29 January 2018

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - The Wild Ones - Into the Void

The Wild Ones: Natural Born Value Killers
"Intolerance is the most socially acceptable form of egotism, for it permits us to assume superiority without personal boasting."

Sydney J. Harris

Stocks were slumping today, taking a break from their recent parabolic rally higher, with a record setting lack of meaningful corrections.

The precipitant was word that AAPL is cutting back on its manufacturing forecasts for the iPhone X.

The equity market is frothy to say the least. It could still keep melting up higher. But at some point, some trigger event is going to precipitate a 5 to 10 percent correction at a minimum. And the frothier the market gets, the less significant this trigger event needs to be.

Gold and silver were off a bit today, as a side effect of a bounce in the US Dollar, which took back what it had lost on Friday past. The Dollar was deeply oversold on a short term basis.

Although I suspect it was largely technical, the rally *could* have been helped by a higher yield in US interest rates.

As previously noted, Chairman Yellen will be at her last FOMC meeting this week. Their rate decision will be given on Wednesday.

The Fed is raising rates, not to combat inflation, but to get off its market-distorting zero bound enough to give it some room to cut rates again when its latest financial asset paper bubble subsides and collapses in on itself.

The aptly named Fortune magazine named JP Morgan as its 'Most Admired Bank.' The magazine apparently has a penchant for serial felons under delayed prosecutions and fines.

Jamie Dimon, JPM CEO, took the opportunity to say that he will be staying on at the helm of JPM for another five years.

There will be a Non-Farm Payrolls report for January on Friday.

The Donald will be giving his first State of the Union address tomorrow.  He is expected to tout the great American progress as demonstrated by the stock market bubbles and low unemployment rates, if you ignore all the unemployed and underemployed. The low Labor Participation Rate tells the tale of the forgotten.

He is also expected to lay out some sort of plan for infrastructure development.  There was some excitement last night when a plan was leaked that called for nationalizing the US cellular network for the deployment of 5G.

That seemed improbable, since this is a government that cannot even bring itself to defend a no-brainer for the public good like net-neutrality.

I think we are seeing a symptom of battered electorate syndrome, where the battered keep hoping that their abusers will suddenly change and become what they had hoped that those in power would be.  Just give them one more chance and they will change.

Well, it seemed improbable and it was.  And I fear that Trumpolini's infrastructure plan will be a rotten egg behind a snappy headline.  Follow the money.  This guy has a three card monte patter of misdirection and the short con.

People who are alienated, and think themselves victims in their selfishness and egotism, often admire the tough guy who breaks social conventions.  They identify with his anger, and defiance of social conventions and shows of poor in a willingness to punch the weaker and the subordinate in the face.
“Narcissists have poor self-esteem, but they are typically very successful. They feel entitled; they’re self-important; they crave admiration and lack empathy. They are also exploitative and envious. The malignant types never forget a slight."

Janet Tavakoli
You can be reassured that the Koch Brothers are not napping, and are planning to rollout $400 million to support a public relations campaign to defend the GOP against an expected Democratic dominance in the mid-term elections.  Thank you Citizens United.

And because of the increase in wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.

And it is, and they are.

Have a pleasant evening.

Administration Disavows Any Plans For National Cellular Infrastructure Amid Blowback From Industry and FCC

I had a strong doubt that such a vision of a public information infrastructure would be legitimate. It is being dismissed by White House officials as an 'outdated' proposal from the National Security Council (NSC) that drew a swift negative reaction from the telecoms industry and FCC Chairman Ajit Pai.

How can we expect such a visionary project from a government that places something so basic to the public good as net neutrality in the waste bin?

There will likely be a proposal for a national infrastructure of roads and bridges, which I expect to be largely an underfunded headline grabber that throws the burden of the realization of it on states and local governments.

This excerpt below is an update on the national cellular network story from ZeroHedge which you can read here.

Update: Several senior White House officials told Recode Monday that the Trump administration has no plans to build a "nationalized" US 5G network. The presentation, compiled by an unnamed senior NSC aide, was merely a dated proposal that will probably never see the light of day, the officials said.

The administration sources also pointed out that the FCC has a much larger role in setting broadband policy, and Ajit Pai, the current FCC chairman, has said he opposes the nationalization idea.

The NSC, they said, is only one component of a much larger decision-making process on the part of the federal government to set broadband policy. Its say is not final on these matters — and its memo does not appear to have gained traction with other tech-focused arms of the White House, according to multiple sources within the Trump administration.

A spokesman for the NSC, meanwhile, did not respond to an email seeking comment Monday.

