08 March 2018

Thomas Frank: From Russia With Absurdity - How the Clintons Put the Democratic Party in the Grave

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - It's All Right

"They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise, but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective, toward which all their deceit is directed, is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection."

Henry A. Wallace, April 1944

We had about 15" of heavy, packy snow yesterday, in a remarkably short period of time, maybe five hours . It was a bit much given the very windy nor'easter from last week.  Many people around here were just getting their power restored.

So between cleaning up even more fallen branches, chainsawing a small tree or two, and a very snow laden driveway, I am feeling pretty well knackered, and too beat to write much.

But it's all right.  A soothing tea and an ice pack for my knee is quite enough for me.

 Counting blessing and tender mercies.

Non-Farm Payrolls tomorrow.

Have a pleasant evening.

07 March 2018

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - The Sky Is Crying

Stock futures were getting pounded overnight in the aftermath of Gary Cohn's resignation over trade tariffs.

They managed a jagged 'rally' from the overnight lows through most of the day, managing to finish a little green or nearly unchanged.

What a marvel.

Gold and silver were weaker off of a slightly stronger dollar. I suspect they were also just being pushed around on light volumes.

There will be a Non-Farm Payrolls report on Friday. This week's ADP jobs data was stronger than expected, giving the impression that the NFP report will also be good.

We are getting quite a bit of snow from this winter storm. . It is rather heavy because of the temperature, and working hard towards an objective of a foot or more. 

It is bending all the smaller trees over, and straining the larger branches. I made sure the generator was ready in case we lose power.

Most everything around here is closed.  It is rather difficult to get around now, and we are safely hunkered down, eating home made soup and drinking cider.

Dolly is snuggled under her blanket with my son, and is scowling at any suggestion that she go outside.

Counting blessings and tender mercies.

Have a pleasant evening.