07 October 2014

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Stocks Continue Moving Lower On Weak Economy

US equities moved sharply lower today on weak economic news out of Germany, and jitters as we approach the US earnings season once again.

Consumer Credit expansion missed forecast in a big way, helping to encourage doubts about the ability of the working classes ability to sustain their consumption with stagnant wages and a weak household balance sheet.

This is not a sustainable recovery. It will keep going while the Fed keeps pumping money, like a car grinding its engine off a battery jump, but unable to fire on its own.

The reason? The financial system is draining all the fuel from the real economy, and the corporate profits are flowing largely into the already stuffed pockets of the one percent.

The Fed is supporting the Banks, and the public be damned.

It really is about that simple.

Have a pleasant evening.

NAV Premiums of Certain Precious Metal Trusts and Funds

Silver continues to take it on the chin.

Gold Silver ratio is back up to 70.


06 October 2014

Divergence In Gold and Silver Open Interest

Someone asked to see the open interest divergence in the gold and silver futures graphically that I mentioned in an earlier post here.

As always, Nick Laird of Sharelynx.com has the goods.

By itself the open interest divergence is not compelling, just odd.

But with everything else, especially the great and ongoing divergence in ETF and Fund physical inventories, and it begins to approach the irregular.
That is not to say we can comfortably call a bottom here, as oversold we might be at old support.  The downtrend will not be broken until we see a higher high.  
It would not be well to underestimate the thugs and pampered princes and the markets they that they control.  
What they cannot manage is the physical market which will eventually break them, as it did the London Gold Pool.  But that will take time.  But when the time comes, it will fall apart rather quickly unless some of these jokers wise up first and stop the spiral of inventory leverage and paper before it becomes a critical, systemic problem. 

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Peak Empire, In Time of Plague

Sculpture after Albrecht Dürer's Knight, Death, and the Devil
Beauty is but a flower,
That wrinkles will devour.
Brightness falls from the air;
Queens have died, young and fair.
Dust hath closed Helen's eye.
I am sick, I must die.
Lord have mercy on us.

Thomas Nashe, A Litany in Time of Plague

We had a nice bounce after an overnight smackdown with gold tagging the 1180 support area.

There was intraday commentary about the interesting divergence between gold and silver here.
I am focused keenly on what I consider to be one of the greatest macro-economic events my generation will probably see in the Bretton Woods era when Nixon took the world off the dollar/gold standard.

 That set the world out upon some very uncharted seas that were easily overlooked in the sturm und drang of the Cold War.   But that all changed in the 1990's.   Few have yet perceived it, and what it implies for us.

And so here we are.  Peak Empire.

China comes back from holiday on the 8th.

Gold and silver need to break the downtrend of lower highs and lower lows. That is the technical market analysis in a nutshell.   I do not know when it will happen, and what it will lead to next.  One can only forecast, relying on probabilities.
Have a pleasant evening.