26 May 2016

No Updates Tonight

Today is seeing doctors and removing stitches and other housekeeping things day.

See you tomorrow.

As a reminder this will be a three day holiday weekend in the States.

P.S.  Staples and stitches are all out, the prognosis is excellent, and her recovery has been rapid.   I had my first look at the MRIs before and after. The tumor was much larger than I had thought, somewhat less than a tennis ball in size but more than a golf ball. Yikes!

25 May 2016

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Option Expiration Completed

Just as Hillary Clinton represents what has gone wrong with our political system and its inability to reform itself, as least to me, so the Comex represents what has been bent and twisted out of shape in the trading markets.

If you trade precious metals on the Comex, you may as well mail your wallet to them with a note inviting them to take out whatever they wish, and mail you back the empty, if they would be so kind.

Silver has been a big 'tell' this week.   Silver is bit tight, mostly because there are no central bank stores available for ready manipulation, except of course the silver hoard at JPM perhaps as a proxy.

But the gold bullion supply in London and parts East is 'troubled.'  And that is a big difference.

Option expiration is complete.

Let's see how things go from here.

Have a pleasant evening.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Overreaching

A little more on the technical trade, and maybe something for the end of month.  But this current move in equities is just about exhausted, and should see a decent correction sometime in June.

Why?  Because they can.  

That is the way of the will to power.

Have a pleasant evening.

24 May 2016

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Pre-Options Expiration Posturing on the Comex

"Love does not make you weak, because it is the source of all strength, but it makes you see the nothingness of the illusory strength on which you depended before you knew it."

Léon Bloy

Let's see, oh yes, tomorrow is the option expiration for the active June gold contract on the Comex.  And the last two days gold has been pounded lower in Comex trading.   How unusual.

The pundits will point to the 'stronger dollar', and so I have included that chart here so one can see its very modest increase.

I could also look at the distribution of puts and calls for June, but why bother?  And I have been very busy today, doing ordinary things of much more consequence.

Most of what is being done by the neo-con leadership of the US these days in their attempts to rule the world, both financially and militarily, is less than an illusion but only a little more than dust.  In other words, a vanity.  Old as Babylon and evil as hell.

We deserve the leadership that we have, apparently.  And there is plenty more of that coming.

Let's see how the rest of the week goes.

Have a pleasant evening.