01 March 2014

Third World America - The Big Fix: The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Coverup

"Maintaining silence about a dirty truth is another way of lying, a common practice in high places."

Michael Parenti

As we approach the fourth anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil Disaster, perhaps it is a good time to remember the great success it represents, the success in shifting the thoughts of attention deficient Americans from the things that really matter, like honest and accountable government.

Is anything really different, or have we just been prompted to move on and think about something else?  Will the US be better prepared to deal with the next financial or environmental crisis?

Are portions of the US any different from other third world countries that are sacked of their resources, their people impoverished, their quality of life ruined, and their children left with little or no hope for the future?

Hope and change.


BP Gets Slick In Trying to Undermine Gulf Oil Spill Settlement
Fish Suffering Heart Failure and Decreased Numbers Due to BP Oil Spill
BP Oil Spill Causes Heart Damage Killing Tuna
Gulf War Syndrome Comes to the Gulf of Mexico?

28 February 2014

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Last Call for February - Ukraine

Gold and silver were under modest pressure much of the day as the February delivery period rolled into the sunset.

Stocks slumped and gold jumped this afternoon when news broke that Russia 'had invaded' the Ukraine.  President Obama will be speaking on this subject at 4:45 PM today.

The Comex warehouse report shows a little offtake. We'll have to see if there is any more listed next week.  We will see what happened to warehouse metals today on next Monday.

The pullback alleviated a short term overbought condition on the charts, and did no technical damage to any formations.

March is a very light month for futures activity. The focus now shifts to the physical markets, primarily in Asia, and to April.

Another winter storm, this one called Titan, will be sweeping across the northeastern US on Monday morning. 

Have a pleasant weekend.


SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - SeeSaw End of Month

Equities managed to shake off a big miss on the GDP revision this morning, it being so old economy.

The SP hit another record today to close out the end of February.

There was a bit of a bobble in the market around 2:45 PM EST as news came out that Russia had 'invaded the Ukraine.'

But stocks shook that off, because at these valuations US equities are in the world, but not of it.

Have a pleasant weekend.

27 February 2014

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Heart of Gold

"The desire of gold is not for gold. It is for the means of freedom and benefit...For what avail the plough or sail, or land or life, if freedom fail?"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Over the long run, the price of gold approximates the total amount of money in circulation divided by the size of the gold stock. If the market price of gold moves a long way from this level, it may indicate a buying or selling opportunity."

Ray Dalio

That latter quote from Ray Dalio is what is known as 'the fundamentals.' When the price of gold reverts to the mean of its valuation, despite the best efforts of the banking cartel to oppose it, then we are going to see an absolutely mind blowing adjustment of price to market.

It is much better if it happens in stages, rather than in one fell swoop. But then again, it is probably foolish to credit the ruling classes with self-awareness, much less wisdom.   They are environmentally psychopathic, in a world unto themselves.

There was more shuffling around of bullion between the warehouses, but nothing particularly meaningful happened yesterday.  Or today for that matter.  We are in a phony market, a seeming impasse between the bulls and the bears.  But this in only in the market that we can see, or rather, are allowed to see.

When will this end? I think Tolstoy said it this way. "Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold."

A new study indicates that the gold price may have been manipulated by the London fix for a decade or more.   This is in contrast to the pristine price discovery to be found on the Comex, according to a five year study of extremely odd price fluctuations and outsized market positions in the silver market, that was led down a blind alley by a spineless bureaucracy and quietly strangled.

There was intraday commentary titled The Scandal In America That Is Hidden in Plain Sight.

While it is addressed in particular to the States, the same words can certainly apply to most of the English speaking nations.  And much of Europe as well.   They have created that most ironic of remarkable things, a social environment that is hostile to human life.

Powers and principalities, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and wickedness in high places.  C'est la guerre, sans fin. Ainsi soit-il.

Have a pleasant evening.