04 September 2013

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Technical Trade On Very Light Volumes

Volumes are rather light this week, even for the beginning of September. I wonder if some senior traders and managers took the whole holiday-shortened week off.

So what next. Keep an eye on Syria, and your other eye on the Non-Farm Payrolls report on Friday.

NAV Premiums of Certain Precious Metal Trusts and Funds

"Nec eventus modo hoc docet, stultorum iste magister est, sed eadem ratio, quae fuit futuraque, donec res eaedem manebunt, immutabilis est."

Livy, History of Rome, Book 22

And it is not only the result that will instruct them, that teacher of fools, but reason itself, which was and will be unchanging, so long as the same fundamental conditions still hold.

03 September 2013

Claims Per Deliverable Ounce of Gold Rise To Over 54 As the August Delivery Period Ends

"When I began the Ponzi scheme I believed it would end shortly and I would be able to extricate myself and my clients from the scheme. However, this proved difficult, and ultimately impossible, and as the years went by I realized that this day would inevitably come..."

Bernard Madoff

The August delivery period on the COMEX ended last Friday with a little over 701,000 ounces of gold marked as deliverable in their warehouses.

Higher prices may be required to pry more ounces of real bullion out of storage and into the deliverable category.

August has passed, but September has just begun.   And soon enough the winds will turn cold.

Weighed, and found wanting.

Stand and deliver.

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - I'm Your Huckleberry

We may be heading into a showdown this fall between paper and physical gold, if the players don't back off on price and allow some growth in inventory.

And as for the always volatile silver, it's got two guns, one for each of you.