05 August 2013

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Treading Water

Let's see how the physical inventories fare this week. The hedge funds seem to be determined to press the paper price of the metals lower.

I am watching this 'W' formation on the gold chart with increasing fascination. If the funds cannot negate this, then W will stand for whiplash.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Complacency Reigns, But Jitters Behind the Scenes

There was a light volume choppy market in stocks today despite the 'better than expected' number for ISM Services.

Richard Fisher came out and make hawkish comments about the Fed's policy, which dampened the markets.

VIX dropped again, but you have to wonder about this given the 'heightened threat' environment that is alledged to be the worst since 9/11.

This is a light data week, and the equities markets will lack direction except from earnings and secular events.

02 August 2013

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Ship of Fools

The metals were pounded in the quiet overnight session on the COMEX ahead of the Friday Jobs Report, with gold smacked down to $1282 and silver down to $19.20.

The jobs number came in light, and the metals rocketed back to where they started.

Gold is now in the August delivery cycle with registered inventories of actual bullion on the COMEX down to shocking lows. 

The US is closing some of its overseas embassies this weekend and has issued a travel alert because of terrorist threats.   Let's see if anyone throws a flag on the field over the weekend.

A new scandal has emerged as the CFTC investigates fifteen of the biggest banks which apparently have been rigging a key interest rate number in order to swindle their customers in the swaps markets.
"US regulators have reportedly been handed evidence that traders at some of the world's biggest banks manipulated a key rate for derivatives, pocketing millions at the expense of pension funds in the process."
Apparently New York and London are where the elite meet to cheat. 

As Jeff Sachs said to a meeting of economists at the Philly Fed, our modern financiers seem to be almost pathologically criminal, and some of the world's politicians are rightfully aghast at the scope and audacity of their abuses.   Blowback for this gross failure of integrity in financial governance is coming, and it could be terrific.

They have no shame, they are unworthy of all trust, and their word means nothing. So what is there to discuss?

Weighed, and found wanting.

Stand and deliver.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Complacency Reigns

Another day, another weak jobs report, another scandal in which Banks are discovered to be fixing a key rate to cheat the people, this time through interest rate swaps.

When will it end?