11 May 2012

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Facebook Cometh, So Paper Prevails

More capping pressure on the metals today. With Open Interest holding steady and the accumulation patterns intact it seems more like short selling to hold down price. That can only last for so long, and is the stuff of V bottoms.

The Facebook IPO prices next Thursday and that is a 'big event' for the Street.

But let's see how Europe fares. Liquidity panics are painful in the short term. I do not favor any stocks for now, and maintain gold bullion positions with hedges. As always I do not touch any long term positions.

I have posted the Comex option dates below for the next few months. This is traditionally a heavy delivery period for the next two months, so let's keep an eye on how that goes. These low prices might be considered a gift for those seeking physical bullion.

As the swallows return to San Juan Capistrano, so the children, or I should say young men and women now, return from university and their far flung enterprises this evening.

And so the old man must take his early leave, and make preparations for their return, and especially the return of their hearty appetites.

Have a pleasant weekend.

May 24 Comex June gold options expiry
May 24 Comex June copper options expiry
May 26 Comex June miNY gold futures last trading day
May 29 Comex May silver futures last trading day
May 29 Comex May copper futures last trading day
May 29 Comex June E-mini copper futures last trading day
May 29 Comex June miNY gold futures last trading day
May 31 Comex June gold futures first notice day
May 31 Comex June copper futures first notice day
May 31 Nymex June palladium futures first notice day
June 26 Comex July silver options expiry
June 26 Comex July copper options expiry
June 26 Comex July silver futures last trading day
June 27 Comex June gold futures last trading day
June 27 Comex June copper futures last trading day
June 27 Comex June E-micro gold futures last trading day
June 27 Comex July E-mini copper futures last trading day
June 27 Comex July miNY silver futures last trading day
June 27 Nymex June palladium futures last trading day
June 29 Comex July silver futures first notice day
June 29 Comex July copper futures first notice day
June 29 Nymex July platinum futures first notice day

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - The Facebook IPO Cometh

JPM dropped a bit of a bombshell last night, as the great Jamie Dimon confessed the losses at their London based CIO 'hedging operation.'

I had to chuckle today as the Street mavens attempted to direct and deflect that event, so as not to interfere with the much awaited Facebook public offering is expected to be priced next Thursday, May 17th.

I expect that the Street will rally to the support of the major indices in order to hold up demand for this fat cow of an IPO.

I imagine that it will price to expectations, or possibly just below, but obtain a decent initial performance based on nothing else than pure price manipulation and a shortage of shares for borrowing.

And then I think it will be cut in half, perhaps over a period of weeks. But it depends quite a bit on what else is happening in the macro world, particularly with regard to European debt and the next round of US quantitative easing, no matter the paper in which they choose to wrap it. Liquidity floats even dead fish.

Our son is coming home from university this evening, and a godson is coming here on a two week leave from the military, so I must make preparations for their hearty appetites. I have missed them greatly and will be very happy to see them. Children can be a worry and a heartache yes, I know that well, but also a great consolation and joy to a world weary heart.

Have a pleasant weekend.

JP Morgan Failure Shows the Incompetency of the Fed As Regulator And a Corrupted Government

...And They Repeatedly Fail to Protect the Public From It.
"How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to stand up for a righteous cause?

Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go..."

Sophie Scholl, last words

The spin machine is revving up, and the spokesmodels are gesticulating wildly, in an effort to direct and deflect this failure of governance at JPM.
See how manfully Jamie Dimon has come clean on this. And look how well the Fed's capital standards are protecting us from a failure at JPM because of this unfortunate but 'manageable' trading mistake.  

Jamie and the regulators could not possibly have known (CEO defense) what was going on in their firm because the world is now so complex.  They will try and work harder so don't disturb them or bad things will happen to us and it will be your fault.  But this will be a buying opportunity!
A craven Congress, dominated by a hard core of one-percenter bully boys, an Obama Administration intimately tied to Wall St. cronies, and the Federal Reserve, which is a private institution of financial establishment insiders making a weak attempt at self-regulation cloaked in secrecy, have failed the public once again.

Simon Johnson points out what many may miss in all this. The side effects of the continuing campaign by the banks' lobbyists to weaken reform have given us a hint of the next financial crisis to come which will be caused by a collapse in the derivatives market. And who could have seen it coming.

And I would like to make the point, and nail it to the door of the spineless media, that JPM had to admit, while the position was still open, that their 'hedge' had blown up in their faces, and that it was no hedge at all, but a thinly disguised attempt to circumvent the curbs on proprietary trading.  More simply, they were preparing to flout the law and were brazenly lying about it, and their use of leverage and very risky bets in search of enormous bonuses.  And they are doing the same thing on a much larger scale in other markets.

And it is no coincidence that financial fraud prosecutions under the Obama Administration are at a twenty year low, and the media and even his political opposition say almost nothing about it.
"All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible."

Frank Herbert
The credibility trap has captured our leadership. They cannot change course without admitting their failures, and to admit their failures is to weaken or even lose their grip on power. And so it's steady as she goes, onto the rocks. Better a general than a personal failure, risking other people's lives to protect your gains, because there is opportunity in a crisis as long as you still have a seat in the game.

