01 August 2023

Stocks and Precious Metal Charts - Beckoning from the Abyss


"We have watched the Reichstag burn twice in the last two decades.  If 2008 was a quiet coup in finance, during which Wall Street, in the name of exceptional and emergency circumstances, appropriated vast wealth from ordinary citizens in ways those citizens never fully understood, and therefore couldn’t effectively resist, so 9/11 began a takeover of the commonwealth by intelligence and military leaders, a putsch, unvoted and undiscussed, from which our constitutional rights and our democracy have yet to recover."

Tom Mueller, Crisis of Conscience: Whistleblowing in the Age of Fraud, 2019

“Men lost faith in the state not because Christianity held them aloof, but because the state defended wealth against poverty, fought to capture slaves, taxed toil to support luxury, and failed to protect its people from famine, pestilence, invasion, and destitution.  Rome was not destroyed by Christianity, any more than by barbarian invasion; it was an empty shell when Christianity rose to influence and invasion came.  A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself within.”

Will Durant, Caesar and Christ, 1944

"The last forty years have seen a huge proliferation of think tanks and political NGOs whose purpose, beneath all the verbiage, is to execute political agendas by proxy.  Powerful corporations are part of the nexus of power around the state, and enjoy the ability to deploy its coercive power, just as the state often exerts its influence through the agency of powerful corporations."

Julian Assange, When Google Met Wikileaks, January 1, 2014

“The man who discovered the real Hitler was Dietrich Eckart. We find his presence at every important point in Hitler’s career until Eckart’s death in the last days of 1923. Eckart literally made Hitler. And he was closely related with the Thule Society, with the powerful Germanenorden.  We now know the atmosphere in which these secret organizations functioned and played a determining role in opposition to the leftist half of the German population. Even in the political field their actions were everywhere a matter of secrecy and covert plotting, always of power politics and sometimes of murder.

This, however, was only the surface of a world rife with religious expectation and steeped in occultism. If the German aspiration is clearly discernible in Dietrich Eckart, so is the occult way in which he tutored his pupil.  Occult here means not only 'hidden'; it refers literally to the practice of the occult sciences."

Georges Van Vrekhem, Hitler and His God, 2012

"Life under a strongman means not simply being lied to but being beset by contradiction and uncertainty until the line between truth and falsehood blurs and a kind of exhaustion settles over questions of fact.  Authoritarianism wants to convince its supporters that nothing is true, that the whole machinery of truth is an intolerable imposition on their psyches, and thus that they might as well give free rein to their fantasies."

Brian Phillips, Rise of the Postmodern Right, November 16, 2016

"When humanity has been driven mad by fear and horror, and when chaos has become the supreme law, then the time for the empire of lawlessness will have come."

Friedrich Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse, 1933

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Ephesians 6:12

Stocks were troubled today, and finished off a bit.

The Dollar moved higher.

Gold and silver were whacked from the NY open and closed near the lows.

The continuous gold contract from ICE was broken today.   I went with the August contract and hope they will fix this in a day or so.  Silver was unaffected.

VIX rose slightly.

Non-Farm Payrolls may dominate trading this week.

The antinomian cha-cha of the 'efficient markets' perpetual wash and rinse continues.  

Impunity comes from pervasive soft corruption, and the broadly corrosive effects of fashionable self-deceit.

Lawlessness often follows.  Hell, a companion.

Have a pleasant evening.