01 June 2015

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Active Month and Non-Farm Payroll Shenanigans

There is little risk of an actual default on the Comex in the precious metals. I just wanted to make this clear.  If any default does come, it will be from outside the system in.

Although I emphasize the 'deliverable' component of the warehouses in many of my discussions, it is good to remember that there is quite a bit of gold kicking around the warehouses that *could* be delivered easily enough to fulfill any unusual demand.

The missing ingredient is a 'higher price.' A higher price will shake that additional supply loose.

And we must recall that The Bucket Shop does not do much with the gold they do have, except play liar's poker with it, and mostly shove it around the playing table.

But the fact remains that Open Interest for this active month of June we have just entered is rather high, relative to the amount of gold that is readily deliverable at these prices.

So playing some games like squashing any rallies, or rallying the price up to knock it down, is not a bad play with shaking some of the weaker hands amongst the gold longs loose of their positions. 
Letting a rally gain some traction and break out at this point is a dangerous situation for those who are tasked with managing gold's paper price.

Non-Farm Payrolls on Friday.

Have a pleasant evening.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Freedom From Want

"When an industry becomes necessary for the proper functioning of our society, it wields an unhealthful amount of power. Specifically, it is in the perfect position to engage in what economists call 'rent seeking.'  (monopolies on 'essentials' are the dream of our modern capitalists, and healthcare and Banking are prime examples - Jess)

Generally speaking, busi­nesses earn profits in one of two basic ways. The first is by providing goods and services more productively than others and selling them at a price people are willing to pay. The second is by seeking rents.

'Rent,' in the economic sense, refers broadly to any excess benefits that people and businesses receive simply because they have power over something that others need. Patents are a form of rent, as are cable-TV monopolies.

For economists, rent-­seeking is everywhere, and is a common way that economies go awry. Crudely speaking, productivity enhancement is good, because it makes society richer over all. Equally crudely, rent-­seeking is bad, because it makes the people who are already rich even richer.

Rent-seeking tends to be a force against innovation and for stagnancy, in large part because its focus is on the past — on maintaining power and influence gained long ago, often at the expense of innovation.

Businesses built around rent-­seeking don’t try to increase the size of the pie; they just want to make sure they get a bigger slice. (If a company doesn’t seem to care about your opinion of it as a customer, there’s a good chance that it is seeking rents.)"

The biggest problem we have is that the President and the Congress have no moral courage. If we had only a portion of the resolve to reform that led the New Deal, we would not have the threat of another financial crisis hanging over our heads.

The 'problem' is that the politicians and the regulators have been corrupted by Big Money, and their paychecks demand that they see no obvious solutions.

The stock market looks a little unsteady here, but it will take 'something' to push it into a rollover. So it in the meanwhile it can keep muddling along on light volumes and 'a six lane highway of $100 bills.'

Have a pleasant evening.


Need Little - Want Less - Love More

30 May 2015

Chindia: The Steady Increase in Gold Demand From China and India

It is an interesting phenomenon that is often overlooked and underappreciated outside of the certain small circles of those who watch these sorts of things.

Gold is flowing from West to East.   What it means and will mean is worth considering.

In the bottom portion it is easily seen that the monthly offtake is steadily increasing.  And it is also apparent that China is outpacing India in the accumulation of gold.

These charts are from Nick Laird, who chronicles all things gold and silver, at Sharelynx.com.

29 May 2015

Shanghai Gold Exchange Withdrawals 42.5 Tonnes For the Week

Gold is moving from West to East.

You may read about the roots of this phenomenon here.

This chart is from Nick Laird at Sharelynx.com.

Related:  Germany Leads Western Gold Buying