19 December 2012

Audacious Oligarchy Reprise - A Question of Balance

Once again, that great summation of the Anglo-American experiment in crony capitalism by Robert Johnson.

If you can do nothing else, stop making excuses for those who promote the oppression of the financial interests, and stop listening to those who do.

Law is how the just associate to protect themselves against injustice and the wickedness of the world.

And if you charge forward, as happens from time to time, to willfully and recklessly tear down the laws in the name of some misbegotten ideology, and you stop and turn round, the winds of oppression that blow across the land will knock you down, no matter who you are, or how self-sufficient and powerful you may imagine yourself to be.

When you take an admirable concept and blind it, taking it to some imbalanced extreme by sticking an 'ism' on the end of it, you all too often unleash the madness, and the whirlwind.

If government has stopped working for the public interest of justice for all you reform it, you do not further weaken and burn it to the ground and destroy it in the vain hope that something better will accidentally come forward from some well-spring of natural goodness in the worst of us who serve only themselves, and the will to power.

You can believe what you will, but you will be accountable for what you believe.

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."

Edmund Burke

If there is any significant weakness in this model I have constructed it is that it does not easily represent the extreme position of anarchism, or its little brother, libertarianism. I think that it is because they are 'no model' or rather a model of social disorganization. But I am giving it some thought.

But they stand in no middle ground, but an extreme on another scale. And I say they care naught for individual rights, because they adopts the law of the jungle, that might makes right and that each person stands alone. It is a romantic, almost utopian, view of the world that sounds good to an adolescent, but which one might quickly outgrow as they reach adulthood and start a family.

On the other end of that scale would be total government, or statism, which is part of the basis of the model below. As most extremes, the statists and the anarchists are so off center that they see only one another, and anyone who is not them appears the other. This is how most ideological groups tend to coalesce as they become something self-observing and self-perpetuating.

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - End of Year Train Wreck Underway

This is part of the end of the year book making. The stock market gaming is equally blatant. Short term these jokers can keep rolling, but longer term they will crash, and then attempt to make someone else pick up their tab.

Making the Innocent Pay for the Crimes of the Elite

Why do they do it? Because in this case, crime pays. And that is crony capitalism.

Geithner Told of LIBOR Manipulation in May, 2008

Below is a video of a train wreck caused by a mudslide in Washington, USA. Do you think they might have had a little more care for the composition of that hillside before it came down on a moving train filled with chemicals?

A mudslide from a hill of overhanging loose earth in a state noted for its precipitation. Who could have foreseen this?

Infrastructure. You don't need it while the profits are rolling in. And when it collapses, declare an emergency and stick the public with bill.

A similar situation is currently underway in the monetary composition of the US dollar. Gold is the video camera.

One major difference is that the jokers who are making the profits from the rail line of fraudulent financial instruments are also placing bets that the mudslide of fraudulent mispricing of risk will derail the train and cause a tragedy in the real economy.

Its a win-win, for them. And a serious loss for many.

How could anyone imagine that powerful, well educated and highly connected people could do such a thing? Have you been sleepwalking for the last ten years?

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts

This is the update from last night.

Posting may be a bit irregular this week because of the holidays.

The end of year tape painting is hot and heavy.

18 December 2012

Net Asset Value Premiums Of Certain Precious Metal Trusts and Funds

Bear raid on the metals this afternoon was hard to miss.

Here is the Comex Metals Calendar for the rest of the year.
Dec. 21 Nymex January 2013 platinum options expiry
Dec. 26 Comex January 2013 copper options expiry
Dec. 27 Comex December gold futures last trading day
Dec. 27 Comex December silver futures last trading day
Dec. 27 Comex December copper futures last trading day
Dec. 27 Comex December E-micro gold futures last trading day
Dec. 27 Comex January 2013 E-mini copper futures last trading day
Dec. 28 Nymex December palladium futures last trading day
Dec. 30 Nymex January 2013 platinum futures first notice day
Dec. 31 Comex January 2013 silver futures first notice day
Dec. 31 Comex January 2013 copper futures first notice day