07 April 2016

It's Always Something - No Updates Until Monday.

There will be no updates tonight or tomorrow.

My wife is having emergency surgery tomorrow. Since this condition was detected before any symptoms or damage from the swelling in her brain from a tumor had occurred we are glad for this, although today was distressing and unexpected, a bit of a shock really. A CAT scan detected this yesterday, and an MRI confirmed it today.

This is unusual for the type of colorectal cancer that she has. Typically it reoccurs in the abdomen, which it has done twice now in roughly the same place in the lungs. There were no other traces of it anywhere else. A biopsy will confirm whether this is the same thing or not.

She will be in intensive care until Sunday most likely. I will not be responding to individual emails very often.

Please remember us in your prayers, as we remember you.

'Silk Road' Gold Demand

The trend is obvious for anyone who has eyes to see it.

06 April 2016

Gold and Silver 'Owners Per Ounce' Stress and Leverage

Interesting that gold's 'owners per ounce' metric spiked almost shockingly, although it has subsided from there, but is still much higher than it has been for the past twenty years.

And now silver is spiking higher as you can see in the second chart below.

These are not indications of a hard default, as some have suggested.  Rather, when taken with other data from different sources it suggests that there is pressure on the 'free float of available bullion' for immediate delivery.

Rickards thinks that, at least in the case of gold, there is 100 to 1 leverage on this bullion.  And he may be right.

No wonder that the financial establishment is so off kilter and adverse about the demand for gold bullion and the price.  And it appears that silver, quiet little silver, is bubbling up behind the scenes as well.

These charts are from goldchartsrus.com.

Shanghai Gold and Silver Deliveries

These charts are from goldchartsrus.com.