06 June 2016

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Hypocrites' Oath

Stocks were drifting in a relatively lackluster day.

For the first weeks in June it seems more like the dog days of Summer already.

It was very interesting to hear US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew lecturing China about what they ought to do with their economy.   It was like listening to the king of the bar flies lecturing the people about the virtues of sobriety from his favorite corner stool.

There has been no recovery.

Tomorrow is a Super Tuesday in the Democratic primaries.

Have a pleasant evening.

NAV Premiums of Certain Precious Metal Trusts and Funds

Rather high ratio of gold/silver.

Interesting that the Sprott Gold Trust is holding a better premium than Sprott Silver.

Another Huge Delivery Day For Gold - Over 1,176,000 Ounces Delivered for June

There was another big delivery day for the June Comex Gold Contract on Friday.

HSBC was the big 'seller' from its house account, as the big stopper for the gold bullion was the house account and mystery customer(s) at JPM.

This type of delivery volume is a very big change from more recent history in New York, and reminds one of the bigger volume days of 2006 and the years following into the crisis period.

What do I make of this?

Speculatively, any number of things, including increasing pressures on physical supply around the London free gold float, despite the re-repatriation of the gold bullion of the people of Venezuela.

But this sudden burst of activity on the predominantly paper Comex is a change of what has been customary, something different.  I might be even more impressed if there was gold actually leaving the Comex warehouses, although given the times it may leave there through a proliferation of claims, and not ever physically leave the vault.

04 June 2016

Gold Charts R' Us - Free For All

Nick Laird is in the process of moving his charts site to a new host.

And while he does this, the subscription mechanism is 'turned off' so you may look at any of his 1000's of charts and data for free.

Gold Charts R' Us
