those who amassed hoards of silver and gold
      in which people place their trust,
      those whose greed knew no limit?
Where are those silversmiths expert in their craft
      of whose work not a trace remains?
They have all vanished, descending into the netherworld,
      and others have risen up to take their place."

Baruch 3:16-19

Stocks floundered around today, managing to hold their ground.

VIX fell.

The Dollar did nothing, but is holding at a fairly high level.

Gold and silver took a little bounce after an early trouncing.

Non-Farm Payrolls on Friday.

US markets will be closed on the 4th of July.

The madness serves none but itself

Have a pleasant evening.