25 January 2018

The US Dollar Since the November 2016 Presidential Election - Butter It With Growth and Take It Out In Trade

"Obviously a weaker dollar is good for us as it relates to trade and opportunities. The currency’s short term value is not a concern of ours at all Longer term, the strength of the dollar is a reflection of the strength of the U.S. economy and the fact that it is and will continue to be the primary currency in terms of the reserve currency,"

Steve Mnuchin, US Treasury Secretary

"Trade wars are fought every single day," he said. "So a trade war has been in place for quite a little while, the difference is the U.S. troops are now coming to the rampart."

Wilbur Ross, US Commerce Secretary

"With the global punditry assembled in Davos this week, the topic of the dollar seems to have bubbled to the surface again. Down more that 10% from the December 2016 peak, the greenback has started to sag at just the time when Treasury deficits are climbing and the Fed is paring back its purchases of US government debt and agency mortgage bonds."

Chris Whalen, Dollars, Deficits, and Duh in Davos

Short term at least, the Trump Administration is pursuing a weaker dollar policy.  This despite President Trump's very incongruous assertion late today from Davos that 'he supports a strong dollar'  and that Secretary Mnuchin's comments were taken out of context.   As if.

A weaker dollar stimulates exports, and acts like a general tariff on imports.   This is less of an issue for the US now that it has become 'oil independent.'  There are other key imports but oil has been the heavy hitter.

The financial sector may not be so welcoming of this, as the weaker dollar makes it a bit more difficult to peddle their dodgy financial instruments to non-US clients.

Still, in the bigger of things, the dollar weakness is rather mild.  I show a longer term DX chart in the second graph.

The weaker currency strategy is certainly good for those who hold gold and silver priced in US Dollars.

One of the more interesting economic phenomena to watch will be the manner in which the US Treasury and the Fed manage the huge US debt, having doubled to over twenty trillion US Dollars, with interest rates beginning to creep up back to more 'normal' levels.

And the recent tax cuts for the wealthiest and corporations will continued to fuel that deficit.

The hope is that a growing economy will help to offset will negate the problem.

This is a key facet of 'supply side' economics.

As Tony Sanders puts it at Confounded Interest, "The hope is the the economy will grow faster than it has since The Great Recession."

But at the end he does add that 'too much sugar is bad for you.'

Another party, which seeks to resurrect the printing money solution, albeit with a new brand and gnostic marketing campaign, is of the opinion that the US can resolve the issue by decoupling the currency from the US debt markets.

If too much sugar is bad for you, is replacing it with crystal meth going to be better long term solution? Not unless everyone around the world becomes your enabler, then caretaker, and finally caregiver.

As US Treasury Secretary John Connally put it at the G-10 meeting in late 1971, "It is our dollar, but it's your problem."

All in all, if I daresay, not such a bad time to own independently valued assets, like gold and silver.

24 January 2018

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Enough Is Enough - #VoteThemOut - The Decline and Fall of Davos Man

"There is felt today very widely the inconsistency in this condition of political democracy and industrial absolutism. The people are beginning to doubt whether in the long run democracy and absolutism can coexist in the same community; beginning to doubt whether there is a justification for the great inequalities in the distribution of wealth, for the rapid creation of fortunes, more mysterious than the deeds of Aladdin’s lamp...

The government is the potent omnipresent teacher. For good or ill it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy."

Louis D. Brandeis

"It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes.

...when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges, to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society-the farmers, mechanics, and laborers-who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their Government.  There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses."

Andrew Jackson

“Woe to the shepherds, who have been feeding only themselves. You eat the fat, you take the wool, and you slaughter the fattest animal, but you do not feed the flock. You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bandaged the injured or brought back the strays or looked for the lost; rather, you have ruled them with harshness and tyranny. So they were scattered because there was no shepherd; they were scattered and became prey for every wild beast of the field." Ezekiel 34:1-5

The markets were roiled today by comments from the Trump Administration. The first was that the weaker dollar is good for trade, which sent the US Dollar into a tailspin, falling down on the DX level to a new recent low of 89. And the second was some comments on the unfairness of trade with China, which fanned fresh concerns about a 'hot trade war.'

The Donald will be addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos on Friday, and will be arriving there tomorrow.

If the House Republicans, and a few reckless Senators,  do indeed have a memo written by member Devin Nunes or any information from an informant with knowledge about a 'secret society' with remarkable information about corruption and whatever else they claim, up to including treason, then let them release it.

