09 November 2011

Risk Off

From last night:

"Why this resignation [by Berlusconi] without an heir apparent introduced 'certainty' eluded me somewhat.

I suspect that the Wall Street wiseguys are planning their own version of death by bunga bunga for the investing public."

Just another wash and rinse. Key support in the futures has held so far. Wax on, wax off.

General Counsel, Chief Executive Officer and Company Secretary, and the Administrators,
MF Global UK Limited (in Administration),
5 Churchill Place,
Canary Wharf,
London E14 5HU
31 October 2011

Dear Sirs,


We refer to the LCH rules, (which shall include all of the General Regulations, the Default Rules, the Default Fund Rules, the Settlement Finality Regulations and the Procedures) and the Clearing Membership Agreement (including extensions thereto), the all monies guarantee provided by MF Global Holdings Ltd (‘the LCH Rules and Documentation’) and we hereby declare you to be a ‘defaulter’ as defined in the LCH Rules and Documentation. Capitalised terms used herein and not defined herein shall have the meaning given to them in the LCH Rules and Documentation.

Ian Axe
Group Chief Executive
For and on behalf of LCH.Clearnet Limited

Cc: MF Global Holdings Ltd
717 Fifth Avenue, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10022

And at:
Corporation Trust Center
1209 Orange Street
New Castle County
Delaware, DE 19801

08 November 2011

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - La Douleur - Berlusconi Boogie Woogie

It was Risk ON as the markets rallied on news that the Italian PM Signor Berlusconi will be resigning after an austerity vote.

The rumours that he is being recruited as a Republican presidential candidate are probably mistaken, although he would blend.

Why this resignation without an heir apparent introduced 'certainty' eluded me somewhat.

I suspect that the Wall Street wiseguys are planning their own version of death by bunga bunga for the investing public.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Risk ON

It was definitely Risk ON as the markets rallied on news that Italy PM Berlusconi will resign after the austerity vote.

Why this is a rationale to take on more risk eludes me, and I tended to view today as what we call 'technical trade.'

The VIX did fall, but is still within a range.

07 November 2011

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts

The metals ripped higher, with gold tearing through key resistance at 1780 and running up to 1800 into the close.

Now that the bulls have stuck a close here, they need to hold it and post a weekly close in the 1780+ area.

If they can do this then the next big trial will come with the December option expirations, barring fresh headline jitters.

As noted on the chart, the last big smackdown was an exceptional buying opportunity. For those 'waiting on the sidelines' if you did not take that low price, then you should stop kidding yourselves. You are out of the metals market, and have joined the ranks of bystanders.

That is not to say that the road for the metals going forward is smooth and straight up. It most certainly will not. Big changes are coming, and the outcomes are difficult to handicap to say the least.

But all things considered, I would rather be prepared for what is probably coming and hope for something better, than to place all our hopes solely in the hands of politicians who so far have shown themselves to be dishonorable, duplicitous, and even cruel.