08 February 2013

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Risk On

As they were saying on financial television today, stocks are the great play for the hot money, risk-eating crowd. And There Is No Alternative (TINA) so you have to be a big money playah and an aspiring rentier in this economy.

It's blue skies for the one percent.

Have a pleasant weekend.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts

Risk on day as VIX slumps lower.

07 February 2013

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - CFTC Finally Does Something About Market Manipulation

Intraday commentary about that very clumsy Dr. Evil style hit on the open of the gold market here.

Speaking of the CFTC, it appears that those fine fellows have finally done something about the obvious and blatant manipulation that all too often plagues the futures markets in commodities.

That's right, the CFTC is joining a defense motion to dimiss the $30 million fine levied against the Amaranth trader who was caught manipulating the natural gas market. Why?

Because the CFTC and the trader's defense attorneys contend that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission should not be investigating market manipulation in futures, because not doing anything about it is within the jurisidction of the CFTC.

Hey, nobody can touch our crooks but us, and we're too busy and understaffed to do it. Now that's industry friendly!

Ex-Amaranth Trader, CFTC Unite to Ask Court to Toss Fine
By Tom Schoenberg & Brian Wingfield
Feb 7, 2013

A former natural-gas trader at Amaranth Advisors LLC, backed by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, asked a federal appeals court to overturn a $30 million fine imposed by another regulator over alleged manipulation of the gas-futures market.

In a case that could determine the limits of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s power to punish market manipulation, a lawyer for Brian Hunter told a three-judge panel in Washington today that the CFTC has sole jurisdiction over futures trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The CFTC, which filed papers supporting Hunter, also argued today.

“There was no notice, much less fair notice, to Brian Hunter that his conduct was being regulated by FERC,” Hunter’s lawyer, Michael Kim of Kobre & Kim LLP, said during the 40- minute argument.

The dispute highlights FERC’s growing role as a regulatory enforcer. Congress beefed up the agency’s powers in 2005 to ensure order in the energy trading markets after Enron Corp. traders triggered California blackouts earlier in the decade. Since January 2011, the commission has publicly disclosed 13 investigations it has conducted of alleged market manipulation....

Read the rest here.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Holding Up the Market

Maybe they can prop this pig up until option expiration next week, or even go for another bubble until Sequestration Come.