25 October 2018

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - FANGS Bite the Big One After Hours

The spokesmodels, cheerleaders, and stock pimps were all smiles today as the equity indices were bouncing back hard.

But alas, after the bell both Amazon and Alphabet, the behemoth formerly known as Google, shit the bed on their financial results, and the futures headed south with a vengeance.

Gold and silver were off a bit in honor of the Comex expiration today, and a stronger dollar.

There was intraday commentary that attempted to put the migrant caravan boogeyman into some sort of perspective.   I have done so previously with the nonsense that is Russiagate.  Actually I believe I did that on day two because it was such obvious puff and stuff.

Not that anyone will bother posting something like the facts about 'the caravan' to Facebook, or sending it in an email to their poor long-suffering kids.   We're too busy repeating outlandish nonsense like most of the stuff that shows up on certain click intensive sites that traffic in sensational rubbish.

And the jokers who runs stories and fear pieces about 'the caravan' know exactly what they are doing.  They do not believe that rubbish they are spouting.    They are brazen liars and snakes. 

Think about that.    By their fruits you will know them.   What other poisons are they using to infect your minds with hate and fear, and twist and harden your hearts?

There is no love in them.  Except for the darker powers of this world.

We will be getting the Advance GDP numbers for Q3 tomorrow morning.

Have a pleasant evening.

Dreaded Migrant Caravan - The Mobile 'Reichstag Fire' - Be Very Afraid

"Thousands of Honduran migrants hoping to reach the U.S. stretched out on rain-soaked sidewalks, benches and public plazas in the southern Mexico city of Tapachula, worn down by another day's march under a blazing sun.

The caravan’s numbers have continued to grow as they walk and hitch rides through hot and humid weather, and the United Nations estimated that it currently comprises some 7,200 people, “many of whom intend to continue the march north.”

However, they were still at least 1,140 miles (1,830 kilometers) from the nearest border crossing — McAllen, Texas — and the length of their journey could more than double if they go to Tijuana-San Diego, the destination of another caravan earlier this year. That one shrank significantly as it moved through Mexico, and only a tiny fraction — about 200 of the 1,200 in the group — reached the California border.

Some have questioned the timing so close to the vote and whether some political force was behind it, though by all appearances it began as a group of about 160 who decided to band together in Honduras for protection and snowballed as they moved north.

“No one is capable of organizing this many people,” Mujica said, adding that "there are only two forces driving them: hunger and death.”

Associated Press, October 23, 2018

These poor families are only over a thousand miles away, walking on foot, trying to escape the brutal oppression of a government we help to sustain in Honduras.

And they are coming for your freedom. And maybe to meddle in our elections.  See the usual clickbait and tinpot internet sites for details on this looming menace.

Be afraid.  Be very afraid.

Seriously, if they can make it to Texas in the next couple of weeks, over a thousand miles on foot at the most direct and punishing route, I say let them in.

They may be good prospects for our Olympic teams.  Especially the women and children.

And we could use some resourceful and self-reliant people, because we are obviously becoming a bunch of hysterical nincompoops who will believe just about anything.  And the bigger and more fearful and hate-filled the lie the better we like it.

24 October 2018

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Reasoning With Madness - Love Does Not Reside in Hatred and Fear

"I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, to be wary of those who sow divisions among you, and undermine the faithfulness of the people with controversies concerning the teachings that you have received.  Avoid them, for these people do not serve the Lord, but their own passions and objectives.  By their lying tongues and smooth flattering they deceive the naive and the unsuspecting."

Romans 16:17-18

"Avoid foolish controversies, and detailed analysis and pedigrees, and arguments and quarrels about our teachings, because they are unprofitable and useless.  Warn a divisive person once, and then a second time.  After that, have nothing to do with them.  You may be sure that these people are disturbed and sinful; by their actions they condemn themselves."

Titus 3:9-11

"This kind of person finds fault, complains constantly and sows discontent to promote their own desires and preferences. If you listen they are arrogant, and they use flatteries to gain advantages. Remember the predictions of His apostles, that in the last age there will be scoffers driven by their own desires, creating divisions and controversies, Worldly, and devoid of the Spirit, which is love."

Jude 1:16-19

"Why can't you understand what I [the Lord] am saying?  It is because you will to not even hear me.  You belong to your father, the devil, the divider.  And your will is to carry out your father's desires. He has been a destroyer of what is human since the beginning of time, and has never stood for what is true— there is no truth in him.   When he lies, he is doing what is natural for him.  He is a liar, and the father of lies."

John 8:43-44

How can one possibly discover what is true, know what is good?   The time of lies is upon us, and the liars are skillful and deceptive, and persistent.  But this is how it has always been in this fallen world.

Listen to the words, watch closely the actions, and most importantly look for the substance of them, the message that they contain beneath the words, the tone of it.

