10 February 2022

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Loss and Gain - The Spice Must Flow


"Then the Lord said to her, 'Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things.  But only one thing is worthy of concern.'" 

 Luke 10:41-42


"They have treated the suffering of my people carelessly, saying, ‘all is well’ when there is no safety. They act shamefully, they commit terrible offenses; and yet they are not ashamed, and do not even know how to blush.   They shall be found among the fallen." 

Jeremiah 6:14-15 


"The selfishness of an age that has devoted itself to the mere cult of pleasure has tainted the whole human race with an error that makes all our acts more or less lies against God.  It is better to find God on the threshold of despair than to risk our lives in a complacency that has never felt the need of forgiveness." 

Thomas Merton 


"All persons desire to be saved, but the greater part, because they will not adopt the means of being saved, fall into sin and are lost." 

Alphonsus Liguori


"The rich man replied, ‘If someone is sent to them from the dead, then they will repent of their sins and turn to God.’  But Abraham said, ‘If they won’t listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be persuaded, even if someone rises from the dead.’” 

Luke 16:30-31


"In the end there is only one real tragedy, not to have been a saint." 

Léon Bloy


 The CPI numbers came in hot this morning.

And the yields on Treasuries climbed to multi-year (decade?) highs.

Smells like teen spirit.

And so stocks fell hard, bounced and then fell harder again.

Gold and silver rallied on inflation and then fell off during the day with stocks.

The Dollar chopped sideways.

I came in short from late yesterday, covered, and then shorted the bounce again.

I ended up flat, but I did leave some potential profits on the table.  

I mention this only because I have not taken two roundtrips on the short side in a day like this in many years.

This is a deadly black diamond market, pros only.

A seemingly endless wash and rinse.   The financial navigators demand the spice must flow.

Let's see what the rest of the week brings.

I am watching the metals and miners especially, but am being slow to act on the bullish side here.

I do foresee a batch of homemade oatmeal raisin cookies with walnuts in my future.  Yum.

It's the little things that make life worth living.

Have a pleasant evening.