15 February 2014

David Simon: Our Rigged Political System

David Simon, journalist and creator of the TV series The Wire and Treme, returns to talk with Bill Moyers about the triumph of capital over democracy.

“If I could concentrate and focus on one thing … and start to walk the nightmare back, it would be campaign finance reform” Simon says.

Simon warns that if we don’t fix our broken election system — by getting big money out of elections and ending gerrymandering — we will have reached “the end game for democracy.”

14 February 2014

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Dead on Target

Gold ran right up to the chart's first 'red resistance' line today at 1320 and stuck to it, with the usual wobbling back and forth.

So needless to say it took out its 200 Daily Moving Average with some authority. 

Silver popped a buck and change, and settled for 21.50ish.

The Comex bullion warehouses took in 2,199 ounces of gold into the delivery bins at Brink's, but nothing seems to be going out, so far, even to those who have taken delivery.

As a reminder the US markets will all be closed on Monday for President's Day.  Please attempt to carry on without their guidance.

Have a pleasant weekend.  See you Monday evening.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Neither Snow, Nor Rain, Nor Lousy Economics Reports

The US markets will be closed on Monday for a national holiday.

Please try to carry on without their imperial oversight.

Have a pleasant weekend.

13 February 2014

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Defeated When We See Them Running

There was intraday commentary on the precious metals here. You may wish to read it if you have not.

Gold is starting to threaten its 200 Day Moving Average.  A technical chart is included below. It is also starting to approach a short term overbought condition.  It is not clear yet how relevant that might be given some of the strong supply and demand issues at play at these price levels.

When will the manipulation of the precious metals end? The market manipulation will be defeated when we see the manipulators running for their lives, most likely ahead of a memorable break in the gold and silver markets. Try not to be caught within the blast radius of their downfall, which will be more contemptible than tragic.  The only tragedy is the damage done to the innocents by the needless greed of power and pride.

Have a pleasant evening.