14 March 2013

SP 500 Rally - Same Time Last Year

As you may recall, 2012 started out with a fairly steady stock market rally.

It was quite similar to the rally which we have seen so far this year.

The chart below shows how the rally ended in 2012.

It lasted until the end of March when it reached almost thirteen percent.

It chopped sideways through the month of April, and then gave up almost two thirds of its gains by the end of May.

Perhaps it will be different this time. Change you can believe in.

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Stocks To Record Highs on Complacency

Gold held in rather well considering the new lows in the VIX and the new highs in stocks.

As a reminder, tomorrow is the March stock option expiration.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - 10th Rally Day, SP Nears Record - Complacency

Another new record high on the Dow Jones Industrials, as the SP 500 approaches its all time high set in 2007.

Bernanke is creating another asset bubble, once again in equities.

Check out the VIX. I bought some VIX as insurance. Tomorrow is stock option expiration for March.

I rolled my futures charts over to the June contract today. The new objective for the SP is in the 1565 to 1570 range.


13 March 2013

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts

As a reminder this Friday is the option expiration for US equities.

Monday March 25 will be the option expiration for gold and silver on the Comex. This year's calendar is included below.

Today the miners were sold as the metals retreated a bit.