13 May 2011

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Shanghai Reduces Silver Margins

"This isn't just a matter of a few seedy guys stealing a few bucks. This is America: Corporate stealing is practically the national pastime, and Goldman Sachs is far from the only company to get away with doing it. But the prominence of this bank and the high-profile nature of its confrontation with a powerful Senate committee makes this a political story as well.

If the Justice Department fails to give the American people a chance to judge this case — if Goldman skates without so much as a trial — it will confirm once and for all the embarrassing truth: that the law in America is subjective, and crime is defined not by what you did, but by who you are." Matt Taibbi, The People v. Goldman Sachs

The weekly range in silver was remarkable, but notice that it ended the week fairly close to where it left off last week.

The banks are desperate, and facing a large amount of potential demand in the June contracts. They do not seem to be able to find supply, so they are struggling to dampen demand and obtain corollary trading profits in the miners and related sectors.

A very unsettled set of markets indeed, with the BRICs buying heavily, and the Anglo-American financial cartel fighting it every step of the way.

Shanghai Metals Exchange Reduces Silver Margins

This is going to be interesting.