16 October 2008

Spreads Between the Central Commodity Markets and Market Prices Continue to Widen

One of the hallmarks of the centrally-planned economy is a discrepancy between prices on paper, and prices in the marketplace. The examples of this are all too familiar to students of the economy of the former Soviet Union.

For whatever reasons, the US is beginning to go down that path, and perhaps shockingly so. We think a great deal of this is a temporary market dislocation overall as funds unwind positions under duress.

However, in the case of silver, the huge short positions by three banks suggest this is central planning and price fixing, not price discovery tied to market demand.

Silver: Gap Between Paper and Physical Prices Widening Daily

The logical question is "why don't these large dealers simply purchase contracts on the COMEX and stand for delivery?"

One factor is the incremental cost of fabricating the large bars from COMEX into forms more palatable to the retail market, ie. 100 oz, 10 oz bar and 1 oz rounds.

Another could be the anecdotal stories of COMEX reluctance to settle in delivery, and pressuring traders to accept 'cash.'

A potentially explosive situation worth keeping an eye on, for sure.

We wonder in what other markets this condition might repeat. Gold looks likely. Oil? Housing?

Where does statism end once it becomes comfortable with setting market prices, as in the Wage and Price Controls of the 1970's which so many have forgotten about today.

Are the large commodity producing nations allowing the bank cartel to set the prices at which they can sell their goods? Strange, and shame on them if they do.

Its a Brave New World, with many vestiges of the all too familiar.

Charts in the Babson Style for the Morning of 16 October

The LAST hour of trading is proving to be the most important of the day.

The hedge funds are in a massive unwinding of positions.

The Paulson plan does nothing in the short term to help the economy or the markets.

It is more like an outsized 'perk' than an economic 'plan' with a narrow and somewhat selective list of recipients.

"Those entrapped by the herd instinct are drowned in the deluges of history. But there are always the few who observe, reason, and take precautions, and thus escape the flood." Antony C. Sutton

Net Asset Value of Certain Precious Metal Funds and Trusts

Why do CEF and GTU carry such a premium over Net Asset Value?

Because this is the premium people are willing to pay for what they perceive to be 'real bullion' versus 'paper bullion.'

GLD tends to have a negative premium because it is a vehicle for traders, and particularly short sellers.

Deviations from NAV in themselves mean little, if the deviation is steady. It is in the fluctuations that information, and opportunities, are discovered.

The US "Trickle Down" Bailout Will Not Work

The bailout of the banks is just that: a bailout of the banks, designed by bankers, for bankers. It will not help repair the economy. It will not inspire confidence. Most of the money will be lost to insider dealing and narrow-minded favoritism.

This is yet another Bush Administration classic.

Joseph Stiglitz voices the hope that we have been expressing since the beginning of this year:

"Hopefully, our democracies are strong enough to overcome the power of money and special interests, and we will prove able to build the new regulatory system that the world needs if we are to have a prosperous and stable global economy in the 21st century."

We can start by voting this November, by overcoming our fears and our confusion, and throwing every Republican and the Democratic leadership out of public office. The message has to be clear, loud and unequivocal.

The Guardian
Paulson tries again
Joseph Stiglitz
Thursday October 16 2008

Unlike the UK plan, the revamped American bail-out puts banks first and taxpayers second

Gordon Brown has won plaudits over recent days for inspiring the turnaround in Hank Paulson's thinking that saw him progress from his "cash for trash" plan - derided by almost every economist, and many respected financiers - to a capital injection approach. The international pressure brought to bear on America may indeed have contributed to Paulson's volte-face. But Paulson figured he could reshape the UK approach in a way that was even better for America's banks than his original cash strategy. The fact that US taxpayers might get trashed in the process is simply part of the collateral damage that has been a hallmark of the Bush administration.

Will this bail-out be enough? We don't know. The banks have engaged in such non-transparency that not even they really know the shape they are in. Every day there are more foreclosures - Paulson's plan did little about that. That means new holes in the balance sheets are being opened up as old holes get filled. There is a consensus that our economic downturn will get worse, much worse; and in every economic downturn, bankruptcies go up. So even if the banks had exercised prudent lending - and we know that many didn't - they would be faced with more losses.

Britain showed at least that it still believed in some sort of system of accountability: heads of banks resigned. Nothing like this in the US. Britain understood that it made no sense to pour money into banks and have them pour out money to shareholders. The US only restricted the banks from increasing their dividends. The Treasury has sought to create a picture for the public of toughness, yet behind the scenes it is busy reassuring the banks not to worry, that it's all part of a show to keep voters and Congress placated. What is clear is that we will not have voting shares. Wall Street will have our money, but we will not have a full say in what should be done with it. A glance at the banks' recent track record of managing risk gives taxpayers every reason to be concerned.

For all the show of toughness, the details suggest the US taxpayer got a raw deal.

There is no comparison with the terms that Warren Buffett secured when he provided capital to Goldman Sachs. Buffett got a warrant - the right to buy in the future at a price that was even below the depressed price at the time. Paulson got for the US a warrant to buy in the future - at whatever the prevailing price at the time. The whole point of the warrant is so we participate in some of the upside, as the economy recovers from the crisis, and as the financial system starts to work.

The Paulson plan responded to Congress's demand to have something like a warrant, but as a matter of form, not substance. Buffett got warrants equal to 100% of the value of what he put in. America's taxpayers got just 15%. Moreover, as George Soros has pointed out, in a few years time, when the economy is recovered, the banks shouldn't need to turn to the government for capital. The government should have issued convertible shares that gave the right to the government to automatically share in the gain in share price.

Whether we were cheated or not, the banks now have our money. The next Congress will have two major tasks ahead. The first is to make sure that if the taxpayer loses on the deal, financial markets pay. The second is designing new regulations and a new regulatory system. Many in Wall Street have said that this should be postponed to a later date. We have a leaky boat, some argue, we need to fix that first. True, but we also know that there are really problems in the steering mechanism (and the captains who steer it) - if we don't fix those, we will crash on some other rocks before getting into port. Why should anyone have confidence in a banking system which has failed so badly, when nothing is being done to affect incentives? Many of those who urge postponing dealing with the reform of regulations really hope that, once the crisis is passed, business will return to usual, and nothing will be done. That's what happened after the last global financial crisis.

There is a hope: the last financial crisis happened in distant regions of the world. Then it was the taxpayers in Thailand, Korea and Indonesia who had to pick up the tab for the financial markets' bad lending; this time it is taxpayers in the US and Europe. They are angry, and well they should be. Hopefully, our democracies are strong enough to overcome the power of money and special interests, and we will prove able to build the new regulatory system that the world needs if we are to have a prosperous and stable global economy in the 21st century.

Joseph E Stiglitz is university professor at Columbia University and recipient of the Nobel memorial prize in economic science in 2001. He was chief economist at the World Bank at the time of the last global financial crisis.