05 April 2024

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - A Darkness Over the Earth - And May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor


"Human beings are so made that the ones who do the crushing feel nothing; it is the person crushed who feels what is happening.  As soon as men know that they can kill without fear of punishment or blame, they kill; or at least they encourage killers, with approving smiles."

Simone Weil, Lectures on Philosophy

"Woe to those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter."

Isaiah 5:20

"The truly hysterical part of this cycle is still approaching, and it may get quite a bit worse when it does. Paranoia is almost a given when the exceptional fail spectacularly. There may be blood, if history is any indication, and a great deal of propaganda and distorted information spread by the money masters, without doubt. Those who have gone before us have stood on similar ground, over and over again. And now it is our turn."

Jesse, Keep the Faith, 7 July 2017

"One great power of sin is that it blinds men so that they do not recognize its true character. God has no pleasure in afflicting us, but He will not keep back even the most painful chastisement if He can but thereby guide His beloved child to come home."

Andrew Murray

"The more a thing may disappoint them, the more it may be proven false, the more readily it is debunked and shown to be a falsehood, or even evil, the more strongly some will embrace it, as if by sacrificing their own integrity, and perhaps even their souls, for something so unworthy will silence the criticisms and redeem it.  Pride is the mother of all sin. This is the descent into hell. This is the unwillingness to let go of the lie, for the sake of pride and its power, and cling to evil as it draws one into the abyss."

Jesse, Seth, Arbiter of Chaos, 15 May 2018

"Faith in the dawn arises from the faith that God is good and just.  When one believes this, he knows that the contradictions of life are neither final nor ultimate.  He can walk through the dark night with the radiant conviction that all things work together for good for those that love God.  Even the most starless midnight may herald the dawn of some great fulfillment.

The dawn will come.   Disappointment, sorrow, and despair are born at midnight, but morning follows.”

Martin Luther King, A Knock at Midnight, February 11, 1962

As you probably already know the Non-Farm Payrolls report came in on the hot upside this morning.

The Dollar rocketed higher.

Stocks ended up rallying today, which was a bit of a surprise.

Gold and silver were back in rally mode.

VIX fell.

Let's see how next week goes.

Biden's lack of leadership and diplomacy befitting one of the leaders of the Western world is notable. 

But his felonious opponent is distasteful to the extreme. 

We seem to be faced with Hobson's choice once again in this election year.

I don't have a problem voting my conscience independently.  I have been doing it for quite a few years.

And I have stopped watching the network news programs for the most part except for some local shows.

As a people we deserve better. 

We had the first earthquake of significance here in NJ and the Philadelphia-NYC metroplex in many, many years.

Nothing broken.  

Except our hardened hearts.

Have a pleasant weekend.

04 April 2024

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - "A War Against Humanity Itself" - Biden Should Resign


"The humanitarians and civilians should never be paying the consequences of war.  This is a basic principle of humanity.  At the time, this looks like it’s not a war against terrorism anymore.  It seems this is a war against humanity itself.  You cannot be destroying every building.  You cannot be destroying every hospital, every school.  You cannot be targeting humanitarians.  You cannot be targeting children.  You cannot be fighting the basis of what humanity should be standing for."

Charlie Nash, Aid Workers Were ‘Targeted Deliberately’, Mediaite, 4 April 2024

"Celebrity chef Jose Andres told Reuters in an emotional interview on Wednesday that an Israeli attack that killed seven of his food aid workers in Gaza had targeted them "systematically, car by car."  

Speaking via video, Andres said the World Central Kitchen (WCK) charity group he founded had clear communication with the Israeli military, which he said knew his aid workers' movements.  "This was not just a bad luck situation where ‘oops’ we dropped the bomb in the wrong place," Andres said.

"This was over a 1.5, 1.8 kilometers, with a very defined humanitarian convoy that had signs in the top, in the roof, a very colorful logo that we are obviously very proud of," he said.  It's “very clear who we are and what we do.”  Andres said the IDF was aware of the convoy's whereabouts. 

Andres said he was personally supposed to be there with his team but was not able to go back to Gaza at the time.  The U.S. needs to do more to stop the war, he said. Andres spoke to President Joe Biden on Tuesday. "The U.S. must do more to tell Prime Minister Netanyahu this war needs to end now," he said. He questioned Biden administration moves to supply aid in Gaza while also arming Israel. 

