01 June 2016

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - The Lesser of Two Evils - Non Full time Payrolls

"The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing...

We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end."

George Orwell, 1984

There was another rather large set of gold deliveries on the Comex for the new June contract period yesterday.

Non-farm Payrolls (or should that be Non-full time Payrolls) on Friday.

There was intraday commentary titled Gold Cup and Handle Targets 1490 on a Breakout, With Silver Likely To New All Time Highs.

It would not surprise me if this entire election was as well scripted as a professional wrestling event. It certainly has most of the elements of one of those dramas. And the participants are of a comparable depth of character.

Hillary's brand amongst Democrats is that she deserves this election, that it is her turn.   And to independents  the pitch is that she represents the 'lesser of two evils.'

Or at least the less indictable.

That is certainly how one prefers to decide most things. Of these two selections of fish, which is less rotten?

Perhaps we should just have the salad instead.

When, when will we have had enough of this?

Have a pleasant evening.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Schools for Scandal - Collaborators par Excellence

“Tale-bearers are as bad as the tale-makers.”

Richard Brinsley Sheridan, The School for Scandal

"Life is a school of probability."

Walter Bagehot

And the Fed is one of the modern schools for scandal. Or at the least, an academy in service to their owners.  This seems to be the dernier cri of our professional class, a mark of status being whom you serve and how well.

Tale-bearers they may claim to be, just doing what needs be done, and at the behest of the powerful few.   They only serve the needs of the money men, and their fellow valets in the credentialed class of whatever needs to be said or done in service to the powerful status quo.

Insiders never speak ill of insiders, and so the public is held stagnant by their comfortably smug complacency.  And this is the heart of the problem, and the credibility trap.

However, their complicity in a long standing series of egregiously self-serving policy errors will be very hard to overlook and forgive when the tails of probability come lashing out again.

Have a pleasant evening

Gold Cup and Handle Targets 1490 On a Breakout, With New All Time Highs Likely In Silver

A reader, David B, has suggested that I remind you all of the big cup and handle of 2010, with its subsequent breakout run higher in 2011.   The bottom of the first big retracement was on the August 2010 gold option expiration on the Comex.

I admit that being preoccupied with other things, and not wanting to get ahead of ourselves,   I have merely been plugging in prices for you, and not discussing the progress of the cup and handle.  Since I have had several emails about this, I thought a brief discussion now might be worthwhile.

First as a reminder, here is the cup and handle of today.  The target on a breakout is 1490.  I have included that notation, admittedly in the 'small print' for many months.

I will fill more things in, such as initial targets and retracements, once the formation is activated and confirms its viability with a breakout.  The fundamental driver could be a break in the free gold float in London and a short squeeze in search of physical supply, and a deleveraging of 'paper gold.'

In the very last chart I show how silver broke through 19 and ran to break above 40 in the same time period.  If we get a breakout in the weekly cup and handle in silver that is working itself out on the charts I think a new all time high is in the cards.

Let us not get ahead of ourselves.  The price must breakout over the topmost slanted trendline in green in order to be activated.  Thinking about what may or may not happen next sets us up for a disappointment and does not lend itself to 'get right and sit tight.'

So far I have not been particularly surprised by anything that has happened.  If you refresh your memory about the prior cup and handle you will see why.

Patience is our ally, and time is on our side. Change is coming, slowly but surely, and at the end, all in a rush.

And we'll always have rock n' roll, moondogs.

Below is a chart of that prior cup and handle from the year 2010 which initially targeted 1375 and then 1455.

And below that is a picture of its fulfillment early in the year 2011.

But we'll always have rock n' roll.

Speaking of being preoccupied with other things, I will be spending most of the afternoon at hospital with herself, getting her sorted out and prepared for the next steps, so there may be no updates tonight.

31 May 2016

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - June Gold Deliveries Top 350,000 Ounces On First Day

"Listening to the leading figures of the Democratic party establishment, however, you’d never know it. Cool contentment is the governing emotion in these circles. What they have in mind for 2016 is what we might call a campaign of militant complacency. They are dissociated from the mood of the nation, and they do not care...

That they seem to want to do all these things anyway tells us everything we need to know about who they really are: a party of the high-achieving professional class that is always looking for a way to dismiss the economic concerns of ordinary people."

Thomas Frank

A lot of those golden tickets that Nova Scotia had been accumulating during May were put up for June delivery, and the biggest taker was the house account at JPM.

The amount of gold in the Hong Kong Comex warehouses has been decimated, back down now below a million ounces.

I think we may be in for an interesting June in the precious metals markets.  Do not count silver out of this, even though gold may be getting the headlines.

Many of the elite and their financial instruments that inhabit the New York-London financial sector are wearing the 'Emperor's new clothes.'     And the Fed is their tailor and valet.

Robert Reich made an impassioned plea for the Democratic Party to make nice, and go along with Hillary as their standard bearer when she is inevitably chosen as their candidate.

How can anyone be so tone deaf for what is really going on?  This is not just a disagreement about personalities, about politics as usual, about the power factions amongst the political insiders.

This is a sea-change, and on a massive scale.  And the 'establishment' from both parties just does not get it.  And it is going to roll right over them.

Thomas Frank, as a relative outsider, has a better feel for the situation than almost anyone that I have read.

Have a pleasant evening.

Related: 47% of Americans Are Considering Third Party Options