The cheating, stealing, and lying will continue until the system finally collapses, or until the people finally wake up, take responsibility for their government, and demand meaningful reform.

JP Morgan Debacle Reveals Fatal Flaw In Federal Reserve Thinking
By Simon Johnson
May 11, 2012

Experienced Wall Street executives and traders concede, in private, that Bank of America is not well run and that Citigroup has long been a recipe for disaster. But they always insist that attempts to re-regulate Wall Street are misguided because risk-management has become more sophisticated – everyone, in this view, has become more like Jamie Dimon, head of JP Morgan Chase, with his legendary attention to detail and concern about quantifying the downside.

In the light of JP Morgan’s stunning losses on derivatives, announced yesterday but with the full scope of total potential losses still not yet clear (and not yet determined), Jamie Dimon and his company do not look like any kind of appealing role model. But the real losers in this turn of events are the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the New York Fed, whose approach to bank capital is now demonstrated to be deeply flawed.

JP Morgan claimed to have great risk management systems – and these are widely regarded as the best on Wall Street. But what does the “best on Wall Street” mean when bank executives and key employees have an incentive to make and misrepresent big bets – they are compensated based on return on equity, unadjusted for risk? Bank executives get the upside and the downside falls on everyone else – this is what it means to be “too big to fail” in modern America.

The Federal Reserve knows this, of course – it is stuffed full of smart people. Its leadership, including Chairman Ben Bernanke, Dan Tarullo (lead governor for overseeing bank capital rules), and Bill Dudley (president of the New York Fed) are all well aware that bankers want to reduce equity levels and run a more highly leveraged business (i.e., more debt relative to equity). To prevent this from occurring in an egregious manner, the Fed now runs regular “stress tests” to assess how much banks could lose – and therefore how much of a buffer they need in the form of shareholder equity.

In the spring, JP Morgan passed the latest Fed stress tests with flying colors. The Fed agreed to let JP Morgan increase its dividend and buy back shares (both of which reduce the value of shareholder equity on the books of the bank). Jamie Dimon received an official seal of approval. (Amazingly, Mr. Dimon indicated in his conference call on Thursday that the buybacks will continue; surely the Fed will step in to prevent this until the relevant losses have been capped.)

There was no hint in the stress tests that JP Morgan could be facing these kinds of potential losses. We still do not know the exact source of this disaster, but it appears to involve credit derivatives – and some reports point directly to credit default swaps (i.e., a form of insurance policy sold against losses in various kinds of debt.) Presumably there are problems with illiquid securities for which prices have fallen due to recent pressures in some markets and the general “risk-off” attitude – meaning that many investors prefer to reduce leverage and avoid high-yield/high-risk assets.

But global stress levels are not particularly high at present – certainly not compared to what they will be if the euro situation continues to spiral out of control. We are not at the end of a big global credit boom – we are still trying to recover from the last calamity. For JP Morgan to have incurred such losses at such a relatively mild part of the credit cycle is simply stunning.

The lessons from JP Morgan’s losses are simple. Such banks have become too large and complex for management to control what is going on. The breakdown in internal governance is profound. The breakdown in external corporate governance is also complete — in any other industry, when faced with large losses incurred in such a haphazard way and under his direct personal supervision, the CEO would resign. No doubt Jamie Dimon will remain in place.

And the regulators also have no idea about what is going on. Attempts to oversee these banks in a sophisticated and nuanced way are not working.

The SAFE Banking Act, re-introduced by Senator Sherrod Brown on Wednesday, exactly hits the nail on the head. The discussion he instigated at the Senate Banking Committee hearing on Wednesday can only be described as prescient. Thought leaders such as Sheila Bair, Richard Fisher, and Tom Hoenig have been right all along about “too big to fail” banks (see my piece from the NYT.com on Thursday on SAFE and the growing consensus behind it).

The Financial Services Roundtable, in contrast, is spouting nonsense – they can only feel deeply embarrassed today. Continued opposition to the Volcker Rule invites ridicule. It is immaterial whether or not this particular set of trades by JP Morgan is classified as “proprietary”; all megabanks should be presumed incapable of managing their risks appropriately.

Read the rest here.

10 May 2012

Sharkboy Hits Dock - JPM Takes 'Significant Loss' in Derivatives Book - 'Could Get Worse'

 How Are the Mighty Fallen
“The enormous loss was just the latest evidence that what banks call ‘hedges’ are often risky bets.”

Senator Carl Levin

"From top to bottom of the ladder, greed is aroused without knowing where to find a comfortable foothold. Nothing can calm it, since its goal is far beyond all it can attain. Reality seems valueless by comparison with the dreams of fevered imaginations; reality is therefore abandoned."

Emile Durkheim

After the bell JPM announced that it is taking a $2 Billion loss in its London derivatives book. The news drove down US bank stocks and the SP futures dropped a quick 12 points.