Jeff Mason, Israel targeted aid workers 'systematically, car by car, 'April 3, 2024

Over 30,000 innocent civilians and 196 aid workers have been systematically targeted and murdered in Gaza in this ongoing act of ethnic cleansing.  

The aid workers and food convoys are being targeted to promote the starvation of a civilian population. 

Their lies and phony claims are disgraceful, and transparent to the rest of the world.

Yesterday's strike that targeted seven Western aid workers has finally provoked a response.

More misery and pain is being inflicted in the West Bank, in what can only be said as a 'grab for land' of other people.

The embassy of Iran was attacked and people murdered in an outrageous violation of international law and a clear provocation for war, and a broader escalation of the war involving the Western powers.

The US and the UK and Germany among others are deeply complicit in this, and should be ashamed.

And then there is the proxy war in the Ukraine.  

And the persecution of a journalist/publisher, Julian Assange, for disclosing war crimes provided by a whistleblower who was prosecuted and imprisoned.  The Obama administration rightly refused to pursue this, and he had the worst record of abusing the Espionage Act in history.

Biden should step down.   

If not immediately, he should at least declare that he will not accept his party's nomination, and will not run for re-election.  His failure of leadership is at least as great as Lyndon Johnson's.

History will not absolve us if we remain silent and do nothing.

Stocks fell hard this afternoon.  I think it was triggered by a combination of things, including some rate cut remarks by Neel Kashkari, according to the giggling spokesmodels.

But more likely it was the warnings and fears of an outbreak of war in the Mideast, that will drag in the United States and its allies.

Gold and silver fell as is customary before a Non-Farm Payrolls report.

The Dollar chopped sideways.

VIX rose.  

Non-Farm Payrolls tomorrow.

“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

William Wilberforce

Have a pleasant evening.


03 April 2024

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - They Have Sown the Wind


"There is something on earth greater than arbitrary or despotic power.  The lightning has its power, and the whirlwind has its power, and the earthquake has its power; but there is something among men more capable of shaking despotic thrones and that is, the excited and aroused indignation of the whole civilized world."

Daniel Webster, Festival of the Sons of New Hampshire, Boston, November 7, 1849

"The more power a government has the more it can act arbitrarily according to the whims and desires of the elite, and the more it will make war on others and murder its foreign and domestic subjects."

R. J. Rummel, Death by Government: A History of Mass Murder and Genocide Since 1900

"Certainly, anyone who has the power to make you absurd has the power to make you unjust."

Voltaire, No.11, Collection des Lettres sur les Miracles, 1765

"It is interesting to contrast the complacency of the career diplomats, at that time most often Americans of privilege, with the agony of the German people as they slowly sunk into the abyss. The lone voices that were raised in protest were suppressed, ridiculed, marginalized, and ignored even in America. To many amoral minds, including especially the capitalists of the free world, Hitler's rise to power was just another business opportunity.  Some families rose to greater prominence and power, even in America, on a pile of European corpses."

Jesse, In the Garden of Beasts, 26 September 2011

"A true opium of the people is the belief in nothingness after death, the huge solace, the huge comfort of thinking that for our betrayals, our greed, our cowardice, our murders, we are not going to be judged.”

Czeslaw Milosz, Discreet Charm of Nihilism, November 19, 1998

"The people have broken my covenant, and rebelled against my law.  They cry out to me, 'Our God, we know you.'  But Israel has rejected what is good, and the enemy will pursue him.  They have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind."

Hosea 8:1-3,7

If they could see what is coming for them, but had no faith to sustain them, no regard for the Lord to guide them, they would almost certainly fall into a panic-stricken state of abject fear and despair.  

 Stocks were wobbly once again, in a another ranging day, but managed to finish up flat to green.

Gold and especially silver continued to rally.   Silver, when it moves, is amazing.

They have been bolting steadily higher since the recent Comex precious metals option expiration.

The chart formations for the metals are active on the charts, and clearly marked.  

The Dollar dropped back to just hanging on to the 104 handle.

The VIX fell.

The markets are keenly watching out for the Non-Farm Payrolls report.

This may severely test the metals rally, as it often does.

In the meantime the geopolitical situation is in the red zone, and the markets keep whistling along, focused on the Fed.

The stock markets are one event away from a comprehensive meltdown, that could be impressive.

Have a pleasant evening.
