11 January 2013

Bill Moyers: The Crony Capitalist Blowout

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts

Coiling for a move, pretty much as expected.

Watch out for the debt ceiling battle. It could be a wild ride.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts

The indices looks a little stretched to the upside.

They can go further. Wait for it, wait until the market starts discounting the debt ceiling battle.

The wiseguys will probably want to run it up, and then suck in the funds and the pedestrian bystanders and then short it on the way down.

Democracy Now on Jack Lew's Appointment as Treasury Secretary

Word has it that Obama wanted Lew for his reputation as a 'tough negotiator.'

The progressive side dislikes him because he has a penchant for the status quo, and is no genuine reformer, which come to think of it is probably not a bad description of the President.

The conservative side dislikes him because he is a tough negotiator, and the fact that they wish to disrupt the processes of an opposition government at any opportunity no matter the cost and the benefit to anyone else. It is certainly based on no moral principles or standards.