20 January 2022

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Ouch - Option Expiration Tomorrow



“Only fraud and falsehood dread examination.  Truth invites it.” 

Samuel Johnson 

 "A kleptocracy is sucking the life out of working men and women by force and fraud.  A group of sociopaths, who have committed one of the great crimes in history, not only blithely walk away with their loot unpunished, but come back to rob their victims once again, to finish the job.  And they gorge themselves on the public trust even while begrudging the widow her pittance, or trying to steal it.  They pervert and corrupt so many, filling their hearts with their passionate lies, appealing to what is the very worst in them.  They are truly a den of vipers and thieves." 

Jesse, September 2012


Stocks tried to rally but then fell back badly into the close. 

Lower lows were set, which is not constructive for bully.

Gold was off a bit, but silver managed to hold on to its gains.

The Dollar rallied back up towards 96.

Option expiration tomorrow.

It's a nice time to lay back and sit tight in cash.

Let's be careful out there.

Have a pleasant evening.