A Treasury official, speaking off the record, noted, "We may be dancing on the edge of a crevasse, but we're still better than Europe. Neener neener."

Isn't this transformation of the CIO office at JPMorgan part of Jamie Dimon's strategy to skirt curbs on proprietary trading and take very large positions in OTC derivatives in order to greatly increase bank profits?

I thought we were told that these massive bets were in the CIO section because they were 'hedges against risk' for JPM's corporate portfolio exposure.  You know, the same way that Blythe Masters has assured the public that their massive bets in commodities are all merely hedges?

See JPM 'London Whale' Trader Bruno Iksil Driving Derivatives Market With 'Massive Positions and Excess Capital'

Smells like the Corzine strategy at MF Global to me. And it was even being run out of London, the locus of financial frauds. What a coincidence!

Wait until their commodity derivatives book blows up.  When Blythe Masters famously said that 'the rest of the market is scared shitless of us' perhaps it was true, but not for the reasons that she had imagined.

I hope this doesn't hurt all the 'civilized people' who have their money tucked away in bank shares. The disclosure earlier today from Chris Whalen about Wells Fargo's accounting practices might have made Charlie Munger soil his wee undies. Well at least he is confident that the US will once again provide bailouts at the expense of 'handouts' to the poor and middle class.

Someone has to step in and protect capitalism from the capitalists. They'll never learn on their own.

JP Morgan Reveals Large Trading Loss; Shares Hammered
By Avi Salzman
May 10, 2012, 5:29 P.M. ET

JPMorgan Chase (JPM) fell 6.5% after-hours after saying it incurred “significant mark-to-market losses in its synthetic credit portfolio.”

CEO Jamie Dimon apologized on a conference call at 5 p.m. for “egregious mistakes” and an “unbelievably ineffective” trading strategy meant to hedge trading positions.

He said the company’s Corporate division was likely to post an $800 million after-tax loss, higher than its previous expectations for a plus or minus $200 million. JPM’s chief investment office lost $2 billion on its synthetic credit positions while recording a $1 billion gain, mostly by selling credit exposures(which will blow up at some later date in the manner of financial pyramid schemes - Jesse)

[I]n hindsight, the new strategy was flawed, complex, poorly reviewed, poorly executed and poorly monitored,” he said, according to an initial transcript. “The portfolio has proven to be riskier, more volatile and less effective an economic hedge than we thought.

“The strategy was badly executed, badly monitored,” he said, without going into detail about the specific trading strategy.

The company’s 10-Q , released just before the conference call, says:

“Since March 31, 2012, CIO has had significant mark-to-market losses in its synthetic credit portfolio, and this portfolio has proven to be riskier, more volatile and less effective as an economic hedge than the Firm previously believed. The losses in CIO’s synthetic credit portfolio have been partially offset by realized gains from sales, predominantly of credit-related positions, in CIO’s AFS securities portfolio.”

Analysts on the conference call were clearly perplexed by the sudden change. JP Morgan was considered to have among the cleanest balance sheets of the major banks. Dimon also noted that the loss could give fuel to critics who say that banks are still too lightly regulated.

Other major banks were also falling on the news...

What do you mean the vault is 'empty?' 
Financial Times
JPMorgan loses $2bn in ‘egregious’ error
By Tom Braithwaite in New York

JPMorgan Chase announced a surprise $2bn trading loss on credit derivatives trading, which chief executive Jamie Dimon blamed on “errors, sloppiness and bad judgement” and warned “could get worse”.

The shock disclosure, made after the market closed in a regulatory filing, sent shares in the bank down by about 6 per cent and prompted renewed calls for tougher regulation.

JPMorgan said the mark-to-market losses came in the bank’s chief investment office, a unit set up to invest excess deposits, which has drawn controversy after hedge funds alleged it was taking big proprietary bets.

Proprietary trading is set to be banned in the US by the forthcoming “Volcker rule” and the losses revealed on Thursday are likely to stiffen regulators’ resolve to enforce that ban broadly.

Carl Levin, a Democratic senator who has pushed for a strict interpretation of the rule, said “the enormous loss” was “just the latest evidence that what banks call ‘hedges’ are often risky bets”. He called for “tough, effective standards... to protect taxpayers from having to cover such high-risk bets”.

“It plays in to the hands of a bunch of pundits out there,“ Mr Dimon said on a hastily convened conference call. “This trading may not violate the Volcker rule but it violates the Dimon principle.”

...Turbulent credit markets exacerbated flaws in the trading strategy, JPMorgan said. Since the company does not want to conduct a fire sale of its positions, it is stuck with the exposure for some time.

“There is going to be a lot of volatility here and it could easily get worse this quarter – or better, but could easily get worse – and the next quarter we also think we have a lot of volatility,” Mr Dimon said.

JPMorgan also restated its “value at risk”, a measure of maximum possible daily losses, of the CIO in the first quarter from $67m to $129m.

Read the rest here.

Happier Days for Jamie and Blythe with Bruno Iksil at the Wheel

Dramatic re-enactment of JPM's Pan European Derivatives Victory Tour from Zurich to London