13 September 2013

COMEX Deliverable Gold Bullion Has Plunged By 78% in 2013 - Claims Per Ounce Highest On Record

The last time that the claims per ounce were nearly this high was in the late 1990's. At that time the central banks had to intervene to keep one or more bullion banks from faltering.

It occurred during a period of coordinated bullion selling from the central banks into the market under the Washington Agreement, culminating in the notorious gold dumping known as Brown's Bottom.  Their gold may have been sold as well, but at least the Germans still have a receipt. 

That selling failed to hold the line, and shortly thereafter gold began its great bull market run. 
"We looked into the abyss if the gold price rose further. A further rise would have taken down one or several trading houses, which might have taken down all the rest in their wake.   Therefore at any price, at any cost, the central banks had to quell the gold price, manage it."

Sir Eddie George, Bank of England, reportedly in private conversation, September 1999
The first chart below shows that pressure on available supply in owners per ounce rather nicely.   Nick Laird, the maestro of charts from Sharelynx.com, was kind enough to go back and pull all the available data. It helps to complete the picture don't you think?

One difference this time is that the fellows who examine the more detailed reports tell us that the big boy of the bullion banks, JP Morgan, is said to have already liquidated their large short position and gone net long gold. Perhaps they are well advised.

Deliverable 'dealer' gold, known as registered gold at the COMEX, has plunged a remarkable 78% during the vicious price smashing of gold in 2013.

This decline in gold available for delivery has not been matched by a similar decline in contracts bidding for that gold, known as the open interest.

Therefore the number of contracts for each ounce of deliverable gold has now reached a new all time high of about 57.8 claims per ounce, a level that has not ever been seen since Nixon closed the gold window.

There was another big buildup in the claims per ounce that occurred just before gold began its big bull market run in 2000.    Some contend that this drain in dealer gold was the result of a last ditch effort to the hold the price of gold lower before the market broke and the price began its remarkable run.

But given that the banks became net buyers of gold around 2008, as shown in the third chart below, it does not seem likely that the Bank of England or the western central banks will sell bullion into the market to save the overleveraged speculators again.

Recently the Federal Reserve was unable to comply with a request from the Deutsche Bundesbank to return the German national gold which had been held in custody in New York. The vault seems to be a bit on the thin side in general.  I am sure all the gold is there, it is just that we live in an age in which multiples of rehypothecation for our financial assets held in trust are de rigeur.   All the finest financiers are doing it without fear or regret, even when it occasionally decimates their customer accounts or shakes the global economy to its foundations.

Also included below is a peek at the registered inventories of all the COMEX warehouses.  Some of the declines are impressive.  What a remarkable coincidence.

There has rarely been a dull moment since they knocked down Glass-Steagall. It will be interesting to see what happens next.   This has been so much fun that it hard to know whether to crack open a bottle of champagne, or to make a run for the border.

We'll probably have to wait for the equity market to break until after Goldman brings out the Twitter IPO.  Priorities.

Have a pleasant weekend. See you Sunday evening.

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Gold and Silver Pressured All Day With a Big Reversal Into the Close

There was quite a reversal late in the day as the precious metals, which had been under pressure, rallied dramatically into the close.

The reversal seemed to coincide with the breaking news that two whistleblowers have come forward from JP Morgan with allegations of market manipulation in the metals by the Bank.

Here is intraday commentary on this news item.

This uncertainty and mystery over the CFTC and their actions in overseeing the markets and investigating these serious allegations is approaching the absurd. It is time to clear the air.

Have a pleasant weekend.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Friday the 13th

The markets were skittish a bit before the weekend, although VIX shows that complacency is still the order of the day.

There are some interesting cross currents between tech and the financials.

We should hear something about the taper from the Fed at their meeting this month.

Have a pleasant weekend.

A Shocking Allegation From Andrew Maguire: CFTC Must Respond Publicly, Or Answer To Congress

Andrew Maguire,  a British national who had testified before the CFTC in a public forum about the manipulation of silver a few years ago, has leveled a serious charge against the bank JP Morgan in a King World News interview.

Maguire says that he knows that two JPM employees have come forward as whistle blowers, and have sought legal aid and protection, alleging that they have testimony and evidence that J P Morgan has willfully manipulated the gold and silver markets.

I do not know Andrew Maguire. I do not know if what he is saying is accurate or not.

But this ought not to be a matter of 'belief' or uncertainty.   It is a matter of evidence and law and there are people in Washington who are paid to be informed about this on the public's behalf.

After the stunning scandal that emerged in the wake of Bernie Madoff's confessing to one of the largest Ponzi schemes in history, it came to light that the SEC had long been suppressing investigation into allegations of his crimes, and was ignoring evidence which had been supplied to them over a period of years by Harry Markopolos.

And now we have what could be a similar situation. 

Andrew Maguire claims that he has supplied evidence of market manipulation to the CFTC for some years, and further and even more damningly, two JPM employees have come forward and made similar allegations, with evidence that says they are correct.

I think it is not possible for the CFTC and the Obama Administration to continue to ignore such public allegations. The CFTC may use the shield of an 'ongoing investigation' since they have been looking into charges about this matter in the silver market going on five years now.  They have missed the date by which they promised results.

To continue to ignore this widespread and public questioning of the integrity of the markets that affect the whole world is not acceptable.

I am a little surprised that the appropriate committees in Congress have not invited Bart Chilton and chairman Gary Gensler to appear before them, and ask if they have any such evidence, and if these allegations are substantial.   Would this be Darrell Issa's Committe on Reform or the Banking Committee of which Senator Elizabeth Warren is a member.

Here is Congressman Darrell Issa's contact information:
DC Phone: 202-225-3906
DC Fax: 202-225-3303
Contact Representative Issa: http://issa.house.gov/contact/contact-me

Here is Senator Elizabeth Warren's contact information:
DC Phone: 202-224-4543
DC Fax: 202-228-2072
Contact Senator Warren: http://www.warren.senate.gov/?p=email_senator

Since JP Morgan has been under investigation for manipulation in the energy markets, and since there have been repeated scandals in the willful manipulation by banks and traders in LIBOR and key derivatives metrics, I think that this cannot be dismissed out of hand as a conspiracy. If there is evidence the people deserve to know it.

I suggest that you contact your Congressmen and Senators asking them to support such an inquiry.   You can find your congressional contact information here.

If you are not a US citizen, I suggest you contact your domestic representative and/or the US embassy in your country and express your concern over these charges.  Or perhaps you can drop an email to Senator Warren who seems to take these sorts of issues very seriously. At the least they could send a letter to the commissioner on behalf of the public and ask about this for the record.

Here is the link to Maguire's charges.  You may wish to include this link in your message.
Morgan Whistleblowers Allege Bank Manipulates Gold and Silver

In a stunning development, two JP Morgan whistleblowers have confessed that the bank manipulates the gold and silver markets. This is truly a shocking admission by the courageous JP Morgan whistleblowers. In a blockbuster King World News interview, London metals trader Andrew Maguire told KWN that the two JP Morgan employees came directly to him with hard evidence that the bank was actively manipulating the gold and silver markets.

This is a truly catastrophic event for JP Morgan, which up to now has denied manipulating these markets. Below Maguire takes KWN readers around the world on a trip down the rabbit hole as he discusses how he led the two JP Morgan employees to turn over the evidence to a law firm which specializes in high profile whistleblowers, and also to the CFTC. According to Maguire, the CFTC has virtually buried this information. Is this a cover up, or the next LIBOR scandal about to be exposed? Below is what Maguire had to say in this blockbuster interview...