01 November 2011

Net Asset Value of Certain Precious Metal Trusts and Funds

I would like to know the details of how Sprott Silver is managing its cash, and whether it holds any units of the fund back for occasional cash sales.

31 October 2011

Regulators Searching MF Global for Millions in Missing Customer Funds

Do you know where your account funds or assets owned through ETFs really are?  Do the regulators and overseers of the markets?  Do they care, or just look the other way?

NYT Dealbook
Regulators Investigating MF Global

Federal regulators have discovered that hundreds of millions of dollars in customer money have gone missing from MF Global in recent days, prompting an investigation into the company’s operations as it filed for bankruptcy on Monday, according to several people briefed on the matter.

The revelation of the missing money scuttled an 11th hour deal for MF Global to sell a major part of itself to a rival brokerage firm. MF Global, the powerhouse commodities brokerage run by Jon S. Corzine, had staked its survival on completing the deal.

Now, the investigation threatens to tarnish the reputation of Mr. Corzine, the former New Jersey Governor and Goldman Sachs chief who oversaw MF Global’s demise, making it the first American victim of Europe’s debt crisis.

What began as nearly $1 billion missing had dropped to less than $700 million by late Monday. It is unclear where the money went, and some money is expected to trickle in over the coming days as the firm sorts through the bankruptcy process, the people said....

Read the rest of the story here.

Kleptocracy, "rule by thieves" is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often without pretense of honest service.

No outside oversight is possible, due to the ability of the kleptocrats to personally control both the supply of public funds and the means of determining their disbursal.

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - The Golden Bowl

Is this the long awaited gut check for the longs?

A natural pullback after such a strong rally.

Let's see where it goes next.

"Related Disciplines"

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - MF Global Declares Bankruptcy

A strong October as one of the most dangerous of market trading months goes.

Keep an eye on Europe.

This market is triple black diamond, full of hidden risks, much of it caused by corruption and lax regulation.