31 May 2012

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Brownian Motion

Here is a summary of what the spokesmodels said about precious metals today.

Yada-yada. Yada yada yada.

Non-Farm Payrolls report tomorrow will dominate the short term action perhaps depending on how the number comes in, but the real driver remains the sovereign debt situation with eyes on Greece and Spain in pariticular.

The Greek election mid month may provide some indication of their willingness to accept austerity, or not.

Random and Essentially Meaningless Movement of the Gold Price as Perturbed By High Frequency Bombardment

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Weak GDP, But Markets Watch Payrolls and Greece

Watch for the Non-Farm payrolls report, and the Greek situation. Their elections are mid-month and could be a significant market driver.

Lauren Lyster Interviews CBO Whistleblower Lan Pham

From the February 2, 2012 Wall Street Journal story on Lan Pham's firing:

"I was repeatedly pressured by the CBO Assistant Director, Deborah Lucas, in charge of the Financial Analysis Division to not write nor discuss issues in the banking sector and mortgage markets that might suggest weakness in these sectors and their consequences on the economy and households."

The CBO's 2010 termination letter to Ms. Pham cites her lack of qualifications, "poorly organized" research, and resistance to taking orders from her superiors as the reasons for her firing.

Lan Pham's March interview with ZeroHedge.

It is a little known fact, but probably no surprise to most, that in addition to not prosecuting any key participants in the financial fraud and crisis, the Obama Administration has instead been particularly tough on whistleblowers who expose government corruption.

Net Asset Value Premiums of Certain Precious Metal Trusts and Funds

Bullion prices are bouncing around a bit today with stocks ahead of the Non-Farm Payrolls Report.

Needless to say, the premiums are a bit 'thin' especially on the Spicer family funds.