09 June 2015

52nd Anniversary of John F. Kennedy Address To the Nation On Civil Rights 11 June 1963

I remember seeing this broadcast live on one of the three black and white network television channels that evening.  I don't think a younger reader can really sense how unusual and remarkable this was.  In taking on the deeply embedded forces for injustice, Kennedy was engaging in a revolutionary act for justice, that certainly cost him politically, and probably much more than that. 
Despite any personal failings, which despite his office he had, as he was still a man, he was unmistakably driven by principles and a sense of honour and obligation to rise above himself, to do the right thing, because it was the right thing to do.

We take a lot for granted now, and tend to romanticize 'the good old days.' There were some good, and some bad. For they were just days, from which we made what we could from what we had and what we could bring.

There were severe racial tensions, an abundance of obvious injustice and inequality, recent memories of WW II and Korea, and a real and continuing fear of nuclear war. These were presences in our young, daily lives. And of course I was there for the rebellion and idealism of youth. Where is it now. Not in the young of this new generation, but in us.

We have lost a little ground on equality perhaps. And as our founding fathers themselves noted in their older age about the new generation, there certainly remains the need for a continuing commitment to the principles on which we have established this Republic.

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - The Inevitable Interconnectedness of It All

The Bucket Shop was very quiet today. There was no precious metal action noted in the delivery report from yesterday, and in the warehouses we saw the usual moving around of bullion.

This is certainly a change from the beginning of this active month for gold, which saw a sizable number of contracts being claimed for 'delivery.'  
Well, there is always some benefit in anything, and the quiet markets give one time to think, about things past in the light of the present.  I was thinking about the manipulation of the markets, and of the unfolding tragedy in Greece, and of the serial abuses of political power , enable by a remarkable harshness and willful ignorance which seems to be endemic to our times.

Earlier today in a short piece about the discouragement in the people I recalled a famous quote from William Gladstone, said during his efforts to extend suffrage to the working class people of Great Britain.   It was related to the long effort to achieve justice.  You may read it here. 

One may cite any number of other figures from different periods of time, who took the long hard fight with unfailing energy and good spirits.   More recently Gandhi and Martin Luther King come to mind.
I think that in his attempt to extend suffrage to the working, landless classes of Britain, Gladstone rightly assumed, or perhaps more properly believed, that the working poor of his day were educable, that no human being was without value, was useless. He is an interesting figure in a period of history that itself was interesting, with great figures who are too often forgotten now. 
How many educated people really know anything about an earlier figure from that century, William Wilberforce, who was a leading proponent in the long fight for the abolition of slavery? He provided an example and an inspiration for that same effort later in the US though an effort that was long and arduous.

The 19th century, in the wake of the post-Napoleonic victory, was a time of desperate differences and dichotomies in England, of the miserably poor and the incredibly rich, with London itself at the epitome of one of the world's greatest empires.  One encounters this sort of thing quite famously in Dickens, for example.  We marvel at the grandeur of empire, and forget to look at its foundations built on squalor and human misery.

I find that the times where certain key people notably consider the quality of human life, what it means to be human, to be often situated at pivotal moments in history.   The response to that question by a nation often plays an important role on the path that their society takes.
Justice is most often not an issue for a single person or a class of people per se. It is more often the manifestation of a more general disorder in thinking.   The same sort of thought process that sends the disabled to houses of death can propagate itself to the weak, the outcast, and the other. It is not a great leap once the threshold of inhumanity has been breached.
Injustice rarely travels alone.  It is always accompanied by a cohort of issues.  And therefore justice cannot be achieved in one matter, unless it has a more general place in the hearts of those who would pursue it.
So it would seem to be that those who ignore the manipulation of gold and silver, for example, might have a care that such abuse of power does not become so commonly accepted for the sake of expediency.  Because the abuse of one form of wealth by the state can quite easily be extended to any other holdings, whether they be pension, or savings, or even livelihoods.  As we saw so vividly in the past, the arguments that one form or wealth or person is unworthy is a malleable thing in the hands of the unscrupulous.
And further, those who fight for justice in the area of precious metals and other markets would do well to consider how hollow and uninspiring their fight might be, if they care only for those forms of justice that fill their pockets, but care little or even accept and promote other forms of injustice against other people and classes of property and human values.  Even the worst of the crooks will cry foul when they perceive an injustice done to themselves, and quite loudly as we have seen.
Justice in interconnected.  It is a well known platitude of course, but it is also a fact, that no man is an island, sufficient unto himself.   Our modern masters of the universe may fancy themselves to be exceptional, better than any in all of history, but like other they are standing not only on the shoulders of giants, but on the common base of all their fellows, of their own good will and pursuits of happiness.  
They make seek to distinguish and raise themselves up in their own minds and society by stigmatizing and stereotyping others as less worthy of justice and life.  But they may soon enough find themselves on the receiving end of that same sort of dehumanization at the hands of the more powerful.  History has proven this over and over again. 
As Edmund Burke famously observed,  'when bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.'
Or to more simply quote the Boss,  'no one wins unless everyone wins.'
Have a pleasant evening.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts

