18 May 2012

Chris Powell Answers Doug Casey's Questions About Gold Manipulation

I had read Casey's piece, but quickly lost interest in it at the argument that the gold market is so big it cannot be manipulated by the poor weak central banks and their surrounding commercial banks who are practically bankrupt.

If someone is a value sophisticate in a segment of the market, but does not understand and have concern for the power of the Federal Reserve and its associated banks being able to print money at will, then it is probably good advice to stick what you do know, and leave the economics for someone else. The saying that control of the money supply is a powerful tool has been around so long that it has become proverbial.

As for the size of the gold market, it is tiny relative to the financial markets. Consider the enormous size of the international currency markets. Or the bond markets. Do the central banks manipulate them? Did Citi not get caught blatantly shoving Euro bond prices around a few year ago? Of course they did. And as the sanctioned trader protested, it was nothing out of the ordinary. They just don't get caught at it unless they get clumsy.

Prices in a market are set at the margin or 'on the float' in the day to day trade. All a large trader or group of traders has to do is manage that marginal trade and the market will follow. If one looks at the amount of daily trading done on the LBMA in daily volume relative to the amount of physical gold changing hands, the answer is fairly glaring.

Market operators may not be able to resist the primary trend, but given deep enough pockets and high enough leverage, and cooperation from like minded manipulators, and they can make a good game of it for quite a long time. That is an old and familiar story for those who know the history of the markets.

As for the why of the manipulation there are many reasons. But as just one example, if I and a group of associates could knowingly push the bullion price around in the short term, we could make enough money skinning speculators in the ancillary markets, derivatives such as options and in mining stocks for example, to make it a very lucrative trade. This is Markets 201.

All that is required is that the regulators turn a blind eye to the manipulation in the markets. And if anyone close to the markets still doubts that they do that today after all that has happened, you will excuse me if I don't take them very seriously. The big trading desks have been using the markets like their personal ATMs, and every time they do get caught in some slip up it is a slap on the wrist and a nominal fine, and a promise not to do it again.

Has this fellow ever read anything from Ted Butler or Harvey Organ or Bart Chilton?

Forget gold for a moment, what about silver?  Is that market too big to manipulate? How about the energy markets in the US? Remember Enron?

Academics like Paul Krugman might not readily understand this, because this is not what they do, and they tend to approach the world through simplified, abstract models that are without the dark alleys and rough edges of the real world. 

The notion that markets cannot be manipulated are a corollary to the efficient market hypothesis, and idealized markets that naturally tend to stable clearing prices.

But I would expect someone who considers themselves a seasoned speculator and market savvy to know that markets do not behave in this manner, and that as long as there are markets, there will be those who will bend the rules and cheat whenever and wherever they can.

The Wall Street demimonde does not care if the markets are corrupt because if you get enough information to see the 'bezzle you can make money on the swings, or if not by trading then by serving the interests of the trading desks of the large funds.  But market distortions can play hell with investors, and is destructive of the real economy because of the malinvestment that long term market distortion cultivates.

I don't like to dwell on the manipulation when investing as opposed to speculating.  As I have repeatedly said here, take your investment positions based on logic and the fundamentals, and a long term financial portfolio plan, and ignore the short term noise and wiggles.  Thinking back I have always made the most, if not all the profits on balance,  when I took a solid position and then just rode it, sometimes for years.   So if I were in the game of mining stocks I would not want to see people distracted from them IF they were in it for the long term and they were properly fit in a portfolio. And so I understand why some people get frustrated by talk of market manipulation.

Chris Powell makes a good show of answering these sorts of things, but I do not think that the effort here will be worthwhile. Anyone who can trot out the canard that a 'market is too big to be manipulated' does not engage my interest for very long.   All will be revealed in time whether we argue about it or not. 

But the real economy is in dire need of serious and meaningful financial reform, which includes cleaning up the markets and taking the pampered princes off the malinvestment feedbag.  And that is something that matters greatly.

"In an essay posted Thursday at GoldSeek, financial writer Doug Casey of Casey Research asks for evidence of gold market manipulation and some explanation of its purpose. Casey's essay is headlined "Precious Metals Market Manipulation?" and it's posted here.

The evidence and explanation have long been posted in the "Documentation" file at GATA's Internet site here.

