28 March 2013

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts

"Totalitarianism, however, does not so much promise an age of faith as an age of schizophrenia. A society becomes totalitarian when its structure becomes flagrantly artificial: that is, when its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by force or fraud. Such a society, no matter how long it persists, can never afford to become either tolerant or intellectually stable...

Totalitarianism demands, in fact, the continuous alteration of the past, and in the long run probably demands a disbelief in the very existence of objective truth.

George Orwell
End of quarter today, and gold and silver were under pressure as the punters were pushing the SP 500 higher for that bright, shiny new high.

I took a counter bet to that into the weekend.

Intraday commentary here.

See you Sunday night.  Happy Easter.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - New All Time High for SP 500 at End of Quarter

These jokers really worked hard to squeeze out that new high, even on very light volume.

This is a monetary inflation rally.  

I would not get ahead of it, but when this market does turn for a correction the momentum players are going to be piling on in a big way.

Look at how far the SP 500 has come without a major correction.  That is how far it may fall.

But for now illusion holds the day.   Illusion is all one has, when reform and leadership fails.

'Clay stealing clay.'

Net Asset Value Premiums of Certain Precious Metal Trusts and Funds

As one may deduce from the Commitments of Traders, some of the Hedge Funds and a couple of the Banks are playing the short side of the metals.

And as you may recall, today is the end of the quarter, as the markets will be closed tomorrow for Good Friday.

My usual take is that they are slamming the metals to make their mark to market look better for purposes of enhancing their results, and bonuses.

As Bishop Lazarus of Cyprus was said to have observed of a thief absconding with a pot, 'clay stealing clay.'

Bloomberg TV has been running a little show called "Is the Gold Bull Run Over?" They trotted out that crusty prune Jeff Christian, who declared that 'gold will be flat to down for the next two years.'

Let's see how all that works out.

In the meanwhile, the metals are under pressure, and the SP 500 desperately reaches for a new high.

With regard to the funds, we see the somewhat unusual event of a negative premium on CEF, and pressure on the metals overall.

Have a happy and joyous Easter. I may post the charts later, but will otherwise see you Sunday evening.

Matières à Réflexion for Thursday, 28 March 2013

"In the century in which we live, the Democratic Party has received the support of the electorate only when the party, with absolute clarity, has been the champion of progressive and liberal policies and principles of government. The party has failed consistently when through political trading and chicanery it has fallen into the control of those interests, personal and financial, which think in terms of dollars instead of in terms of human values."

Franklin D. Roosevelt, 18 July 1940

Links For Today

Calm Gives Way to Tension As Cyprus Banks Reopen - NYT

Oligarchy Exists Inside Our Democracy - Walker

Speaking of Inequality - AngryBear

Why Won't Cyprus Obey Krugman? - EconoSpeak

Earthquake Tied to Disposal of Oil Extraction (Fracking) Wastewater

Is the ECB Misleading Us Over Who Is To Blame for the Eurozone Crisis? - Guardian

"Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country.

When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank...You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out."

Andrew Jackson, Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the United States (1928) by Stan V. Henkels