28 January 2018

US Government Considers Nationalizing US Cellular Network And Unifying Upgrade to 5G Next Generation Wireless

This 'leak' suggests that the US government may take a greater interest in building out the US information infrastructure, and modernizing it with more speed and greater standardization.

When I first heard of this the first thing that occurred to me was the Eisenhower plan to modernize and upgrade the US transportation infrastructure with the Interstate Highway System.  It provided for a significant upgrade and expansion to the national transportation infrastructure and a significant boost to the post-war economy.

I would be surprised if the major carriers would be interested in this, unless they were to put their competitive advantages in coverage differences aside to go after the government funding for the expansion to new technology and a wider, more uniform infrastructure.

Forming strategic initiatives around key infrastructure is such a good idea for the nation and the public as a whole that I cannot imagine it being adopted in any kind of reasonable and productive manner by the current government.   Telecommunications is a heavily lobbied industry.

Recall that this is a government of knuckle-dragging kleptocrats that could not even sustain a defense of a no-brainer policy like 'net neutrality.'

I wonder if this cellular infrastructure proposal was a candidate for headline busting big idea projects in Trump's upcoming State of the Union speech.  In that speech he is expected to note our economic progress, and ask for bipartisan support for infrastructure projects and increase military spending.  And perhaps the celluar project did not make the cut, which is why it was leaked now.  Or perhaps it did, and this is a trial balloon to see who applauds and who screams.  In any event, it seems to have been a calculated leak with intent.

 But look at what a cynic I have become.

There are certain shared and basic resources like roads, air traffic control, electric power distribution, and a national wireless system that need to be under some for of strategic government regulation. The amount of regulation and the forms it takes are another matter.

The pendulum has been swinging away from government initiatives and involvement in the US infrastructures for the past thirty years, leaving it to the 'invisible hand' of self-serving individuals and corporations.

And it shows in the quality and reach of many shared, public systems that become dominated by private monopolies, each pursuing their own narrow agendas and short term objectives.

As they used to say in economics class, some of these things are 'natural monopolies' given the complexity, reach and capital requirements involved, and of course the public good, which is heavilyt discounted as a priority in a predatory kleptocracy.

The imperative in this is that the US is falling behind in certain types of national infrastructure compared to other countries that take a more strategic, long term interest in these matters.  And that makes it less competitive in a number of areas.

And it is certainly falling behind most developed nations in the availability and affordability of  public healthcare and higher education.  But that is another matter, but a similar symptom.

Let's see what happens.  We're still reading and thinking about some of the implications of the attachment at the end of the article at Axios which is the leaked memorandum.  My son is taking the technologists view, and I am thinking like the guys who have to deploy, use, and maintain them.

Let the lobbying games begin.

Trump Expected To Tout Economic Progress, Infrastructure Projects in State of the Union
Trump's Infrastructure: Trillion Dollar Initiative or the New Hunger Games for States and Municipalities

Scoop: Trump team considers nationalizing 5G network
Jonathan Swan, David McCabe, Ina Fried, Kim Hart

Trump national security officials are considering an unprecedented federal takeover of a portion of the nation’s mobile network to guard against China, according to sensitive documents obtained by Axios.

Why it matters: We’ve got our hands on a PowerPoint deck and a memo — both produced by a senior National Security Council official — which were presented recently to senior officials at other agencies in the Trump administration.

The main points: The documents say America needs a centralized nationwide 5G network within three years. There'll be a fierce debate inside the Trump administration — and an outcry from the industry — over the next 6-8 months over how such a network is built and paid for.

Two options laid out by the documents:

The U.S. government pays for and builds the single network — which would be an unprecedented nationalization of a historically private infrastructure.

An alternative plan where wireless providers build their own 5G networks that compete with one another — though the document says the downside is it could take longer and cost more. It argues that one of the “pros” of that plan is that it would cause “less commercial disruption” to the wireless industry than the government building a network.

Between the lines: A source familiar with the documents' drafting says Option 2 is really no option at all: a single centralized network is what's required to protect America against China and other bad actors.

The source said the internal White House debate will be over whether the U.S. government owns and builds the network or whether the carriers bind together in a consortium to build the network, an idea that would require them to put aside their business models to serve the country's greater good.

Why it matters: Option 1 would lead to federal control of a part of the economy that today is largely controlled by private wireless providers. In the memo, the Trump administration likens it to "the 21st century equivalent of the Eisenhower National Highway System" and says it would create a “new paradigm” for the wireless industry by the end of Trump's current term.

But, but, but: The proposal to nationalize a 5G network also only covers one part of the airwaves; there’d be other spaces where private companies could build...

Read the entire article here.