Do they urge you to anger?  Do they exaggerate and misrepresent, do they appeal to fear and alarm? Do they flatter your ego, and represent themselves as a higher knowledge, a purer observance, a protection of the mere ornaments of the faith, the observances and rituals, but not the substance? Do they judge others, and harshly, even on the smallest of details and matters of taste?  Do they seek to undermine and destroy your faithfulness, in order to preserve it?

This is how they distract and pervert what is good. Outwardly they are all beauty and high faith and perfect observance, a shining example of preservation, but inside they are all willfulness and hatred and division.

Is their message one of love, of the two greatest commandments to love God and your undeserving neighbor as yourself for the sake of the Lord, which is something no evil thing can counterfeit? Do they put forward unacceptable, hateful means and attitudes that destroy in defense of what is good?

False flags abounding— from the walking Reichstag fire, about a thousand miles from the nearest border, and a phantom tax cut made up out of thin air, to assaults on our democracy from phony Russian 'meddling'.

And now for the first course in what may very well prove to be a grand banquet of consequences.

The decline in the equity markets was very real today, although there was a distinct lack of tangible fear amongst the wiseguys.   Although the professional cheerleaders and spokesmodels were uncharacteristically at a loss for words and rationalizations, being suitably confused by the selling—   homina homina homina...

We will likely see some bouncing around since we are still in monetary la la land.   But the handwriting is clearly on the wall.

I mean I even labeled these 'blow off tops' pretty much in near real time.  I added a 'ding ding ding' to the big cap tech chart in case you missed the hint.  Sometimes they do ring a bell, right?

Gold was only up slightly and silver was flat.  The Dollar gained in a 'flight to safety.'

Why didn't gold and silver gain more?  Well, silver is really not a safe haven since it has a large industrial component, remember?  It will 'follow' gold in troubled times.

And as for gold, tomorrow is an option expiration for the November contracts in the Comex casino, remember that?

There may be some bright moments ahead. There always are.

But things are probably going to get worse, and maybe a lot worse if we continue to be stiff-necked, easily manipulated, and refuse to reform.  History does not hold out much hope if we do not.

I just wish there were not so many innocents in the blast radius of this madness.

Learn to pray, and live simply. And count your blessings.

Have a pleasant evening.

23 October 2018

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Malignant Self Love of the Plutocrats - PPT Puts On the Afterburners

Signorelli, Sermon and Deeds of the Antichrist
“'Respect for government, respect for the Supreme Court, respect for the president, it’s all gone,' he said. 'Even respect for the Federal Reserve.' (lol That ship sailed long ago)

The Volcker Rule, which was part of the Dodd-Frank regulatory legislation, is being chipped away at by Republicans, which doesn’t sit well with him. 'There is no force on earth that can stand up effectively, year after year, against the thousands of individuals and hundreds of millions of dollars in the Washington swamp aimed at influencing the legislative and electoral process.'

'The central issue is we’re developing into a plutocracy,' he told me. 'We’ve got an enormous number of enormously rich people that have convinced themselves that they’re rich because they’re smart and constructive. And they don’t like government, and they don’t like to pay taxes.'

He wondered how many lectures and presentations he had sat through with economists 'telling us open markets are wonderful, everybody benefits from open markets.' Eventually, Mr. Volcker said, someone in those lectures would always ask, 'What about that poor manufacturer in my town? But that concern was dismissed too easily, with talk of worker retraining or some other solution far easier said than done.'"

Andrew Ross Sorkin, Paul Volcker, at 91, Sees ‘a Hell of a Mess in Every Direction’

"Often the narcissist believes that other people are 'faking it', leveraging emotional displays to achieve a goal.  He is convinced that their ostensible 'feelings' are grounded in ulterior, non-emotional motives.  Faced with other people's genuine emotions, the narcissist becomes suspicious and embarrassed.  He feels compelled to avoid emotion-tinged situations, or worse, experiences surges of almost uncontrollable aggression in the presence of expressed [genuine] sentiments.

Narcissists like being feared. It imbues them with an intoxicating sensation of omnipotence. Narcissists damage and hurt but they do so offhandedly and naturally, as an afterthought.  They are aware of what they are doing to others — but they do not care.”

Sam Vaknin, Malignant Self-Love

Stocks were weak overnight, dropping on both the Asian and the European openings.

But they were reeling on the open of the US futures markets, led even lower by the results from real economy stocks like CAT, who are not doing all that well, and are symptomatic of global slowing.

Gold got a strong safe haven bid, rallying up above 1240.  But that gain gave up ground as the day wore on, finishing off around the $1230 level.  Silver is following. 

As a reminder there will be a Comex gold option expiration on Thursday the 25th.

Need little, want less, and love more.  For those who stand firm until the end will be saved.

Have a pleasant evening.