15 February 2022

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Relief Rally - Option Expiration on Friday


"Do you not yet see and understand?  Are your hearts that hardened?   Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear?  Don't you remember anything?"

Mark 8:17-18


“Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, which is a pious hypocrisy.  There is nothing covered that will not be uncovered, nothing hidden that will not be made known.  Whatever has been said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what has been whispered in private will be proclaimed from the rooftops."

Luke 12:1-3


"Now, it is plain that humility and teachableness are qualities of mind necessary for arriving at the truth in any subject, and in religious matters as well as others.  Impatient, proud, self-confident, obstinate men, are generally wrong in the opinions they form of persons and things.  Prejudice and self-conceit blind the eyes and mislead the judgment, whatever be the subject inquired into.  

When I see a person hasty and violent, harsh and high-minded, careless of what others feel, and disdainful of what they think;—when I see such a one proceeding to inquire into religious subjects, I am sure beforehand he cannot go right—he will not be led into all the truth—it is contrary to the nature of things and the experience of the world, that he should find what he is seeking. I should say the same were he seeking to find out what to believe or do in any other matter not religious,—but especially in any such important and solemn inquiry; for the fear of the Lord (humbleness, teachableness, reverence towards Him) is the very beginning of wisdom."

John Henry Newman


Stocks shook off geopolitical and other concerns and rallied higher, providing much needed relief for frustrated bulls.

Relief rally, get it?

Gold, silver and dollar fell as complacency broke out

Stock option expiration on Friday.

Have a pleasant evening.