Maybe the most comprehensive treatment of the subject is the latest version of your secretary/treasurer's "stump speech" here.

But we're always adding to the "Documentation" file, like the acknowledgment by the late Dutch central banker and Bank for International Settlements President Jelle Zijlstra that Western central banks rig the gold market show here, so if he's at all curious Casey might want to drop by occasionally for updates."

17 May 2012

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Massive Short Covering Rally From Deeply Oversold

Facebook priced after the bell, 421 million shares @ $38 with a PE of 107 and a Price/Sales of 25.

This is "the largest internet IPO in history" (Ring Ring Ring).

It will start trading in the public markets, as opposed to dark pools and private deals, tomorrow after 11 am Eastern Time.  That will make share acquisition a bit problematic in Europe.

The wiseguys are geared up for a multiday pop and drop. The drop part may not arrive for a few weeks, and could mark a watershed event if it happens. More relies on Ben Bernanke than Mark Zuckerberg.  I think Facebook will place somewhere between Google and Groupon.  I would not buy at the $60 price I expect to see print tomorrow.  It will probably see sub 20 before it sees 100.

Shares for borrow and shorting may not show up in size until next week after the settlement for shares being sold tomorrow.  But I would not underestimate the 'special arrangements' that might be made for short selling into the close of trade on Friday.

Gold and silver soared today. I had intraday commentary in which I show the metrics I have been watching that showed gold at a major oversold condition that has marked at least short term bottoms for at least the last year.

So what next. Gold and silver must continue to diverge from stocks as a safe haven despite weaker economic news and troubles in Europe. I think that this is possible.

I thought the selling of the last three days was utterly artificial judging by the behaviour of the open interest which stayed steady and even rose! Gold and silver were passing from weak to strong hands in the face of blatant price manipulation designed to frighten the average investor.

Let's see how equities do tomorrow in the face of option expiration, and the uncertainty of Europe and the weekend.

Facebook may ring a bell. Let's hope that the nonsense in gold and silver is over at last.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Facebook Cometh - Last of the Dot Bombs?

Big down day in the US markets today as the trading desks flushed out their weaker positions and got ready to pump up Facebook tomorrow for what could work out to be the mother of pump and dump operations. I do not expect the fat lady to sing tomorrow, but I think she will start warming up for what could be remembered in a few years as the end of an era, a watershed event.

Let's see what happens. I do not expect a down day in the stock markets tomorrow but I could be wrong. Equities are short term oversold.

Tomorrow is also an options expiration.

Devaluing the Dollar - Against What?

When people talk about devaluing the dollar, as opposed to reissuing it completely, the natural question is, against what? What would one devalue it against officially if you do not wish to reinstitute a formal gold standard, which is clearly the preference of the Western central bank.

One likely candidate might be the SDR issued as a new currency for global trade, and for the pricing of international goods and commodities.

The major bone of contention as I have pointed out before would be the new 'basis' for the SDR. What Will the World's Reserve Currency Become?  The BRICs are adamant for the inclusion of additional currencies and gold and silver to make a portfolio that is less weighted to the US, Europe, and England.

A country would have the option to retain their own national currency for domestic use.

This is regards to devaluation as opposed to a hyperinflation and reissuance in which case old dollars would be scrapped for 'new dollars' with a couple of zeroes knocked off.

A friend sent this information about the US Post Office my way today. The speculation on the 'new composition' of the SDR is mine. I am assuming that the number of Euro countries decreases.

The US Post Office is using US$ to SDR conversion tables for international mail insurance --> US Postal Service US$ to SDR Policy and Tables

Earliest reference I could find to when the USPS started pricing in SDRs is 2009, which is well after the initial financial crisis.

IMF publishes daily tables on SDR values--> IMF SDR Daily Tables

Quick calc: at today's SDR rate of 1.52 SDR to 1 US$, if a new global dollar like currency was issued, then a current $1 US would buy you 66 cents of that new currency.

This is about a 34% drop in the $ value.

And that is probably best case scenario, since the daily SDR rate is priced
relative to 3 other currencies. If the US$ were to take a pounding prior to
issuance of a new currency, the exchange rate would be even less favorable to $ holders.

Summary: The pricing mechanism for replacing the greenback is in place. As
your anxiety level rises on the $, feel free to check daily to see what your bank deposits would be worth after a bank "holiday".