Stocks were on the weak side all day primarily due to geopolitical concerns regarding Europe.

So far this action can be taken as the usual wash and rinse within the longer term trend.

Let's see if that changes.

Have a pleasant evening.



NAV Premiums of Certain Precious Metal Trusts and Funds - Arc of Justice, Rising and Falling

The gold/silver price ratio remains extraordinarily high at 73.

NAV premiums are thin, which is a bit of a change from their more deeply negative trend.

In general, people with whom I speak seem discouraged, disheartened, tempted to hide in apathy and meaningless diversions. Those who promote reform see the monolith of a corrupted governance spoiled by big money that seems impenetrable.  Truth is hidden and whispered, with lies and deceptions abounding, spread by the megaphone of the mainstream media.

It can be discouraging indeed, to see the sense of duty and honour so poorly treated in this triumph of the age of greed.  There is a temptation to see ourselves at some low point, lower than those who have gone before us, and then to wallow in apathy and inaction, in a kind of a sick hopelessness that 'nothing can be done.'

But this is where a sense of history and of human nature can provide to us a great comfort and encouragement to continue on. Liberty and the hopes and aspirations of the common people are always rising and falling, as is the rise and fall of wickedness, and the darker powers of this world that at times would seem to block out the very light.  

And yet if we have read and understood what our fathers and mothers, and our grandfathers and grandmothers and those who went before them faced, it does not seem so terrible now, not at all.

There is only one real difference.  Now is our time to take up the reins of humanity, and stand and work and wait for the inevitability of the human spirit to rise once again, if we will only continue on in our struggle and endure with hope and faith in ourselves and a higher power that arcs, if slowly but faithfully, towards justice. 

And perhaps we might remind ourselves that we have not lost, we can have a personal victory that matters, if we can maintain the spark of love in our hearts.   And bear in mind that the struggle is never over in this world, but that our own struggle only will be over when we go to our final rest, and hand over the instruments of our warfare to those who come after. 

This is the nature of the world and of our humanity, always winning and losing, rising and falling.  At long last, the world will pass away, and does not matter.  Money is necessary, but it is not the end of the game.  Power will not sustain our soul when we are stripped naked. These worldly prizes are not winning, they are snares and traps.  Having riches will not 'enable you to do good.'  It would corrupt and condemn you to a life of graceless desperation.  What matters is how we have lived and loved, and what we bring with us when we finally face the last. 

But for now it is our time to take up the struggle, and to act to promote justice and to prevent the spread of oppression and deceit.  This is our calling.  People may ask, 'Look at the way things are.  If there is a God,  why doesn't He do something about it?'   And He did.  He sent us.

So despite these failings and misgivings, despite the short term triumphs of those who would use the body politic as their personal servant, and harness the moneys of the world as their new armies for plunder and colonization, we might, with some eye to history, take courage in the words of the great lights of history who shine across the ages for us like beacons.  As William Gladstone said in the fight for voting rights for the common people:
"You cannot fight against the future. Time is on our side. The great social forces which move onwards in their might and majesty, and with the tumult of our debates does not for a moment impede or disturb-- those great social forces are against you; they are marshaled on our side; and the banner which we now carry in this fight, though perhaps at some moments it may droop over our sinking heads, yet soon again will float in the eye of heaven, and will be borne by the firm hands of the united people of the three kingdoms, perhaps not to an easy, but to a certain and to a not distant victory."

William E Gladstone, Representation of the People Act Speech, 1866