But to waive a secret memo in the air,  or make up stories about secret knowledge, while using them to justify all sorts of serious charges against an institution that is investigating some of their own for a different type of corruption, while maintaining it as secret, is questionable to say the least.   And unworthy of a high official of the public trust.  And they should be ashamed. 

And on the other hand, there are the histrionics of the Democrats and their courtiers in the media, sounding the alarm about 'Russian collusion' attempting to subvert the recent election, without producing any real proof that such a thing had even occurred in any substantial manner.   And if one notes that the evidence has not be produced, they themselves are attacked as disloyal, and under the influence of a foreign power.

As I suggested long ago, if there is a crime here it is probably money-laundering having its roots in NY real estate deals over a long period of time involving Russian oligarchs.  And ironically, Hillary and her significant other had their same paws in similar purses.

How can we not think of Senator McCarthy, waving his infamous secret list of Communists in the State Department, which he never released, but used as a bludgeon on the institutions of the government, and as a tool to inflame the public, and subvert the objective course of justice.

Perhaps we need to vote most of these unworthies out of office, and replace them with mature adults who will conduct themselves in the service of the public, and provide a much better example for the people, and especially for those younger among us. And if the two political parties are too set in their ways, too comfortable in their excesses to change, then we may need to reform or replace the two political parties with a third.

What, you do not want to hear about this?   You want to roll yourself up in a cocoon of lies supported by some internet sites and television channels?   You don't need to see charts about gold and silver:  you need to stop stuffing garbage in your mind, to smother your conscience.

Gold and silver were on a tear higher today as the US dollar was slumping.  And stocks were wobbly, for the very good reason that they are overvalued, and that their underpinnings are weak to say the least.

Let's see if the metals can hold their ground into the Comex Options expiration tomorrow, and if any fresh statements come out of Davos, that may shake up the calm of the financial markets.

People are always given to excess. We may strike out on a good path, but too often it becomes an excess when it serves the private interests of some at the expense of others.

This is why we create laws, and institutions to uphold them. And even these are suseceptible to the same abuses being, after all, human institutions.

And so it is a never ending struggle, to maintain justice, and peace, and equality, against those forces that would pervert it for their own ends.   And that same struggle exists within ourselves, as we struggle to hold on to our humanity, and keep the fires of the love of virtue alive in our hearts, even in times of abundant wickedness.  Far be it from us to fall into the same worldly abyss of abuses by the forces of darkness against the light.

Have a pleasant evening.

23 January 2018

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - We Are the World

"The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as his liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty."

Abraham Lincoln
Cohn and McMaster had a press conference today, to discuss the President's upcoming trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, where he will meet with billionaires, their courtiers in the media and the academy, and some world leaders such as Benjamin Netanyahu and Theresa May.

This Davos forum is a gathering of the economic elite, and not necessarily of government functionaries, although with corporatism becoming more fashionable, it seems that the two will be increasingly one. Trump is the first American president to attend this gathering.

When asked about the framing of the 'America First' campaign slogan, Treasury Secretary Cohn said that it is 'America first, but not alone.' America is 'open for business.' And to that end the Trump admin slapped a 30% tariff on imported solar panels.

And Gary Cohn added that what was good for America is good for the rest of the world. I imagine this echoes his endorsement of the 'trickle down' theory which he

And there you have it.

As a bit of trivia, I have been to Davos, many years ago.  I often traveled to Switzerland over the years, for international standards meetings at the UN in Geneva at first, and then later for business conferences with our European customers and salespeople in places like Davos, Zurich and Zermatt.

Speaking of what's good for America, or at least for those elite Americans that count in the modern economic order of things, stocks continued upwards, as the riskiest of risk on markets continues to push to new highs, shrugging off any and all concerns with its 'rampant optimism' as the spokesmodels like to couch it.

Gold and silver caught a bid today on dollar weakness, as Uncle Buck cracked down through the 90 level on the DX index, finishing up around 89.90.   You may have noticed that the stock charts for the dollar that I post are initially a day behind, and then get updated to include today's action later on in the evening.  This is because of a lag that Stockcharts has in updated that particular pricing.  I watch it on my CME futures feed but don't generate my own chart for it.

As previously noted there will be a Comex precious metals options expiration on Thursday.

Have a pleasant evening.

"He makes the rules and he intends to keep it that a'way,
What's good for General Bullmoose, is good for the USA."