08 March 2022

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Exhausted on a Wreckage of Devices - Metals Breakout


"Bizarrely, it’s precisely the jobs that shift money around – creating next to nothing of tangible value – that net the best salaries.  How is it possible that all the agents of prosperity are paid so poorly, while the unimportant, superfluous, and even destructive shifters do so well?  In a hierarchically organised society, the Machiavellis are one step ahead.  They have the ultimate secret weapon to defeat their competition.   They’re shameless.” 

Rutger Bregman 


"One thing I have learned in my time in politics is that if one of the parties is shameless, the other party cannot afford to be spineless."

Frank Lautenberg


"Do not join your efforts with the false and treacherous, for what does justice have to do with lawlessness?   Or what fellowship does light have with darkness?   What is there in common between Christ and Belial?  What do the faithful have in common with the faithless?" 

2 Corinthians 6:14-16


"The market ideology is now the new form of imperial power and many of us, without any critical reflection, have signed onto that." 

Walter Brueggemann


"The most important problem in the world today is your soul, for that is what the struggle is about." 

Fulton J. Sheen 


Stocks were volatile again, with a wide range between the highs and lows.

And once again they made a determined effort to finish them in the green.

But alas, it was not meant to be.

And so stocks continued their declines from their blow off bubble tops.

Gold and silver rallied hard this morning.

They fell back from the highs, but held on to their breakouts fairly well.

The London Metal Exchange halted trading in nickel today as the metal doubled in price.

I know a lot of silver bulls who would like to see the same thing happen to the hi ho metal on its road back to $50.

The Dollar chopped sideways and settled down a bit, just managing to hold on to the 99 handle.

Bitcoin maintained its correlation to the big cap tech bubble, but for a change managed not to decline today.   

Green shoots?

JPM let a large number of March gold contracts go at $1994 from their house account the other day according to the clearing report below.

Maybe they felt like sharing?   Don't want to be pigs given their corner on physical silver? 

Smells like team spirit.

Let's see what happens.

Have a pleasant evening.