13 November 2013

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Another Day, Another New High For Equities


The unstoppable Wall Street money machine keeps rolling on the QE express.

What could possibly go wrong?

Have a pleasant evening.

Comex Claims Per Deliverable Ounce Up Again To 62

The setup for this year end looks interesting.  Open interest for December itself has declined somewhat from last year, but the availability of gold for delivery at these prices has fallen quite precipitously.  Rik Green has some things to say about this here.

The standard manipulation play has been to hit the prices hard, and hope to shake out weak hands as well as pry more bullion from the ETFs which the bullion banks manage.   This was done in early December 2011, and prices recovered their level by the end of January.  In December 2012 the great price decline of 2013 was already underway, in a reaction to the denial of Germany's request for the return of their nation's gold.

A conventional pricing action this December would set up a potential short squeeze into the new year that could prove to be impressive once it got going.  And it might become uncontrollable should a run develop since it would also presumably increase the physical offtake in the broader markets.   Wiser therefore to take some of the dirtier money off the table now, and let the market regain some of its equilibrium before the end of year.

This is of interest only for those who look at markets in greater than two week increments, which is not one of Wall Street's stronger suits.  One should not underestimate the brazen audacity of the TBTF gang.  They have been said to sell their customers very bad advice and deadly poisoned deals with near impunity, or haven't you heard?

So it is hard to say exactly how these things will be resolved since the greater physical market, the dog that is being wagged by the Comex tail, is still too opaque for reliable forecasting.  But I do not see how this can end any way but messily, unless cooler heads prevail fairly soon.

Let's see what happens.

12 November 2013

Glenn Greenwald: Civil Liberties In the US and the Forces of Endless War Assailing Them

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Chart - Bear Raid on 'Taper Talk'

The 'Claims Per Ounce' of deliverable gold climbed to a new all time high of 61 yesterday.

This was covered in intraday commentary here.

There was very little movement in the Comex warehouse with just a few bars leaving storage.

There was a bear raid today, supposedly based on 'taper talk.' Well, tapering might not be all that bad, for all the good which it is doing.

QE and fiscal policy is primarily targeted to line the pockets of the wealthiest few by inflating certain classes of asset prices, and sustain an unsustainable and unreformed financial system dominated by crony capitalism.

This may not end well, but it will end. 

Have a pleasant evening.