"Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future."
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
“Narcissists gravitate towards professions where they can control people and elicit adulation. They are more likely to work in politics, finance or medicine than in shoemaking. They are aware of what they are doing to others - but they do not care.
The narcissist devours people, consumes their output, and casts the empty, writhing shells aside.”
Sam Vaknin, Diary of a Narcissist, 2005
“I will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their sin. I will crush the arrogance of the proud and humble the pride of the mighty."
Isaiah 13:11
"Lack of accountability is a pet peeve for sure, and also a common problem with narcissists. Although there are many disturbing factors in the personality of a narcissist, this one is tough to deal with in any relationship. It’s hard to understand. What is so difficult about owning up to mistakes when we’re wrong? Have you ever met a perfect person who has never made a mistake? How about a perfect parent or a perfect family? I don’t think so. We all make mistakes and hopefully grow and learn from each one. Every failure becomes a significant stepping-stone for huge growth leaps in life if that is your worldview and you allow it to happen.
But, being accountable is difficult for a fragile self-esteem. For the narcissist, who has not developed a solid sense of self, and is emotionally stuck at a six-year old level, confrontation does not work well. In fact, when confronted, it is typical to see a six-year old temper tantrum that we call narcissistic rage."
Karyl McBride, Narcissists Are Not Accountable, August 19, 2013
"Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Cool it with a baboon's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good."
William Shakespeare, Macbeth
Stocks lost ground in an edgy trade today.
I suspect that the impending trade tariffs and concerns about war in the Mideast were weighing on the risk assets.
There was a fairly impressive wash and rinse in Bitcoin over the weekend.
Trump announced his preference for a strategic crypto reserve, and that sent Bitcoin and some of its ilk soaring.
But alas, it turned out to be an opportunity for those who had some heavy long positions to dump their holdings at a profit, and Bitcoin slid back down fairly quickly.
If you did not see this coming you *might* be quaffing deeply of the true believer kool-aid.
Bears make money. Bulls make money. Pigs get slaughtered.
Wash and rinse. It's what they do.
Gold and silver popped today, after last weeks pounding.
VIX rose sharply.
The Dollar slid steadily.
I don't know what they call Jimson weed in the UK, or what they might have that is like it, but I think Starmer is smoking it. Boots on the ground.
I doubt the average Brit or European desires a major war in Europe. But the elites, the ruling class, and there servants in the media and the global deep state may be so inclined, as they so often are.
Trump seems to be doing the right things about the Ukraine with regard to American interests.
War in the Mideast is more concerning to me now. Netanyahu and his war party are emboldened by support from the same class and types that are all for fomenting war in Europe. But they will not be getting much pushback from any concerted effort of US thought leaders and politicians.
Their house may be made theirs, but will most likely be made desolate.
The first victim in war is the truth. And after that the weak, the innocent, and the young.
And there is rarely a war, unless the ruling class thinks they can profit from it.
Non-Farm Payrolls on Friday.
Have a pleasant evening.