15 May 2015

It Is a Brave New World In Britain

“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power.

For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable – what then?

Power is not a means; it is an end.”

George Orwell, 1984

The base assumption of all statists, of both the Left and the Right, is that the individual exists and acts at the tolerance of the State, and only so far as the discretion of the State permits.

The happiness of the individual is as nothing compared to the objectives of the State. The fate of the individual is as nothing compared to the power of the State. The will of the individual is as nothing compared to the will of the State.

Power, real power, is the ability to define:  to define what is wealth, what is value,  what is to be read, what is to be said, and at the last, what is acceptably human.   
The will to power is not bound by the past or by the law, because it is the past, and it is the law. 
It is beyond all moral contingencies.  And so for the State that truly understands its power, there can be no higher moral principle, and therefore no god but the State.
Power is the realization of pure discretion to shape reality as we wish.  And all participants in the State's reality act and eventually exist at the State's discretion.

The One Percenters' Tax Loopholes and Unindicted Frauds: Audacious Oligarchy

What set this conversation going is the 'carried interest' tax loophole that allows wealthy hedge fund manager to pay much lower taxes on what is really ordinary income.  
There are many more egregious loopholes readily available to the tax-lawyered-up wealthy, and you probably have not even heard of, or can imagine, most of them.

What interested me more about this is not so much the discussion of an obvious tax loophole, but the reactions of the participants, and the lack of self-awareness.

Ken Langone is the epitome of what is wrong with the one percent and their distorted view of reality. And Stephanie Ruhle is their cheerleader and hagiographer.  Erik Schatzker gets props for at least trying to inject some realism and balance into the discussion in the most polite way.  Well, he is a Canadian after all.

Anyone who can distill 'poor Angelo Mozilo' and 'Barney Frank did it' as the only lessons out of the carnage and suffering of the housing financial crisis with its rampant, largely unindicted fraud, brazenly committed by financial institutions and their enablers in ratings agencies, is living in an alternate universe.

And unfortunately that is the case.   The uber-wealthy often live in a bubble of delusion because few if any will ever tell them the truth, and if they do, they do not wish to hear it and shout them down or use their money and influence to shut them up.  
This is the well spring of hubris and overreach.  No one wants to tell the Emperor that he is naked.  No one can tell a Caligula that his horse is a poor choice for the Senate.  No one wants to explain to the powerful that they have gone too far, and that the times, they are a changin'.   They seem to have to get hit with reality in the face, and that is too bad for a lot of innocent bystanders.

Langone is a walking, squawking, self-delusional example of the credibility trap in action.  And he is certainly not alone.  He has a lot of brothers among the uber-wealthy, and kissing cousins in the Congress and politicians in general, and throughout the media, think tanks, and universities.

This is why there will not be any kind of meaningful internal reform until the people clip the wings of the moneyed interests from buying elections, and politicians, and the networks.

And this should be an object lesson to any people overseas who think that the terrible consequences they have suffered endured from the exports of fraudulent paper and practices of the Anglo-Americans over the past ten years have changed.

They have not.   And the utterly distorted, unrepentant, and unreformed world view of the unfortunately powerful one percent is the reason.  Why stop when you are winning...
Here is a link to the interview on Bloomberg in case the embedded version is not working for you.

14 May 2015

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - The Money Shot - To Say 'No' - Dalio on Gold

"Plunderers of the world, when nothing remains on the lands to which they have laid waste by wanton thievery, they search out across the seas. The wealth of another region excites their greed; and if it is weak, their lust for power as well.   Nothing from the rising to the setting of the sun is enough for them. Among all others only they are compelled to attack the poor as well as the rich. Robbery, rape, and slaughter they falsely call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace."

Tacitus, Agricola

I was interested to see that Greece may have agreed to 'privatize' their sea port and air port as a condition of reaching some agreement with their Euro/IMF creditors.   And even more interesting is the report that the Ukraine is said to have drawn up a long list of assets it too will be offering up for privatization, no doubt in grateful return for the protection of the US and its NATO allies, for the enrichment of a powerful few, and their sons and benefactors and servants. 

Money Shot: A money shot is an element of a film, video, broadcast, or print project that is disproportionately expensive to produce and/or is perceived as essential to the overall importance or revenue-generating potential of the work.

It is difficult to believe that the US and its corporate allies care anything about the Greek or Ukrainian people, their standards of living, their freedom, or their general welfare.  It is not even clear that they care about their own people in that way anymore.
They seem to be in it for the power and for the money, opportunities as they say, and not for the nation but for a favored few.  This overreach for profit and power of the corporatist state overseas and at home is the money shot
This is the reason that we see the Western leadership engaging in discretionary wars, and secret trade treaties, and paper asset bubbles, and rigging markets, private bailouts and public austerity, so that they can continue to enrich the one percent through an economic policy of  wealth transfer and plunder.
Gold and silver managed a decent rally up to overhead resistance today.  Since The Bucket Shop has not yet changed in any meaningful way we must patiently wait to see if there is any follow through.   Since the prices are apparently not connected to anything in particular, except for the whimsy of the most powerful and deep pocketed trading desk and their algos, anything is possible.
At the end of the day this is still just a game of Liar's Poker.  And they are very good at it.  Lying that is.
In that vein there were very few claim checks for bullion exchanged, and not much action in the warehouses. 
I have included the gold and silver warehouse inventories below.  
As a reminder there was overnight commentary about the near record number of potential claims per deliverable ounce of gold on the Comex here.
Below is a video  in which Ray Dalio, one of the biggest and most successful money managers in the world, discusses his views on gold at the Council on Foreign Relations.  Consider this an alternative view to some of the more banal, uninformed diatribes by the propeller heads. 
This is nothing new from Dalio, and I have cited his views here before.  His famous 'All Weather Fund' is thought to be holding about six billion dollars worth of gold.

Here is one of my favorite quotes from Ray Dalio on gold:

"Over the long run, the price of gold approximates the total amount of money in circulation divided by the size of the gold stock. If the market price of gold moves a long way from this level, it may indicate a buying or selling opportunity."
Have a pleasant evening.


SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - The Walking Dead

The PPI (Producer Price Index) this morning was shockingly negative. 

And so stocks rallied, on the basis that since we are seeing so many deflationary indications the Fed would not be raising rates anytime soon, and might even crack open the QE cookie jar again for a little more top down rainbow sprinkles of public money for the Banks and their speculations.

Again I would like to reiterate the Le Café view that the Fed never had any economically based intentions of raising rates at any time in the recent past.  

They would like to add a few basis points of upside for their own policy purposes, to get off ZIRP so that they can cut rates again in the future when The Recovery™ they and the government have been touting is exposed as a fraud.

And so our standing forecast of a symbolic raise of maybe fifty points, in two steps, is still in place unless we see some genuine signs of recovery, which we have certainly not seen yet.   And that will be the extent of their action until the next financial crisis comes, probably as a result of the collapse of this current financial asset bubble in stocks and bonds and Dollars.

It was almost funny to see a price manipulation hoax perpetrated on the stock of Avon today using the SEC website to propagate a phony takeover offer from a fake private equity firm.   Well, that is how things are in bubble land.  Our major exports are misery and fraud.  Buy first and ask valuation questions never if you can keep the momentum going.  Just look at Shake Shack.

Bloomberg TV has been slavering all over Kim Kardashian and her new phone app games all day.  I think the whole thing is emblematic of the banality of our culture and the one percent.  
Someone asked if I have nothing good to say about Bloomberg TV these days.   I do think Alix Steel's new haircut is really cute.   It frames her million dollar smile really well.

Have a pleasant evening.