"What is a proper disposition towards life? It is to accept God as a loving father, who is full of tenderness and forgiveness for us, despite our willful blunders and hardened hearts. He yearns for us, as a father and mother yearn for the return of their most beloved child.It is to accept that we are not lost, we are not abandoned. We are wandering like a wayward child, full of our own headstrong delusions.
And our father waits expectantly, calling for us through the darkness. He sends the spirit out to find us, a light to find our way home to him out of the gloom of the night. It is to accept that his door is always open, and that he will not abandon us, until he has at last welcomed us into his house.
How do we know what he is doing? Talk to him. He is always listening. He delights in our presence, and notes everything about us, as a loving parent does to a sleeping child. His love is boundless, but will not overwhelm us. Because that is how deep his love is for us."
Jesse, Acceptance and Forgiveness, 2 January 2018
"So the greatest of all virtues is love. It is here that we find the true meaning of the Christian faith. This is at bottom the meaning of the cross. The great event on Calvary signifies more than a meaningless drama that took place on the stage of history. It is a telescope through which we look out into the long vista of eternity and see the love of God breaking forth into time.
It is an eternal reminder to a power drunk generation that love is most durable power in the world, and that it is at bottom the heartbeat of the moral cosmos."
Martin Luther King, St. Paul’s Letter to the American Churches, November 4, 1956
"The corruption that has become widely tolerated throughout the various upper strata of our society is shocking in its boldness. And even more shocking is its general acceptability, and too often downright fashionability, among our elite in business and government, and their courtiers and partisans in the various professions. And it provides a corrosive example and temptation to the public.
That such gaming the system is widely tolerated and accepted does not make it right. The breaking of oaths is a serious transgression, and there will be an accounting for it, if not in this world then the next.
And sadly it is the partisanship, and the willing gullibility of simple souls given over to the wiles of a skillful persuasion to anger, and willfulness, and hatred, that permits the unscrupulous to prosper. I have seen otherwise honorable and sincere people do and say some shocking things in service to dark powers in the past few years.
There can be little doubt that the ordinary and the unsophisticated are learning from our cynical and proud elite. And that scandalous example is their sin as well. It would be better for them to have been thrown into the sea, with a millstone around their necks."
Jesse, Repentance, Forgiveness, the Wellspring of Joy, 22 December 2017
Gold and silver were hit hard, very hard today.
I suspect it was intended to break the upward momentum of the metals, and perhaps more importantly, to ease the pressure on borrowing gold from various places including some of the bigger ETFs, where borrow rates had soared.
The smackdown in silver was particularly impressive, coming on a break through the 34 price level.
One of the things you might wish to keep in mind going forward is that the regulatory structure of the US, as bad as it might have been, is getting obliterated now, and it is going to become much worse.
If you panicked and sold at the bottom today, you *might* want to consider that you really ought not to be trading. This is no knock on you or your intelligence. It just means that you are like about 90% of the people who are better off investing for the longer term, and doing productive things in the real world.
The Dollar continued to decline.
VIX fell again to what is considered a rather low level these days, as I have indicated on its chart.
Inventory in Hong Kong bounced back a little, but they are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
The world and those who serve it do not care about you or your family.
To them you are things to be used and thrown away. At most a statistic.
Your pride will not permit you to accept this, but it is how thing are.
This I know.
They want you do die for them. But there is one who has already died for you.
This is the only one who is worthy of your heart.
That door is always open. The light shines out to you in the darkness.
So stop wallowing around in misery, feeding the uncaring swine.
Your father misses you, and yearns to welcome you into his house.
Time to come home.
As a reminder, US markets will be closed in observance of President's Day on Monday February 17th.
Have a pleasant weekend.