19 September 2013

Ron Shaich: Panera Bread CEO Talks About 'Panera Cares'

Give something back. For your own good fortune, pay it forward.

Even if you can only do a little, it can mean a lot to someone.

It really makes a difference, to others and to yourself.

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Assis sur le Rebord du Monde

Gold and silver had a choppy consolidation day after yesterday's moonshot on the Fed surprise.

It is constructive that gold and silver took out overheard resistance and nailed it, holding it today despite the chop.

The next leg higher will have to challenge the big neckline area.

I think we all got a kick out of the 'taper' speculation that started up again today.  I don't think that the Fed could have been any more clear about their criteria for a taper. 

I suspect some of this talk was done to cool some markets rally mode, and allow the wiseguys a chance to square off against this before the next move.  If you were short gold or silver yesterday was a spanking deluxe.

Have a pleasant evening.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Back to Reality ZZZZ

Stocks were mixed with JPM leading the financials and the SP 500 slightly lower with a bit more resilience in tech.

Otherwise a sleepy day as the markets digested yesterdays' FOMC decision 'surprise' and rally.

18 September 2013

US Dollar Very Long Term Chart - Coiling

It has been quite while since we have taken a look at the US Dollar Very Long Term Chart.

And with good reason, since it has been moving within a fairly tight range, in a slowly tightening coil. So there will not be much to see until it breaks out of this formation.

And as you can see from the composition of this dollar DX index on the chart, it hardly reflects the new realities in the world today, since it is so heavily weighted to the Euro, the Yen, and the Pound, with no representation at all from the BRICs.

But it has some indicative value in addition to historical value.