23 April 2013

Goldman Closes Its Gold Short - Krugman Looks But Does Not See

As you may recall, Goldman's call to short gold set off the precipitous decline through long term support as paper gold was sold in size during the quiet trading hours.

And as gold fell through 1400 traders said Goldman was in the market buying physical bullion.

And now their short recommendation comes off.

That Goldman is called a Bank, with access to the Fed window, the subsidy of cheap government funding, and the protection of deposit insurance is a disgrace.

A footnote in history perhaps, but worth remembering.

"We have closed our recommendation to short COMEX Gold, as prices moved above the stop at $1,400/toz. We have exited the trade significantly below our original target of $1,450/toz, for a potential gain of 10.4%.

The move since initiation was surprisingly rapid, likely exacerbated by the break of well-flagged technical support levels.

Our bias is to expect further declines in gold prices on the combination of continued ETF outflows as conviction in holding gold continues to wane as well as our economists’ forecast for a reacceleration in US growth later this year."

The Land of the Blind

Paul Krugman said something absolutely remarkable today. Here is the quote:
"It’s true that few anticipated the severity of the 2008 crisis — but that wasn’t a deep failure of theory, it was a failure of observation. We actually had a pretty good understanding of bank runs; we just failed to notice that traditional banks were a much smaller share of the system than before, and that unregulated, unguaranteed shadow banks had become so important."

Paul Krugman, A Heart Breaking Work of Staggering Folly

Oh I see. You weren't wrong, you just weren't looking.

Are you kidding me?  Your theory is fine, but your excuse is that you do not understand the fundamental structure of the system at the core of your work, for which you feel free to make policy recommendations?   

So tell us,  what other things aren't you looking at in the real world these days? 

How about the widespread corruption in the banking and financial system, and the egregious manipulation in the markets?   Don't you think that bears on the nature of the prescriptions which the economists are dispensing?  

Economists are certainly the authors of 'heartbreaking works of staggering folly.'   And in addition quite a few of them seem to have an underdeveloped sense of irony.

22 April 2013

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Physical Buying in Asia - Irish Pension Accounts Get Cyprus'd

"If it's beautifully arranged on the plate, you know someone's fingers have been all over it."

Julia Child

Intraday commentary here.

Reggie Middleton warns that Irish Savers Have Just Been 'Cyprused'
"This is likely to be the biggest finacial story of the month, a story that's bigger than Cyprus, and a story that you're not going to see in American mainstream media - not by a long shot."
It looks likewith retirees with Approved Retirement Fund accounts at the bank are getting wiped out along with the senior bondholders.   Whatever is not covered by the 100,000 deposit guarantee is being 'bailed-in.'

With regard to the bullion market the Financial Times reports that:
"Asia is witnessing one of the strongest waves of physical gold buying in 30 years, with bargain hunters using the drop in prices to secure jewellery and gold bars."
As a reminder the 25th is a Comex option expiration.

GDP on Friday. Company earnings and revenue results on the stock market are tending to be disappointing especially on the revenue number.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts

Net Asset Value Premiums of Certain Precious Metal Trusts and Funds - Record Asian Buying

The Gold/Silver Ratio is now around 61.

And still hardly anyone is talking about silver in this recent market takedown.

The last chart shows a YTD comparison of gold and silver.  It shows what is meant when one says that 'silver is more volatile.'  It tends to higher highs and lower lows as compared to gold.

And the Financial Times reports that:
"Asia is witnessing one of the strongest waves of physical gold buying in 30 years, with bargain hunters using the drop in prices to secure jewellery and gold bars."
As I said last week, the only thing this nonsensical market operation has achieved is that gold is flowing from West to East. And the Germans may as well look for their gold in Asia, as in London and New York.  And they will know, like so many others, what it is to have their wealth confiscated by the Banks.   And they may as well 'wish upon a star' for reparation, for they will have been 'bailed-in.'