16 January 2013

Andrew Nagorski: Hitlerland - Little Eichmanns

The opposite of love is not hate, but callous apathy and uncaring.  Hate is a passion, a counterpart to lust.

And tragedy occurs when such heartlessness is advantaged by careerism, and an ideology that rationalizes unconscionable expediency, sanctioned privation, organized repression, and eventually murder, on a massive scale. 

This is not how monsters are created, but how their enablers and supporters are formed, so that they too can, over time, become as beasts to escape their unbearable shallowness, and the emptiness of their souls.

These are not the Hitlers, but the little Eichmanns. And they are abroad again, making and influencing policy on an alarming scale, today.

"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil...

The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal. From the viewpoint of our legal institutions and of our moral standards of judgment, this normality was much more terrifying than all the atrocities put together...

He [Eichmann] was in complete command of himself nay he was more: he was completely himself. Nothing could have demonstrated this more convincingly than the grotesque silliness of his last words.

He began by stating emphatically that he was a Gottgläubiger to express in common Nazi fashion that he was no Christian and did not believe in life after death. He then proceeded: “After a short while gentlemen we shall all meet again. Such is the fate of all men. Long live Germany, long live Argentina, long live Austria. I shall not forget them.”

In the face of death he had found the cliché used in funeral oratory. Under the gallows his memory played him the last trick: he was 'elated' and he forgot that this was his own funeral.

It was as though in those last minutes he was summing up the lesson that this long course in human wickedness had taught us: the lesson of the fearsome word-and-thought-defying banality of evil.”

Hannah Arendt

h/t Andrew

15 January 2013

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts

Gold or silver need to take out the intermediate downtrends in order to set up the next major move. This might not occur until the debt cliff plays out.

They can only keep the price down so long.

Germany is said to be announcing the repatriation of much of their gold tomorrow. Let's see if that actually happens.

The Treasury is apparently tapping its employee pension funds to avoid a problem with its debts, in the manner of modern US corporations and past debt limit crises. Thank God there is no commingling of customer (citizen) accounts to raid as was done at MF Global. Or at least not yet.  When you own the currency and the printing press such direct and brutish methods are unnecessary.

I suspect that the currency wars will be rocking and rolling by this summer.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Wall St. In Denial

The Wall Street wiseguys would like to hand this rally off to mom and pop and their funds. But mom and pop are still largely sitting this one out. And it is making them nervous.

Wall St. blames the government, and the uncertainty over the debt and the currency.

But this is the usual deflection and denial. The markets are so obviously foul that normal honest people want little or nothing to do with them. And they are voting with their feet.

It could be that the Fed and the Administration will choose to inflate another stock bubble, and people will, as some ex-Fed governor turned stock analyst used to snigger, will drive the baby boombers back into stocks because they have no choice.

Those who remember the market doldrums of the 1970's will know that you can cheat the people only so much, and then tend to go away for quite some time, until the next gimmick shows up.

Money Supply Figures: Monetary Inflation But Real Economy Is Dysfunctional

"He that gives good advice, builds with one hand; he that gives good counsel and example, builds with both; but he that gives good admonition and bad example, builds with one hand and pulls down with the other."

Francis Bacon

The growth in the MZM and M2 money supplies are very strong, almost remarkably so given the very slack growth in employment and GDP.

So why do we not see any serious inflation in prices?  Or real gains in employment for that matter.

As an aside, I think some of the more 'modern'  and aggressively modified measures of price inflation, like chained CPI, do not measure price inflation at all, but the consumer behaviour of product substitution under increasingly trying circumstances as people cope by reducing their standard of living. That is a measure of gradual deprivation, not inflation.

I would like to see a system where no social policy is passed that the leadership of a country does not accept first.  If there is to be austerity, pension cuts, reductions in medical services and food, let them accept it first for the good of the country and an example to their citizens.  I do not say this out of meanness, but charity.  For the double standard with selective justice is the slow and silent killer of oligarchies.

The velocity of money tells part of the story. Please note that those charts below are based on much longer timeframes to show that they are a trend, and not a short term affect of the collapse.

The 'velocity of money' is a calculation that shows the relationship between money supply and real economic activity as a ratio. It is falling to new lows. Some might even use the word 'plummet.' There is lots of new money, but not so much real activity.

The standard economic answer would be that the US is in a liquidity trap, and the recovery will have lags in employment gains.   The money is added, and then recovery follows, with employment showing the longest delay.  The standard remedy would be to create more jobs, artificially if necessary.  But that is not much different than unemployment insurance and programs like food stamps.  It is kind, and sensible, but not sustainable. 

A liquidity trap is described by Keynesian economics as a condition in which injections of money can support zero interest rates, but fail to generate real economic activity.

I think the current situation in the US and UK in particular involves a serious policy error in the failure to address the problems and imbalances that caused the financialization of the real economy, and its subsequent collapse under the weight of malinvestment and corruption.

Aggregate demand is not stimulated because sufficient money does not reach consumers, as it passes through a corrupt and broken financial and political system, being diverted largely to insiders at 'the top.'  Nothing could be more clear than looking at the statistics regarding income inequality.

Any gains by the large middle and lower classes will tend to be short term and illusory, involving more household balance sheet problems and debt until the system is reformed.  Some of this has to do with a policy bias that considers the vast mass of the people as consumers, but not as workers.

Merely adding more financialized money into an unreformed system will further compound the problems, and ultimately force a more significant crisis and change.  This is true whether done does it via more debt issuance or flashier gimmicks like modern monetary totems.

The underlying social tensions can only be ignored by the comfortable for so long.  As a corollary, applying austerity without reform is insanely self-destructive.  The proof of this is forthcoming.

Japan has been able to hold their system together for a protracted period of slack recovery due to their demographics, their industrial policy position in the world economy, and a largely homogeneous and communal society that cares for its own.  The US and the UK will have a shorter half life I am afraid.

The situation is Europe is a bit different, and likely to result in serious dislocations in their organizational fabric fairly soon if some of the problems there are not addressed.  The monetary union without fiscal cohesion is inherently unstable.  Only fraud allowed it to last as long as it did.

There is a possibility that the current policies in the US may succeed if austerity if not applied, and something happens in the currency war to affect the balance of trade.  I am not optimistic  So let's see what happens.

The UK may provide a good counter example to the US  Some new school of economic thought may find some useful data from that, if they can free themselves from the 'say for pay' mentality that currently impairs the public policy discussion in a disgraced profession.