Here is a repost of a blog that I wrote in October of 2014.
Sometimes it is good to look back and see what has been.
In the spinning of the narrative, one of the goals is to keep people off balance, to hit them from so many directions with so many things that they just become like pieces of driftwood being carried in a powerful stream.
It seems bewildering at times doesn't it?
We forget ourselves, and what we stand for.
Perhaps as this year ends now is a good time to remember.
Why this particular post? It just serves to remind us how long this scam has been running, and how little we have done to change it, divert it.
We are divided and distracted, conditioned to tolerate greater outrages against morality and principles.
We know what to do. But doing it is not possible, unless we wrap ourselves in the armor of the love for His sake. And so most will not remain standing to the end, and will be counted among the fallen.
Without the protection of love in your heart, you will not stand, no matter how smart or better informed you imagine yourself to be.
You will fall, and not even realize that you have fallen until you are finally shown what you have become, and what it is that you serve.
It's an old and familiar playbook.
"For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. But the one who now restrains it will continue to do so until he is taken away. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will slay by the breath of his mouth and bring to an end with the splendor of his coming.
The coming lawlessness will be the work of Satan made manifest in all power and false signs and wonders, and in every wicked deception for those who are perishing because they refused to accept the love of the truth to be saved. For this reason, God permits them a powerful delusion to believe their lies, that all may be condemned who deny the truth and instead take pleasure in lawlessness."2 Thessalonians 2:7-12
Gold and silver were under some serious pressure after a mid morning hit that was particularly blatant and clumsy.
The pressure continued steadily most of the day with silver really taking it hard.
The Fed minutes came out around 2 PM, and the equity and the precious metal markets headed north like scalded cats, because of the decidedly dovish flavor of the Fed talk.
Is there anyone, and I mean anyone, who reads what I write here who is surprised by this? If so, then I must not be doing a very effective job of explaining that The Recovery™ is not yet sustainable, and the Fed must continue 'priming the pump' in a somewhat neurotic attempt to invoke the appearance of growth and vitality where none exists.
And why is this? Because the system has not been reformed, and the financial sector and the one percent continue to take, by far, the greatest share of this monetary stimulus and shove it into their own tax avoiding pockets, and the public be damned.
After the Fed minutes came out, a few of us crossed emails saying, 'is there any doubt why they hit gold and silver this morning?'
There is almost NO doubt in my mind that the Fed and their Bankster owners are actively managing market perceptions while they continue their failing policies, all in the virtuous name of 'instilling confidence.'
But a portion of the Rest of the World seems intent on calling their bluff.
As for stocks, I have mixed emotions. They are running on Fed money expansions, but the organic growth from the economy really is not there yet.
A true stock market junkie and advisor making their living from stocks will keep reciting the 'stay fully invested' mantra. I became intimately familiar with this mindset as I chose to liquidate a substantial tech stock portfolio prior to the tech bubble crash of 2000.
I remember the big house broker almost yelling at me to 'stay fully invested, these are good companies!' I liquidated everything and took my money as far away from that firm and Wall Street as I could manage.
And you know what was said on financial television to these people who had been ruined? "No one MADE them buy those stocks."
And we saw a similar cycle of run up and crash in 2007-2008. Many were decimated, but Wall Street continued on, keeping its profits, and socializing its losses to the public trust. Hi ho.
Neo-liberalism breeds sociopaths. The markets are gods, and people get what they deserve. If they are tricked, if they are destroyed, they had it coming because they were stupid and weak. To each as they deserve, and what they deserve from the strong is subjugation and death.
And in less than six months I saw many of my friends who took that sort of advice being virtually ruined, as their stock heavy retirement plans evaporated. And even if they had held, they may not have gotten back to even in the subsequent bubble, because they would not toss out the losers from their portfolios like the Dow, SP 500 and NDX do in order to maintain the illusion.
Have a pleasant evening.